When Calls The Heart Fanfiction

Elizabeth spent the rest of the day cooking for the gang and trying to keep clear of any of them. She hoped Jeff was persuasive enough to hold them until she was rescued. Now she busied herself in clearing the supper dishes after the men had left. She had some close calls, but kept an extra hat pin ready and much to the men’s displeasure it worked. She looked out the window and cringed when she heard three of the men laughing hysterically at one of their dirty jokes no doubt. She hoped Jack would hurry. She put the last dish away and sat down on the bed after stoking the fire. She pulled her coat tighter. A soddy didn’t heat up very fast. ‘Lord please send Jack quick’. she prayed closing her eyes to hold back the tears that had been wanting to fall since she got there. Jack had wanted to tell her something that much she knew, but other than wedding plans she didn’t know what it could be. She sighed and looked around for something to do. Everything seemed spick and span thanks to her hard work. At least she wouldn’t have to clean up after this many men when she married. It would only be Jack and she hoped he wasn’t as dirty as these men though she hadn’t seen his homestead yet either she thought with a wry smile on her face. Since there was nothing else she could do inside and she wouldn’t dream of going outside with the men so she leaned back on the bed and decided to think about good memories. She thought about several of her children from the school and some of their antics. She prayed they wouldn’t worry too much. She thought about her previous adventure being kidnapped and Julie being there. She wondered what Julie was doing back East now that Tom was sent away. She figured she was moping and giving her parent’s an earful. She frowned when she thought about her parents. No doubt they were trying to convince her that she needed to look elsewhere for a husband and probably throwing in things about Jack as well. She shook her head. “So much for the happy thoughts.” she said. She really did love her parent’s but they seemed to be focused on their wants for their daughters and wouldn’t listen to any other idea unless it involved staying there and marrying well. She sighed and closed her eyes. Then she thought about how much Jack meant to her and she wouldn’t trade him for anything. She smiled as she thought about how his kisses made her feel. She let her mind wander and imagine what being held in his arms would feel like and….she blushed and scolded herself for thinking such thoughts. She chuckled at what her parent’s would say if they knew.


Meanwhile Jack had kept up the pursuit of the gang’s scarce tracks. He could only imagine what would happen if he didn’t reach Elizabeth in time. He urged Storm faster along the trail and after a few more miles he pulled up in a clearing. He looked around and was surprised and disturbed at the same time. This was the clearing just before the abandoned farm which was only an hours ride from his homestead. He wondered how long this gang had been camped out here. The trail to his homestead was hard to find if you weren’t looking for it and he was glad for that. Being a Mountie got you many enemies and the farther away and hidden you were the better especially if you had a family. He made a note to teach Elizabeth to shoot and defend herself when he rescued her. When not if. He patted Storms neck and told him to be quiet. Then he dismounted and grabbed his shotgun out. Then he got down and crawled up a hill overlooking the homestead. He made notice of a soddy and a bunkhouse a few feet from it. He prayed the men slept there. He pulled his coat tighter around him. It got colder every night and he hoped Elizabeth was staying warm. He crawled back a little when the door to the barn opened and out came the whole gang. Smoke was coming out of the soddy’s chimney and he wondered if Elizabeth was having to feed these snakes. He growled and was about to charge down there when he noticed something. The corral gate was low and in bad shape. He smiled as he got an idea. He crawled back out of sight and got up walking back to Storm. “I need your help boy.” he said untacking his stallion. “I need you to go down there and get those mares and get them out of there.” he said. He hoped he didn’t sound out of his mind, but Storm was a smart horse and they had a special bond and understanding. Storm bobbed his head and snorted. “Good boy.” Jack said patting his neck. With that Storm ran down the hill and cleared the corral gate. He whinnied and ran a circle around the mares before jumping the gate. He whinnied and galloped a short distance before stopping and turning around and whinnying again. With that the mares took off after him. Jack saw the men running out and yelling trying to catch the mares. Storm let out a battle cry and galloped off into the hills with the mares following. Jack smiled. The first part of his plan had worked. Now for the second part.

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Elizabeth had finished supper when the men came in. She nodded to Jeff and grabbed her bowl and filled it up then retreated to the back of the soddy keeping her hat pin ready. The men just shot her disturbing looks, but were too interested in the food. She was too depressed to eat, but took a few bites knowing she had to keep her strength up. Just as the men were finishing up there was a commotion outside and series of whinnies. “What in tarnation?” Hannibal said getting up and looking outside. “There’s a rouge stallion taking off with our horses!” He yelled grabbing his hat and running out into the yard. The rest of the men followed forgetting about Elizabeth. She got up and looked out the window. “Storm?” she whispered recognizing Jack’s stallion. Her heart lept with joy. Jack was here! She hoped he didn’t get caught. She smiled as the men ran off after their horses. She stepped foot outside and looked around, but didn’t see anyone. “They must be more worried about their horses than me.” She said relieved. “They are, but not me.” Elizabeth’s heart sank at the voice behind her. It was Carl the one who’d carried her off. He scared her even more than Hannibal because of the looks he’d given her. She started to feel sick to her stomach. “Now for some fun.” he said. She didn’t have to be facing him to see the wicked smile and look in his eyes. She made a dart for the bunkhouse, but tripped on her torn skirt. She cried out as she hit the ground hard. She tried to get up, but Carl had grabbed her arm and held on tight. “I like some spunk in my women.” he whispered in her ear. Her stomach roiled at the smell of his breath and the feel of it on her neck. She kicked and connected with his shin and his grip loosened. She scrambled to get free, but he reached out with his other hand and tried to grab it, but only got a fist full of her dress. She wanted to cry when she heard it rip revealing a good part of her side. She screamed and jerked away, but connected with the ground again. She tried to sit up, but in vain. Carl pushed down one her arms and pinned her to the ground. When she opened her eyes she saw his face inches from hers and his sneer. She closed her eyes knowing that would be forever seared in her mind. She squeezed her eyes shut as he ripped more of her dress. She kept on crying out no, but stopped trying to resist. He was much more stronger than her. She turned her face away as she felt his hot breath closer. When she wouldn’t give in he just hit hear. She soon stopped resisting and resigned herself to her fate. She thought she was done for when she heard a gunshot echo and she opened her eyes just in time to see Carl jerk before falling over. She passed out from the sight and pain before she could see who had shot him.

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Jack had called Storm back and sent the mares off into the woods ready to engage his next plan when he heard a scream. “Elizabeth!” he cried out. He mounted Storm and not caring if the others were there he raced like a madman down into the farm. His heart plummeted to his stomach when he saw pinned to the ground and her dress tore. He saw one of the gang members on top of her and in a blinding rage he raised his rifle and shot hitting his target. He galloped Storm over to her and wanted to asses the damage, but knew that gunshot would bring the others. He scooped her up into the saddle and galloped off into the woods hoping there was enough leaf cover to conceal his tracks. Elizabeth lay slumped against him and he feared the worst. He felt a bullet whiz by his head. He must have galloped straight into them looking for their horses. They were pretty far up in the mountains and the snow had begun to fall. He had to get out of there and fast or he’d get lost and the pass always closed when it snowed. He galloped blindly hoping Storm could see better than he could. A bullet scratched his arm and he winced, but kept on riding. Soon he’d be out of their range and hopefully end up somewhere safe. He pulled up after he was sure they were clear of the men. He hoped the mare he put the message on made it back to town or was found by someone other than the gang so they would be rounded up. He patted Storm’s lathered neck and looked around. The snow was falling heavier, but there was some visibility. Elizabeth hadn’t come too yet and he was worried. Her coat had been ripped off and he put his on her, but she still shivered. The temperature dropped fast in the mountains and he figured her body wasn’t used to it. Hope Valley was located in a valley so the weather wasn’t too harsh there. He couldn’t figure out where he was so he left it to Storm to get them home. He concentrated on keeping Elizabeth warm. Her dress was tore up very badly so he tried to keep the coat as tight as he could. Storm walked on and Jack prayed they would be ok. The wind had picked up and sent chills through Jacks uniform jacket. Jack’s left arm ached from the scratch and he was thankful it didn’t bleed much. He needed to stay healthy or they both wouldn’t make it. ‘Lord help us. Please help me. I need your strength more than ever.’

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Abigail tried to keep Elizabeth’s family occupied but the tension and worry in the room grew thicker. Finally as the hours dragged on she sent them up stairs to the few rooms she had and decided to sleep on the couch. The pastor had come over and said if there was no sign of Jack before sundown they would go looking for them. They had left hours ago and no news. She prayed God would keep them safe before drifting off to sleep.


Jack just let Storm lead them through the storm. Soon the snow stopped falling harshly and seemed to clear up. Jack could tell they were out of the mountains now. Elizabeth stirred a little, but she was starting to shake really bad. He scanned his surroundings and realized he was on the trail leading past the mine to town. He urged Storm into a gallop hoping he still had some strength in him. He wondered if the note ever reached the town. No one had come upon them unless they were approaching from another way.

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