HomeWHOHow To See Who's In Your Class On Canvas

How To See Who’s In Your Class On Canvas

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How to Use the People Page

The People page, found in your Course Navigation Menu shows all the users enrolled in your course. At Pitt, all students, instructors and teaching assistants who are enrolled in a course via PeopleSoft are automatically enrolled into the corresponding course in Canvas. Likewise, when enrollments in a course are changed via PeopleSoft (either through the reassignment of instructors or students dropping the course), the users are removed from the corresponding course in Canvas.

Tip: Do you teach multiple sections of the same course or is your course listed in the catalogue with multiple subject areas? Consider cross-listing your course sections in Canvas.

Adding People to Your Course

Course Teachers in Canvas are also able to manually enroll users into their courses, as long as the person they want to enroll has a current Pitt user ID. No users without a Pitt ID may be added to a course in Canvas.

  1. Click the People link in your Course Navigation Menu.
  2. Click the +People button on the People page.
  3. Type in the Pitt email address of the person you want to add. (Alternatively you may use their login ID, which is their Pitt email address minus @pitt.edu.) Please note: At this time Canvas only accepts the original Pitt email address/ID as a valid way to identify users. This means that email aliases do not work here. For instance, someone with the original Pitt login ID abc123 may have created the email alias [email protected] for themselves. To add this user to your course, you would have to use [email protected] and not [email protected].
  4. Separate multiple email addresses with commas or carriage returns.
  5. Use the drop-down to pick a course role for the user(s) you are adding:
    • Student: An appropriate role for a user who is a student in the course.
    • Teacher: An appropriate role for the lead or co-instructor of the course.
    • TA: An appropriate role for a teaching assistant or other staff member assisting with the course.
    • Designer: An appropriate role for someone who is helping to design or add content to the course. Designers do not have access to the Gradebook.
    • Observer: We do not recommend that this course role be used. It is primarily meant in K-12 settings for parents to observe their children’s coursework.
  6. Click Next and review the name(s) of the users you wish to add. If everything looks correct, click Add Users.
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Managing Course Users

Users with the Teacher role in a course have limited ability to manage their course’s users. Users that are enrolled in a course via PeopleSoft are not able to be removed or deactivated from a course through the People page, nor have their course role changed. They must drop or withdraw the class via PeopleSoft in order to be removed from the course in Canvas. Users that were manually added to a course may be removed from the course by a Teacher.

  1. Click the People link in your Course Navigation Menu.
  2. Click on the three-dot “snowman” icon to the right of the name of the course user you wish to manage. Note that not all of these options will display for all users. Users added via PeopleSoft are not able to be removed or deactivated manually.
    Screenshot showing all of the options for managing people in your Canvas course from a dropdown menu with red numbers 1-7 listed - see text for description.
    Click for a larger version of the image.
  3. From this menu you may:
    1. Resend a course invitation to a user you added manually*
    2. Change or add a section for a user
    3. Change a user’s role in the course*
    4. View a user’s profile
    5. Deactivate the user (keeps them on the roster but they are no longer able to access the course)*
    6. Remove the user from the course and the course roster*
    7. View analytics for the user’s course activity and assessments*Only available for users added manually to a course

People Help for Instructors

Managing Users

  • How do I use the People page in a course as an instructor?
  • How do I add users to a course?
  • How do I remove an enrollment from a course?
  • How do I limit a user to only interact with other users in the same course section?
  • How do I resend student invitations to a course?
  • How do I edit user roles in a course?
  • How do I restore a concluded enrollment in a course?
  • How do I record the last day a user attended a course?
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Viewing User Information

  • How do I view concluded enrollments in a course?
  • How do I view user details for an enrollment in a course?
  • How do I view a user’s profile in a course as an instructor?
  • How do I view a context card for a student in a course?
  • How do I view my course interactions with an individual student?
  • How do I view the course access report for an individual user?
  • How do I view a summary of all my student interactions in a course?

People Help for Students

  • How do I use the People page in a course as a student?
  • How do I view my course analytics as a student?


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