HomeWHENWhat Happens When You Call 8675309

What Happens When You Call 8675309

Jenny I’ve got your number

What is this page all about?

This is a scan of the phone number “867-5309” in all of the active Area codes in the United States and Canada to determine what you get when you call this famous phone number.

Who is Jenny and what’s so special about the phone number 867-5309?

Jenny is the character from the Tommy Tutone hit in 1981 and her “fictional” phone number is mentioned in the song. Much to a lot of people’s dismay, this phone number became instant prank call fodder in the 1980s. It’s been basically a public nuisance ever since.

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867-5309…and the Poor Schmucks Who Actually Owned the Number

Why do you have this page?

I’ve often wondered what would happen when you dialed 867-5309 in various area codes in the US and Canada. I finally decided to do some research on it. Other people have done scans like this, but they were performed many years ago (2007 or so) , and most of them are no longer available unless you look on the Internet Archive. So I decided to create my own. I figured it wouldn’t take me very long, so I just decided to do it.

How was this scan performed?

This scan was performed mostly on a Voice over IP (VOIP) phone line where the rates are fractions of a penny per minute (in US dollars). So if these actually answered, the amount I was charged was next to zero. I think I spent maybe 50 cents on the entire scan.

How long did the scan take?

The original scan in May 2022 took a couple of hours. A more thorough scan took place in late July and early August 2022. A full rescan was last performed in September 2023.

So what did you find?

A quick synopsis is as follows:

1. A vast majority of time the number has never been assigned, especially in split or overlay area codes. The song and the number associated with the song is widely known, and most phone companies don’t assign this number for obvious reasons. Also in many cases with newly created overlay area codes, either the prefix itself or the 5000 “thousands group” is not yet assigned.

2. Sometimes you get a recording “This number is not in service” from the local phone company that serves this prefix.

3. I found a lot of times that I reached voicemail systems. Some of these have the song play as an outgoing message, while other times you hear a person (often a male voice) saying “Jenny’s not here”. One voice mailbox claims to be Tommy Tutone himself. And other times the mailbox either wasn’t set up or is full. I assume that the vast majority of these are being “parked” for future use, or just to hold on to.

4. A number of these are businesses, cashing in the famous song for those who are familiar with it. For example, there’s a pizza shop, a plumber, a welding shop, and a real estate agent

5. Some of these are “parked”, obviously people are holding on to the number either for sentimental reasons, or they be wanting to sell it at a later date.

6. Some of these are just advertisement fodder on a call gating system. Probably most of these were bought up and are in a holding pattern until someone wants to buy them.

7. And a few times you actually get to hear the Jenny song! 🙂

8. And a few times you get “Rick Rolled” 🙂

Dylan Cruz has instituted a “Jenny Message Board” on several of these numbers. It’s a voicemail system where you can either leave a message, or listen to others who have left a message. You can go backwards with * and forwards with #

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215-867-5309 253-867-5309 337-867-5309 352-867-5309 601-867-5309 607-867-5309 610-867-5309 636-867-5309 802-867-5309 877-867-5309 (toll free!) 929-867-5309 972-867-5309 985-867-5309

Results from the scan (performed 08 September 2023)


201 In Use (Business, Retro Fitness) 202 In Use (Voicemail) 203 In Use (Google Voice Subscriber) 204 Plays Jenny 205 Not In Service (local recording) 206 Number unassigned 207 Call gating and ads 208 Not accepting calls (cell phone) 209 In Use (Voicemail – Jenny) 210 Number unassigned 212 In Use (Fax machine) 213 Number unassigned 214 Number unassigned 215 Jenny Message Board 216 Number unassigned 217 Not In Service (generic DMS) 218 Not In Service (local recording) 219 Subscriber not accepting calls 220 Number unassigned 223 Number unassigned (?) 224 Number unassigned 225 Number unassigned 226 Not In Service (generic DMS) 227 Number unassigned 228 Busy/Reorder 229 Number unassigned 231 Not In Service (local recording, Pat Fleet with AIS) 234 Available for Lease 239 Number unassigned 240 Available for Lease 248 Subscriber Not In Service 249 Not In Service (local recording) 250 Not In Service (local recording) 252 Number unassigned 253 Jenny Message Board 254 Number unassigned 256 In Use (Voicemail) 260 Subscriber not accepting calls 262 Call cannot be completed at this time 267 Number unassigned 269 Number unassigned 270 Call gating and ads 272 Available for Lease 274 Number unassigned 276 Call gating and ads 279 Available for Lease 281 In Use (Voicemail) 283 Number unassigned 289 Not In Service (local recording)


301 Call gating and ads 302 Number unassigned 303 In Use (Business – Ben Franklin Plumbing) 304 In Use (Voicemail) 305 In Use (Magic Jack voicemail) 306 Busy 307 Number unassigned 308 Call gating and ads 309 In Use (Rings/no answer) 310 In Use (Voicemail) 312 Plays Jenny (Jenny Line) 313 In Use (Voicemail) 314 In Use (Voicemail) 315 Not In Service (AT&T wireless) 316 Available for Lease 317 Call did not go through 318 Call gating and ads 319 Number unassigned 320 Available for Lease 321 Number unassigned 323 In Use (Funny line) 325 Call gating and ads 326 Number unassigned 329 Number unassigned 330 In Use (Business – McCutcheon Insurance Agency) 331 Subscriber not accepting calls 332 Call cannot be completed at this time 334 Subscriber not accepting calls 336 Not In Service (Verizon Wireless) 337 Jenny Message Board 339 Number unassigned 340 Number unassigned 341 Number unassigned 346 Available for Lease 347 In Use (Magic Jack Customer Not Available) 351 Number unassigned 352 Jenny Message Board 360 Number unassigned 361 Call gating and ads 363 Number unassigned 364 Number unassigned 365 Not In Service (Generic DMS) 367 Number unassigned 368 Not In Service (Generic DMS) 369 Number unassigned 380 Available for Lease 382 Number unassigned 385 Available for Lease 386 Not In Service (Verizon Wireless)


401 In Use (Business – GEM Plumbing) 402 Number not In Use but available 403 Client unavailable 404 Number unassigned 405 In Use (Voicemail) 406 Not In Service (local recording, Pat Fleet with AIS) 407 Advertisement (solar panels) 408 Available for your marketing needs 409 Call gating and ads 410 Not In Service (local recording, generic DMS) 412 Number unassigned 413 Call gating and ads 414 Available for Lease 415 In Use (Fax machine) 416 In Use (Voicemail) 417 In Use (Voicemail) 418 Not In Service (local recording, French & English) 419 Number unassigned 423 In Use (rings then dead) 424 Available for Lease 425 In Use (Funny voicemail with Jenny) 428 Number Unassigned 430 Call gating and ads 431 Not In Service (Generic DMS) 432 Number unassigned 434 Available for Lease 435 In Use (Business – Vault Gun & Pawn) 437 In Use (Business – Northern Electronics) 438 Not In Service (local recording, French & English) 440 Not In Service (Verizon Wireless) 442 Subscriber not accepting calls 443 In Use (Voicemail) 445 Number unassigned 447 Call gating and ads 448 Available for Lease 450 Not In Service (local, French/English) 458 Busy/Reorder 463 Not available from calling area) 464 Number unassigned 468 Number unassigned 469 In Use (Voicemail (Jenny)) 470 Available for Lease 472 Number unassigned 474 Number unassigned 475 Number unassigned 478 In Use (funny VM) 479 Number unassigned 480 Available for Lease 484 In Use (Voicemail)

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501 Number unassigned 502 Non Working Number (Norfolk Southern) 503 Number unassigned 504 Available for Lease 505 In Use (Voicemail) 506 In Use (Business – Taylor Auto Village) 507 Reorder 508 In Use (Funny voicemail) 509 Reorder 510 Subscriber not in service 512 In Use (Voicemail “Domino’s Pizza”) 513 Busy/Reorder 514 Cell number not assigned (English/French) 515 In Use (Voicemail) 516 In Use (rings/no answer) 517 Plays Rick Astley – Never Gonna Give You Up (Rick Roll) 518 In Use (Funny voicemail (Says it’s from Jenny’s dad)) 519 In Use (answering machine) 520 Service restricted or not available 530 Service restricted or not available 531 Number unassigned 534 Number unassigned 539 Available for Lease 540 In Use (Voicemail) 541 Busy/Reorder 548 In Use (Voicemail) 551 Number unassigned 557 Number unassigned 559 Advertisement (solar panels) 561 Call cannot be completed at this time 562 Number unassigned 563 Available for Lease 564 Number unassigned 567 Plays Jenny 570 Not In Service (AT&T wireless) 571 Available for Lease 572 Call cannot be completed at this time 573 Advertisement (solar panels) 574 Number unassigned 575 Call cannot be completed at this time 579 Not In Service (Generic DMS) 580 Number unassigned 581 Not In Service (Generic DMS) 582 Call gating and ads 584 Number unassigned 585 Available for Lease 586 Number unassigned 587 In Use (Voicemail)


601 Jenny Message Board 602 In Use (Business – My Guy Referrals) 603 Not Accepting Calls (AT&T wireless) 604 Client not available 605 Rings/no answer 606 Number unassigned 607 Jenny Message Board 608 Busy/Reorder 609 Number unassigned 610 Jenny Message Board 612 In Use (Business – Paul Bunyan Plumbing) 613 In Use (Voicemail) 614 Number unassigned 615 Call did not go through 616 Number unassigned 617 In Use (Business – Gem Plumbing & Heating) 618 In Use (Voicemail) 619 In Use (Voicemail) 620 Not In Service (local) 623 Number unassigned 626 Number unassigned 628 Available for Lease 629 Available for Lease 630 Number unassigned 631 Number unassigned 636 Jenny Message Board 639 Call cannot be completed at this time 640 Reorder 641 Number unassigned 645 Number unassigned 646 In Use (Voicemail) 647 Call cannot be completed at this time 650 Service restricted or unavailable 651 Number unassigned 656 Number unassigned 657 Subscriber not accepting calls 659 Number unassigned 660 Not In Service (local recording) 661 Advertisement (solar panels) 662 Advertisement (solar panels) 667 Available for Lease 669 Number unassigned 670 Number unassigned 671 Number unassigned 672 Plays Jenny 678 Not In Service (generic DMS) 680 Available for Lease 681 Number unassigned 682 (silence) 683 Number unassigned 684 Number unassigned 689 Call gating and ads


701 In Use (Business – 5309 Tavern) 702 In Use (Voicemail) 703 Cannot accept calls 704 In use (Business – Chris the Food Dude) 705 In use (Voicemail, Rogers Wireless) 706 Wireless customer not available (AT&T Wireless) 707 Service has been restricted or is unavailable 708 In Use (Voicemail) 709 In Use (Voicemail, Jenny) 712 Not In Service (local recording) 713 Number unassigned 714 Number unassigned 715 Number unassigned 716 In Use (Voicemail) 717 Busy/Reorder 718 All Circuits are busy (Verizon 132-A9 tandem) 719 In Use (Voicemail (male voice referring to Jenny)) 720 Reorder 724 In use (voicemail) 725 Available for Lease 726 Number unassigned 727 In Use (Business – Ben Franklin Plumbing and others) 728 Number unassigned 730 Number unassigned 731 Silence 732 In Use (Voicemail portal) 734 Number unassigned 737 In Use (Conference line) 740 Not In Service (local) 742 Number unassigned 743 Available for Lease 747 Number unassigned (Reorder) 753 Number unassigned 754 Number unassigned 757 In Use (Business – Danny’s Auto Glass) 760 In Use (Voicemail) 762 Plays Rick Astley – Never Gonna Give You Up (Rick Roll) 763 Number unassigned 765 Number unassigned 769 Number unassigned 770 Rings/no answer 771 Number unassigned 772 Call cannot be completed at this time 773 Call cannot be completed at this time 774 Number unassigned 775 Number unassigned 778 In Use (Voicemail) 779 Available for Lease 780 Number unassigned 781 Not In Service (Verizon Wireless) 782 Not In Service (generic DMS) 785 Subscriber not accepting calls 786 In Use (funny voicemail) 787 Not in service (local)

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800 Number disabled 801 In Use (Voicemail) 802 Jenny Message Board 803 Number unassigned 804 In Use (Voicemail) 805 Wireless customer not available (AT&T Wireless) 806 Not In Service (local recording) 807 Plays Jenny 808 Number parked 810 Not in service (local) 812 In Use (Business -C35 Space Monkey Records) 813 Advertisement (solar panels) 814 Not In Service (local recording) 815 Thank you for calling, we are currently closed 816 Not In Service (local recording) 817 Subscriber Not Accepting Calls 818 Advertisement (solar panels) 819 Not In Service (Local Recording, French/English) 820 Number unassigned 825 Not In Service (generic DMS) 826 Number unassigned 828 Not accepting calls 830 Advertisement (solar panels) 831 Available for Lease 832 In Use (Business – Wedgeworth Plumbing) 833 In Use (Business – Mixhits Radio (Jenny, virtual assistant)) 835 Number unassigned 838 Number unassigned 839 Number unassigned 840 Number unassigned 843 Available for Lease 844 Not In Service (generic DMS) 845 Busy/Reorder 847 In Use (Business – Profile Pictures) 848 Number unassigned 850 In Use (Business – Carrie Routt, Keller Williams Success Realty) 854 Number unassigned 855 Reorder 856 Number unassigned 857 Advertisement (solar panels) 858 Subscriber not accepting calls 859 Reorder 860 In Use (rings/no answer, double ring) 861 Number unassigned 862 Available for Lease 863 Advertisement (solar panels) 864 Available for Lease 865 Available for Lease 866 In Use (Business – Ben Franklin Plumbing, Number changed) 867 Not In Service (generic DMS) 870 Not In Service (local recording – Pat Fleet) 872 Available for Lease 873 Not In Service (generic DMS) 877 Jenny Message Board 878 Call cannot be completed at this time 888 Call gating and ads


901 Busy/Reorder 902 In Use (Business – Century Nissan) 903 Not in service (local) 904 Subscriber not accepting calls 905 Busy 906 Number unassigned 907 Not In Service (local recording) 908 Call gating and ads 909 Not In Service (local recording) 910 In Use (Business – Blandon’s Heating & Air Conditioning) 912 Available for Lease 913 Number unassigned 914 In Use (Voicemail) 915 In Use (Voicemail) 916 Not In Service (local recording) 917 Not In Service (SPOK) 918 Not In Service (local recording, Pat Fleet) 919 Plays Jenny 920 Not In Service (local recording, Pat Fleet) 925 Not In Service (local recording) 928 Call gating and ads 929 Jenny Message Board 930 Subscriber not accepting calls 931 Number unassigned 934 Subscriber not accepting calls 936 In Use (Business Hashtag Welding (nod to Jenny)) 937 Thank you for calling, we are currently closed 938 Available for Lease 939 Number unassigned 940 In Use (Voicemail) 941 Subscriber not accepting calls 943 Number unassigned 945 Available for Lease 947 Not In Service (Verizon Wireless) 948 Not in service (MCI tandem 2CG) 949 Subscriber not accepting calls 951 Not In Service (local) 952 Number unassigned 954 Number not in use (recording) 956 In Use (Voicemail) 959 Reorder 970 In Use (Business Totally 80s Pizza) 971 Available for Lease 972 Jenny Message Board 973 In Use (Business ConvergeOne non working number) 978 Call cannot be completed at this time 979 Call gating and ads 980 Available for Lease 983 Number unassigned 984 Available for Lease 985 Jenny Message Board 986 Reorder 989 In Use (Voicemail (Jenny’s voicemail))


This was a fun and quick project (only took me a few hours). I’ll keep this up on a semi-regular basis (only every few months). If you know of any changes, please use the Contact form (link in the upper right of the page) and let us know. Thanks!

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