HomeWHATWhat Was Ho Chi Minh Political/economic Philosophy

What Was Ho Chi Minh Political/economic Philosophy

President Ho Chi Minh – a great leader of our Party and nation, a great teacher of the Vietnamese revolution, a hero of national liberation, a world man of culture, an exemplary international communist soldier, has dedicated his whole life for the country and its people. Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and lifestyle are invaluable assets of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Vietnamese nation and people; it is the predominant contributor to the victory of Vietnamese national liberation, serving as a lodestar for the renovation work for the goal of prosperous people, strong country and a democratic, just and civilized society. On the occasion of the preliminary review of 5 years implementing Directive No. 05-CT/TWdated May 15, 2016 of the Politburo on “enhancing the studying and following of Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and lifestyle” and implementing Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW dated May 18, 2021 of the Politburo on continuing to implement this important Directive as well as celebrating the 110th anniversary of Uncle Ho’s departure to find a way to liberate the country (June 5, 1911 – June 5, 2021) and the 80th anniversary of the day he returned to the Fatherland to directly lead the Vietnamese revolution (January 28, 1941 – January 28, 2021), I would like to express some of the following thoughts:

1- The aspiration for national independence, prosperity and well-being immensely influenced Ho Chi Minh’s whole life, career and thought. That aspiration prompted him to set foot in several countries and find a way to liberate his nation, mingle with the life of the working class in both metropolitan and colonial countries, and study theories as well as realities while doing a couple of jobs as his livelihood. Heading to the West to find a way to liberate the country opened his mind, brought him to Marxism-Leninism, opened the doors for the nation to catch up with the trend of the times, and overcome the isolation of the Vietnamese revolution. Figuring out the right way to liberate the country, he embarked on an arduous but glorious revolution, accepting all hardships and sacrifices to realize his goals and ideals with burning aspiration, strong determination and extraordinary effort . The way he spoke from his heart “I only have one desire, the ultimate desire is to make our country completely independent, our people completely free, all compatriots have food to eat, clothes to wear, anyone can study”(1) is simple, but powerful and influential. His aspiration for “Independence – Freedom – Happiness” is mentionned in all state documents associated with the national name from “Democratic Republic of Vietnam” to “Socialist Republic of Vietnam”. That aspiration is the sound of the country, expressing his iron will and determination in response to the nation’s destiny and future, and the direction of history. That is the spirit of “it doesn’t matter whether we will have to burn the whole Truong Son Mountain range to win our independence” in the August 1945 Revolution, “We would rather sacrifice everything than lose our country, than return to slavery” in the Appeal for National Resistance. It is the immortal truth “Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom” that urged the entire nation and compatriots to stand up to defend their conscience and dignity, gain the right to life and the pursuit of happiness; It inspired oppressed people and friends across five continents about a civilized and heroic Vietnamese people.

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His aspiration became “Vietnamese aspiration in the Ho Chi Minh era”. His ideological legacy continues to serve as the lodestar for today renovation cource, strengthen the belief in Vietnam’s bright future and the desire for prosperity and well-being in the 21st century. The 13th Party Congress set the goal that by 2045 – the 100th anniversary of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam) – our country will become a high-income developed, country with socialist-oriented market. The wealth, prestige, status and potential of Vietnam built up in the Ho Chi Minh era, including 35 years of achievements in renovation, have been creating a solid foundation for Vietnamese people to confidently move forward. Becoming a developed country is a long journey that needs both aspirations to growth and bravery, strong will and determination.

Realizing the aspiration for prosperity and well-being requires Vietnam to continue to promote the comprehensive renewal, arouse the will and strength of the whole nation, and promote Vietnamese cultural values ​​and the people’s strength. Since the third decade of the twenty-first century, the world has experienced rapid, complicated and unpredictable changes, competition among countries in terms of speed and quality of development is getting more and more fierce. The Fourth Industrial Revolution whose impacts are profound, still needs restructuring to create breakthroughs. With each step we take towards, President Ho Chi Minh’s bravery, will, and aspiration continue to illuminate, and consolidate Vietname people’s belief in their strength to fulfill his wish.

2- President Ho Chi Minh – a role model of loyalty to the country and its people, unconditional love and strong belief in the strength of the people. Vietnamese people have not only inherited the traditions of their ancestors “pushing the boat is the people, but flipping the boat is also the people”, “benevolence aims at keeping peace within the people”, but also developed Ho Chi Minh’s humanism. It was his love for his suffering compatriots that led him to the ideal of communism, the pathway of national liberation associated with the liberation of social class and humans. His political decisions are always wise, because his approach always revolves around ultimate benefit of the nation, in accordance with the law, the people’s wishes, the world trends, and humanism. He admonished: “Truth means something beneficial to the Fatherland, to the people. What contradicts the benefits of the Fatherland and the people is not the truth”(2); “We must do our best for the sake of our people. We must avoid any acts that are harmful to them”(3).

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Unlike many thinkers who look at the people with compassion, President Ho Chi Minh, as a great thinker, treated people with immense love. He believed that “There is nothing more precious than people”, and “In the world, there is nothing stronger than solidarity within the people”. With the spirit of “liberating us without relying on any external forces”, he and our Party have triggered the great power of the people through education and enlightenment, making people firmly believe in their ability, be brave, and take actions to liberate themselve from slavery, poverty and backwardness. Taking the duties and responsibilities “like a soldier obeying the orders of the nation to the front”, President Ho Chi Minh devoted his whole life to serving the Fatherland and the people. He thinks that if people go hungry and get cold, it is the Party and Government’s fault. If the people die of hunger and cold after gaining freedom and independence, their freedom and independence become meaningless. Only when they are well fed and fully clothed do they understand the value of freedom. His immense love is for everyone, every family and social class, ranging from workers, farmers, intellectuals, women, young people, old people, children, ethnic minorities to people with meritorious services to the country. For workers and peasants, he set forth the principle of never sacrificing their benefits for any other class. There must be a specific policy for these people, because they directly produced wealth for society, contributed a lot to the revolution, suffered a great deal of oppression of colonialism and feudalism. For people with tremendous contribution, it needs special policies to preserve Vietnamese tradition “When you eat a fruit, think of the man who planted the tree such as privileged regimes to support war invalids, wounded veterans, martyrs’ relatives and youth volunteers, building memorial steles to remind today’s generations about the ancestors’ sacrifice for the country’s freedom and heighten their patriotism. For disadvantaged people, the Party and Government must create opportunities to help them promote their positivity, confidence, and endeavor to become useful citizens.

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Ho Chi Minh’s thought was imbued with patriotism, love for the people, liberation of the nation and the people as well as ensuring welfare for its people. At the first meeting of the Provisional Government (September 3, 1945), after the Declaration of Independence, President Ho Chi Minh proposed six urgent tasks: Fighting hunger, illiteracy and innumeracy, abrogating backward customs and unreasonable taxing, holding general elections to elect the National Assembly, respecting the people’s right to freedom of belief and religion. He regularly presented the concept of socialism in a simple but appealing way. It is a system of “How to provide people with sufficient food, clothing, medicine when they are sick and ensure their access to education, exemption from working when they reach old age and the abolition of backward customs”(4); It is a society where “Its people’s rewards depend on their productivity”; Socialism is “prosperous people, strong country”… For 24 years in the position of President, he had devoted to leading and directing the institutionalization of humanistic views, when formulating the constitution (the 1946 Constitution and the 1959 Constitution), laws and policies to promote people’s legitimate interests and living standards.

Based on Ho Chi Minh’s thought, the Platform for national construction in the transitional period to socialism (amended in 2011) determined that all activities of the Party must derive from the interests and aspirations of the Party, the people’s legitimate aspirations; the Party’s strength lies in its close attachment to the people; The Party and the State are responsible for ensuring prosperity and welfare for its people. The 13th Party Congress declared that people are the center of all development strategies; therefore, it is vital to respect and protect human rights including their welfare and social security. Furthermore, continuing to build and perfect the socialist rule of law state plays a crucial role in order to ensure institutionalization of the people’s will, respect and promote the people’s empowerment, control the state’s power, and prevent the risks of corruption and moral degradation. In terms of market economy, the Party and State must pay great attention to all social classes; associate economic growth with the realization of social progress and justice in each step and development policy, unify economic policies with social policies; ensure equality so that no one is left behind. Those are practical solutions, particularly spreading significant acts of Uncle Ho in terms ofcaring for the people, building the state for the people and by the people, and strengthening the relationship between the Party and the people.


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