HomeWHICHWhich Incident Type Do These Characteristics

Which Incident Type Do These Characteristics

The FEMA IS-200.C: Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response is a comprehensive training course designed for individuals aiming for leadership roles in emergencies involved with emergency planning, response, or recovery.

If you are preparing for the FEMA IS-200.C exam, we’ve compiled short answers to 34 common IS-200.C questions to help you ace that test. To ensure accuracy, we sourced our answers directly from official FEMA course materials and added our explanations for better understanding. Whether you’re studying, revising, or in the middle of the open-book ICS 200 exam, our guide is here to assist.

What are common FEMA IS-200.C (ICS 200) Test Questions?

We have collected and answered the 34 most common FEMA IS-100.C test questions people ask online:

  1. Which NIMS management characteristic includes developing and issuing assignments, plans, procedures, and protocols to accomplish tasks?
  2. Which incident type requires regional or national resources, all command and general staff positions are activated, branches are activated, personnel may exceed 500 per operational period, and a disaster declaration may occur?
  3. Which incident type requires regional or national resources with up to 200 personnel per operational period?
  4. Which major NIMS component describes systems and methods that help to ensure that incident personnel and other decision makers have the means and information they need to make and communicate decisions?
  5. Which command staff member approves the incident action plan and all requests pertaining to the ordering and releasing of incident resources?
  6. Which statement correctly describes how to manage span of control using the modular concept?
  7. Which General Staff member directs management of all incident-related operational activities to achieve the incident objectives?
  8. Which ICS supervisory position title is used at the division/group organizational level?
  9. Which NIMS management characteristic helps to eliminate confusion caused by multiple, conflicting directives?
  10. Which items are not typically included in the transfer of command briefing?
  11. Which incident type do these characteristics describe: some or all of the command and general staff are activated as well as division or group supervisor and/or unit leader positions, the incident extends into multiple operational periods, and a written IAP is required?
  12. Which factor does not impact the complexity of an incident?
  13. Which type of briefing is delivered to individual resources or crews who are assigned to operational tasks and/or work at or near the incident site?
  14. When the supervisor-to-subordinate ratio exceeds manageable span of control, additional teams, divisions, groups, branches, or sections can be established. Which NIMS management characteristic does this describe?
  15. When a more qualified person arrives on scene, which statement best describes what happens?
  16. When command is transferred, then all personnel involved in the incident should be told what?
  17. Which of these is not a tool that you would need at the incident?
  18. When an incident expands ________________________________.
  19. An Incident Commander’s scope of authority comes from the Incident Action Plan? True or False.
  20. Which of the these best describes the Operational Period Briefing?
  21. Operational Period Brief is generally facilitated by who?
  22. To ensure a smooth transfer, the outgoing Incident Commander should provide a ___________ to the new Incident Commander.
  23. An Incident Commander’s scope of authority is derived from existing laws, agency policies, and/or ______.
  24. Should all the involved personnel be informed when a command is transferred?
  25. Which Command Staff member approves the Incident Action Plan and all requests pertaining to incident resource ordering and releasing?
  26. Mutual Aid Agreements ________________________________.
  27. ICS Form 201 is not suitable for use as an initial Incident Action Plan (IAP). True or False?
  28. Using specific position titles in ICS helps to describe the responsibilities of the position? True or False.
  29. An important feature of Emergency Operation Plans is that they ________________________________.
  30. An Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) from the affected jurisdiction is considered an ICS Tool. True or False?
  31. NIMS provides a consistent framework for incident management at all jurisdictional levels regardless of the cause, size, or complexity of the incident. True or False?
  32. Which of the following demonstrates a leader’s commitment to duty?
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What should you know about the FEMA IS-200.C course?

The FEMA IS-200.C course (also known as ICS 200) was launched on March 11, 2019, and developed by the Emergency Management Institute (EMI) in collaboration with the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG), the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Fire Administration’s National Fire Programs Branch, and the United States Coast Guard. While its primary application is on-ground incident management, it’s also relevant for the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).

The ICS 200 is a 4-hour course in English and Spanish and offers 0.4 Continuing Education Units (CEUs). To enroll in this course, participants must have completed IS-100.C as an introduction to the Incident Command System.

The FEMA IS-200.C course is ideal for professionals like fire department supervisors, police sergeants, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Supervisors, or Public Health Officials.

Source: https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-200.c&lang=en

What is the objective of the FEMA IS-200.C course?

According to the official FEMA website, the objective of the FEMA IS-200.C is that participants should be able to describe how the NIMS Management Characteristics relate to Incident Command and Unified Command, identify ICS organizational components, the Command Staff, the General Staff, and ICS tools, and use ICS to manage an incident or event.

How is the FEMA IS-200.C structured?

The IS-200.C course is divided into the following nine units:

  • Course Overview
  • Incident Command and Unified Command
  • Delegation of Authority & Management by Objectives
  • Functional Areas and Positions
  • Incident Briefings and Meetings
  • Organizational Flexibility
  • Transfer of Command
  • Application Activity
  • Course Summary
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What should I know about the FEMA IS-200.C final exam?

The FEMA IS-200.C test is an open book that lets you use your course notes while taking it! You’ll get 25 different multiple-choice questions every time you take it. To pass the ICS 200 exam, you need to reach at least a score of 75%, which means to get at least 19 answers right. You can retake the IS-200.C exam without any limitations if you fail.

You can find study material for the FEMA IS-200.C final exam on the FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI) website.

What other FEMA courses should I take after passing the IS-200.C exam?

After completing the IS-200.C exam, consider advancing with the following FEMA courses:

  1. IS-300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents
  2. IS-400: Advanced ICS
  3. IS-700: An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
  4. IS-800: National Response Framework, An Introduction
  5. IS-230.d: Fundamentals of Emergency Management

Source: https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-200.c&lang=en

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