HomeWHICHWhich Of The Following Are Accountabilities In The Scrum Framework

Which Of The Following Are Accountabilities In The Scrum Framework

What are Accountabilities in Scrum?

Accountabilities are specific responsibilities held by the Scrum Team that are essential to the Scrum framework and contribute to the successful delivery of the project.

Who is Accountable on the Scrum Team?

Scrum consists of three roles:

  1. Scrum Master
  2. Product Owner
  3. Development Team

The Scrum Master is accountable for facilitating the Scrum process and ensuring that the team adheres to the Scrum framework. The Product Owner is accountable for defining and prioritizing the product backlog, which contains a prioritized list of features, enhancements, and bug fixes. The Dev Team is accountable for delivering a potentially shippable product increment at the end of each sprint, which is a time-boxed period of one to four weeks.

List of Scrum Framework Accountabilities


Product Backlog Management

Sprint Planning

Daily Scrum

Sprint Review

Sprint Retrospective

Explanations of the Scrum Framework Accountabilities

Product Backlog Management

The first accountability in the Scrum methodology is Product Backlog Management. This responsibility falls under the Product Owner role. The Product Owner is accountable for managing the product backlog, which involves creating, prioritizing, and refining the list of features and user stories that make up the project scope.

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Product Backlog Management is crucial in ensuring that the team works on the most important features and delivers value to the customer. By constantly refining the product backlog, the Product Owner ensures that the team always has a clear understanding of what needs to be done next and why.

Sprint Planning

The second accountability in the Scrum methodology is Sprint Planning. This responsibility falls under the entire Scrum Team, but the Product Owner is accountable for ensuring that the sprint goal is clearly defined and communicated to the Development Team.

Sprint Planning involves the team coming together to plan the work for the upcoming sprint. During this meeting, the team discusses the items in the product backlog and selects the ones that they will work on during the sprint. They also create a plan for how they will accomplish the work and establish a sprint goal.

Daily Scrum

The third accountability in the Scrum methodology is the Daily Scrum. This responsibility falls under the entire Scrum Team, but the Development Team is accountable for leading the meeting.

The Daily Scrum is a brief meeting that happens every day during the sprint. During this meeting, the team members share updates on what they accomplished since the last meeting, what they plan to work on next, and any obstacles or blockers they are facing. The Daily Scrum is a key component of the Scrum methodology, as it helps to keep the team aligned and focused on the sprint goal.

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Sprint Review

The fourth accountability in the Scrum methodology is Sprint Review. This responsibility falls under the entire Scrum Team, but the Product Owner is accountable for ensuring that the stakeholders are invited and that the team presents a working increment of the product.

Sprint Review is a meeting that happens at the end of each sprint. During this meeting, the team presents the work they accomplished during the sprint and solicits feedback from the stakeholders. The goal of the Sprint Review is to ensure that the team is delivering value to the customer and that the product is progressing in the right direction.

Sprint Retrospective

The fifth accountability in the Scrum methodology is Sprint Retrospective. This responsibility falls under the entire Scrum Team, but the Scrum Master is accountable for facilitating the meeting.

Sprint Retrospective is a meeting that happens at the end of each sprint. During this meeting, the team reflects on the sprint and identifies what went well, what didn’t go well, and what they can improve in the future. The goal of the Sprint Retrospective is to continuously improve the team’s process and performance.

Scrum Methodology Non-Accountabilities

List of Non-Accountable Components in Scrum

Technical Practices

Team Composition

Time Estimation

Project Management Tools

Explanations of the Scrum Framework Non-Accountabilities

Technical Practices

One component of the Scrum methodology that is not an accountability is technical practices. Technical practices, such as test-driven development, continuous integration, and automated testing, are not specific to the Scrum framework. While they can be beneficial for software development, they are not directly related to the project management aspect of Scrum.

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Team Composition

Another component of the Scrum methodology that is not an accountability is team composition. While Scrum defines three roles, there is no set rule for how many people should be on a Scrum team or what specific skills they should have. The Scrum framework is designed to be flexible and adaptable to different team sizes and compositions.

Time Estimation

A third component of the Scrum methodology that is not an accountability is time estimation. While Scrum defines time-boxed sprints, it does not dictate how long each sprint should be or how much time should be spent on individual tasks. The team is responsible for estimating the amount of work they can accomplish during each sprint and adjusting their estimates as they gain more experience and feedback.

Project Management Tools

The final component of the Scrum methodology that is not an accountability is project management tools. While Scrum recommends the use of specific tools, such as a product backlog, sprint backlog, and burndown chart, it does not mandate their use. The team is free to use any tools or methods that work best for them and their project.


The Scrum methodology is an Agile framework for project management that emphasizes collaboration, feedback, and iteration. It consists of five accountabilities: Product Backlog Management, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective. These accountabilities are essential for ensuring that the team delivers value to the customer and continuously improves their process and performance.

In addition to the accountabilities, there are also non-accountabilities in the Scrum methodology. Technical practices, team composition, time estimation, and project management tools are all important components of software development, but they are not specific to the Scrum framework.

By understanding the different components of the Scrum methodology and their accountabilities, software development teams can effectively implement Scrum and benefit from its flexibility and efficiency.


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