HomeWHENWhen The Stars Align Chapter 1

When The Stars Align Chapter 1

A/N : I’ve decided to start another fanfiction.. Not too certain how this will be, not too sure if my readers will like this either /: But anyway, I’ve just decided to do this. Hope you you guys will like it I’ll be starting work soon Yay! 5 more months till I’m starting my College Year 1, hmm. ENJOY


Chapter One

Jessica has always wanted to find somebody that will love her fully, with one condition that Jessica herself wouldn’t have to change for them. But changing yourself just so somebody can love you is almost ridiculous to Jessica.

** Tiffany was in the theatre for her World History lesson as usual.

Bored, she began to doodle on her notes. Not that Tiffany was extremely smart, but she was a fast learner. But after doodling for 5 minutes, she realized she had to pay attention. There’s no time for her to be complacent, after all her family wanted her to attend a university just so she can take over her Mum’s company, and if she did flunk her examinations, it’d be a wasted opportunity and she’ll be letting her family down.

Ain’t gonna be a day dreamer anymore, Tiffany thought. The theatre door flunk open and all the eyes suddenly assembled at the girl- that blonde girl who is in front of the door now.

‘Sorry, I’m late. Please continue your lesson, professor,’ the girl bowed and apologized. ‘Please take a seat,’ the professor smiled and continued.

That was unusual, Tiffany thought. There was once she was late, she apologized yet she was reprimanded by the same professor. ‘That’s unfair,’ Tiffany mumbled, not knowing that the whole theatre was really quiet. ‘I beg your pardon?’ the professor raised an eyebrow at Tiffany. ‘Oh, what I meant was that Trotsky is a poor thing because he was a true communist according to communist rule. But Stalin wasn’t a true communist yet he got all the support from the Russians.’ Tiffany looked up, trying her best to impress the professor. But in actual fact, she was unhappy about how bias her professor was. ‘True, anyone wants to retort back? Our History debating lesson is about to begin,’ the Professor gave Tiffany grin. He seems impressed though.

‘The World isn’t fair from the start,’ the same voice, the same blonde spoke. The students begin to look at Tiffany, or maybe it was just Tiffany’s own imagination.

‘I was just saying. Don’t have to get all out to retort, yeah?’ Tiffany replied defensively.

‘I wasn’t being defensive though. I was just stating the fact,’ the latter replied, her eyes as cold as ice yet with a mixture of sadness in it.

Tiffany wondered if the blonde had been hurt by someone before. But even if she’d been, it doesn’t give the blonde the right to argue back with such a mocking tone.

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‘Ahem,’ the professor cleared his throat, ‘What Tiffany said was true, Trotsky follows the rule of Communist. But the one who follows the rule does not mean that he might be popular amongst his people. Besides, his policy of World Revolution doesn’t appeal to his people. But Stalin’s did.’

Tiffany nodded while the blonde just looked over to Tiffany and gave a shrug.

Their History class ended just in time. Tiffany gathered all her pens into her pencil case slowly as her tutorial classmates rushed out for their next lesson. Now the whole theatre was only left with Tiffany and the blonde.

Tiffany could still remember the eyes of the girl, hurt and sad. She could not understand why a girl, almost the same age as her (she guessed it), looked so vulnerable and almost tired of the World.

Intrigued, she watched the blonde tapping her pen on her chin, listening to her iPod as she figured how to do her homework.

It could by their History tutorial though. Tiffany watched the blonde writing on the paper, pausing occasionally before she continued.

The sudden vibration of Tiffany’s phone caused her to jump a little. Her phone vibrated vigorously, nearing to the edge of the table nearly hopping to the ground before Tiffany caught it on time.

‘Hello, this is Hwang,’ Tiffany greeted the caller.

‘Yes, Hwang. Miss Landlord here,’ the caller over the line greeted Tiffany cheekily.

‘Oh SooYoung,’ Tiffany giggled, ‘What’s up?’

‘I’m here to inform you that a new tenant will be sharing your, no correction, my flat, with you. Get your things packed nicely, if not you’ll disgust the new tenant,’ SooYoung laughed.

‘New tenant? Pretty interesting though. Oh come on! My things are always nicely packed!’ Tiffany spoke as she was observing the blonde.

‘Very funny. She should be moving in soon. Maybe in a couple of days,’ the latter continued.

‘It’s a she?’ Tiffany could feel her eyes popping out.

‘Yes, it’s a female and a little girl if I’m not wrong. Okay look, I’m busy. Just remember to get your stuff packed before they move in okay. Take care and love you, hwang,’ SooYoung ended the call.

‘And a little gi-‘ Tiffany’s jaw’s dropped open.

‘Oh my gosh, this Choi is so rude. Who taught her to end the call out of sudden?’ Tiffany grunted.

Tiffany looked around the theatre but she was only left with herself.

Where did the blonde go?


Tiffany slipped her bag off onto the ground, lazily fling her shoe off as she entered the flat. Staring at the study table, she ruffled her own hair.

How am I gonna pack all these mess?

Regardless of how messy her rented flat is, she has to get it packed. Looking at the stacks of paper being scattered across the whole of her study table, she slowly packed her papers with binder clips and began punching holes on the side of the papers, filing it neatly into her ring files.

‘It must have been ages since I last packed my own books,’ Tiffany mumbled to herself.

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Now that she’d done packing her books and files, Tiffany began sweeping and mopping the floor.

She wiped her sweat on her forehead with the back of her hang as she continued doing her chore. But Tiffany didn’t mind. She was really curious about whom her new tenant is going to be, how old she is and if her tenant is married. The thought of having a child running around in the house made Tiffany giggled yet shivered at the same time.

She wasn’t particularly afraid of children, their laughter make her laugh but she was afraid of them crying and making a fuss out of everything. Tiffany had imagined children pouring ketchup on the floor just because they are upset or wasn’t feeling good, though Tiffany will never allow her child to do these things to her, unless the ketchup is pink in colour.

Punching the numbers on her keyboard, she pressed the phone to her ear, waiting patiently for the call to be picked up.

‘Hello, Mrs Jayley Hwang speaking,’ the line was picked up with a same, monotonous tone.

‘Mummy!’ Tiffany exclaimed.

‘Tiffany? Aww my sweetie pie!’ Mrs Hwang smiled into the air as she heard her daughter greeting her excitedly.

‘I packed my books and files today! And I cleaned the whole flat!’ Tiffany’s voice was a few octaves higher than usual.

‘That is so rare, my dearest girl. Is somebody moving in?’ she inquired.

‘It’s a they. I think the new tenant has a daughter!’ Tiffany giggled.

‘’Oh really? But honey, aren’t you afraid of children?’’

“Could get used to them though. I’m really excited to have this new tenant into my flat. Y’know how lonely I have been alone here in this ‘rented’ flat.” The flat that Tiffany is currently staying in wasn’t a rented flat, it is one of her mother’s company’s properties but Tiffany didn’t want to be labeled as a rich kid. So she suggested to her mother that she could probably act as a tenant and rent the flat from SooYoung, which is the in-charge of this whole block of flat.

‘Yes, I know, love. I’ll get back to you later okay? Mummy’s currently busy,’ Mrs Hwang replied apologetically.

‘It’s fine, Mummy. I know you’re busy. Call me whenever you’re free. Goodbye, love you,’ Tiffany smiled.

‘Goodbye honey. Do a selfie with your tenant when she’s moved in okay!’ Mrs Hwang suggested playfully.

‘Oh Mummy, she has to be willing to do that before I can do so! Go get busy, Mum!’ Tiffany rushed.

‘Alright, love you, girl. Take care,’ Mrs Hwang said before she ended the call.

‘I’m done packing!’ Tiffany patted herself on her own back before she opened a bag of chips and began flickering through the channels on the television.

Unable to focus, she fished out her cell phone and sent a text to SooYoung.

What’s the new tenant’s name?

Dunno. J something something.


Jessica placed her shoes neatly by the side of the door before she entered her house. Her house was quiet, no signs of any movement.

I presume she’s asleep, Jessica smiled softly.

She then placed her bag on one of the dining chairs, before she entered the kitchen, seeing some dishes in the basin. She did her usual dishwashing before she entered the room.

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She opened the door gently before she was greeted with a girl, standing near the door, looking up at her with a broad smile spread across her own face.

‘Mummy J, you’re back,’ the girl smiled even wider.

‘Yes my baby. How was school today?’ Jessica bent down and hugged the girl.

‘School was fine, did some algebra and reading. Mummy, you stink. Have you not bathed yet?’ the girl inquired.

‘No, Tegan, not yet. You left a pile of dishes for me to wash before I have the time to check on you,’ Jessica ruffled the girl’s hair.

‘I was packing my luggage,’ Tegan grinned as she pointed towards her soft, violet luggage.

‘Hmm,’ Jessica checked the contents of Tegan’s luggage,’ pretty good. You know how to pack neatly already.’

‘Of course! Mummy, please bathe now,’ Tegan pinched her own nose, signaling to Jessica that she stinks.

‘Okay baby. Just make sure you don’t open the door even if someone threatens to burn it down,’ Jessica bent down to meet Tegan at her eyelevel before she giggled.

‘Oh Mummy, don’t be dramatic. Please,’ the latter pointed towards the bathroom.

Tegan was already sitting on the chair of the dining table, drawing on her drawing paper when Jessica was done showering. Jessica went closer and saw what Tegan was drawing; there was a sun at the top right corner of the paper, a blonde, whom Jessica presume is herself and a young girl holding her hand, which is Tegan. There was a small envelope next to it.

‘This,’ Tegan pointed at the envelope and turned to look at Jessica, ‘this is what was left behind before Mummy Kat left right?’

‘Yes,’ Jessica nodded as she pulled a chair for herself.

Tegan nodded softly, eyes still focusing on the paper.

‘Do you miss my Mummy?’ Tegan asked softly.

‘Yes. Of course I do,’ Jessica smiled lightly, afraid that any other words that escaped out of might injure the fragile Tegan in front of her.

‘I do too. But she didn’t want me, did she?’ Tegan looked up, eyes filling.

‘She had her reasons, love. Just remember that she wants you, okay? She loves you more than Mummy J loves you,’ Jessica pulled Tegan closer for a hug.

‘Really?’ Tegan looked up at Jessica,’ But Mummy J, you said you love me the most out of the whole universe.’

‘Your Mummy loves you more than anyone else loves you in the world,’ Jessica patted the girl’s head.

‘It’s okay, I’ll just love Mummy J most. Mummy Kat has probably forgotten about me long ago,’ Tegan twirled a lock of Jessica’s hair, still in her arms.

‘Tegan,’ Jessica held the latter’s face, ‘Someday Katherine is coming back to get you back, you’ll have to go back to her. You’re only entitled to ten years with me, baby.’

‘Why?’ the seven year-old asked.

“Because it’s a promise between the both of us.”

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