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Who Specializes In Dragons


Hello everyone, welcome to Part 1 of our Walkthrough for A Dragon’s Quest Adventure of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery.

This adventure is available for students of Year 3 and above. To unlock it, you will need to have the Dragon Club at rank 5 or higher. Once the adventure is unlocked, you have 3 days and 19 hours to complete it, which should be plenty of time.

As soon as you start, Diego will ask you to meet with him at the Dragon Club, so proceed there when you are ready.



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[Disclaimer: This walkthrough will feature the gameplay from the perspective of a Year 4 student. Since the adventure is available for students of Year 3 and above, the star and attribute requirements for certain tasks might be different for you, depending on your current progress of the main story.]

Upon arriving, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you are curious to see what they have to say.

Diego will be glad that you agreed to meet with him. You will chuckle upon hearing him addressing himself in the third person. If this is your first time meeting Diego, these lines will be slightly different.

You will be curious to know why he wanted to meet with you in the Dragon Club Room. Diego will remind you that the Dragon Club Specializes in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Dueling, and Flying.

He will ask you to guess why he wanted to meet with you. There are three options to choose from. The correct answer is “Duelling”.

Diego will explain that he wants to challenge you to a duel. You will think about it for a moment, before agreeing to duel him.

Diego will be very happy to hear that. He will thank you for agreeing to his proposition. This line will differ slightly, depending on whether the two of you are friends or not.

You’ll ask him why he wants to duel you. Diego will explain that you are one of the strongest duelists at Hogwarts, which is why he wants to test his skills against you. You’ll decide to give it all you’ve got. Shortly after, the duel will start.

This task won’t play like any normal duel. Instead, it will work like most of the regular tasks. Dueling Diego requires you to earn five stars within three hours. One star is needed to pass for students up to Year 6 Chapter 23. Three stars are required to pass for students past Year 6 Chapter 24.

There are bonus progress actions tied to your character and Diego. Focus on those actions if you want to save as much energy as possible.

Diego will try to attack you with the Knockback Jinx. Luckily, you will manage to dodge his spell, but unfortunately, it will end up hitting one of the nearby statues, completely destroying it in the process.

Diego will say he is sorry for what happened. Suddenly, you will notice something lying in the rubble. Upon taking a closer look, you will realize it is a chest.

Diego will be incredibly excited about it. You will point out that it is just a chest. Still, Diego will be very eager to open it and find out what’s inside.

You can choose whether you want to encourage him or express your concerns. This choice will have an impact on some of the dialogue lines later on, but it won’t change the outcome of the story, so feel free to pick the option you prefer.

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Either way, Diego will decide to open the chest. He will take out his wand and cast the Unlocking Charm.

The spell will work, and a Bludger will fly out of the chest. Moments later, it will start breaking things in the Dragon Club Room.

After a short while, the entire place will be completely wrecked.

If you advised Diego not to open the chest, you will get an additional line of dialogue.

You’ll decide to catch the Bludger before it causes any more damage. Head to the Training Grounds when you are ready to continue.

Once you arrive, you will notice the Bludger attacking Andre. As soon as he sees you, he will yell for help.

You will quickly rush to help him. If you haven’t been acquainted with Andre yet, this line will be slightly different.

To catch the Bludger, you will need to earn five stars within an hour. Three stars are required to pass.

There are actions with bonus progress linked to Diego and your character. Prioritize those if you want to save some energy.

Somehow, you will manage to catch the Bludger and place it back into the chest.

Luckily enough, you caught the Bludger before it got to do any further damage. Andre will thank you for saving him.

Diego will say that both of you were happy to help. If this is your first time meeting Andre, you will get some additional lines of dialogue.

He will be curious to know why you were chasing the Bludger. You’ll admit that you and Diego are responsible for what happened.

The two of you will explain everything. If you warned Diego that opening the chest could be dangerous, you’ll get an additional line of dialogue.

You’ll tell Andre that the Bludger completely wrecked the Dragon Club Room. He will find the whole story quite interesting, to say the least.

He will be curious to know what the chest containing a Bludger was doing inside a statue in the Dragon Club. There are two options to reply with. If you like Diego, it is recommended to pick the first option. On the other hand, if you like Andre, you should go with the second option. Ultimately, this choice won’t have any influence on the outcome of the story, so feel free to pick whichever option you prefer.

Either way, you will decide to head back to the Dragon Club to try and solve this whole mystery. Go there when you are ready to continue.

Upon arriving, you will be able to interact with some of your classmates and see what they have to say.

You will be surprised to see Professor McGonagall in the club room. Needless to say, she will want to know what happened.

She will point at the ruined statue and say it was a gift from a former Dragon Club member. You will quickly take out your wand to repair the statue.

Trace the wand movement to cast the Mending Charm.

Unfortunately, the spell won’t seem to be working. Diego will want to try to fix it too.

Professor McGonagall will interrupt him and say that the Mending Charm cannot be used on complex magical objects.

She will then ask you and Diego to fully explain what happened.

Explaining yourself requires earning five stars within three hours. All five stars are needed to pass, which is why it’s not recommended to start this task with an empty energy bar.

Be sure to slide the screen left and right to see all the available actions. There are bonus progress actions tied to Tulip and your character. Focus on those if you want to save some energy.

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You will explain that the whole thing was an accident. Professor McGonagall will say that school clubs are a privilege, and if you don’t treat them well, they can be revoked.

Diego will not be happy to hear that. Professor McGonagall will say that destroying the statue and wrecking the whole club room isn’t something that should be encouraged.

You will ask the Professor if she would be willing to change her mind if you manage to fix the statue. Diego will back you up and say that the two of you will definitely find a way to fix the statue.

After thinking about it for a moment, Professor McGonagall will give you the chance to fix things. However, if you do not manage to fix the statue, she will revoke club privileges for everyone.

Both you and Diego will agree to those terms.

Shortly after, she will leave the club room. As soon as she leaves, Jae will approach you and comment on the situation. Diego will be quite confident the two of you can fix the statue.

If this is your first time meeting Jae, he will be sure to introduce himself. Otherwise, you will be curious to know what he’s doing in the Dragon Club Room.

Jae will explain that he is a Dragon Club member, and he’ll say he has an offer for you. He will say he has contacts that could procure a replacement statue.

You will quickly figure out there’s something he wants in return. Jae will explain that the caretaker confiscated his pouch of Venomous Tentacula Seeds. You’ll need to get them back if you want him to talk to his contacts.

He’ll ask if you consider it a fair trade. There are two options to reply with. If you like Jae, it is recommended to pick the first one.

Either way, you will agree to get his seeds back from Filch. He will be happy to hear that, and he’ll inform you that the caretaker is in the courtyard.

Unfortunately, Diego will have to attend a class soon, so he won’t be able to go with you. You’ll tell him not to worry, since you know a person who can help you retrieve those seeds from Filch.

Head to the courtyard when you are ready. Once you arrive, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you want to see what they have to say.

You will thank Tonks for agreeing to meet with you, and you’ll admit you were worried she might’ve been upset about what happened in Dragon Club.

While she was a bit upset at first, she realized that she could’ve easily been in the same situation, so she won’t hold it against you.

Also, since you are trying to correct your mistake, she will be more than willing to help you. You will thank her for that.

She’ll ask if you have any prank ideas. You will admit that you don’t have any solid plan for pranking Filch. Shortly after, the two of you will start brainstorming.

This requires earning five stars within three hours. All five stars are needed to pass, which is why it’s not recommended to start this task if you are low on energy.

There are actions with bonus progress linked to Mr. Filch and Penny. Prioritize those if you are looking to save some energy.

In the end, you will decide to use a Dungbomb to prank the caretaker. Fortunately, Tonks will say she always carries a few Dungbombs in her pocket.

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You will be surprised they haven’t been set off. Tonks will smile and say that she is surprised as well.

Moments later, she will toss a Dungbomb at the caretaker. Luckily, he will not see it coming until it’s too late. Shortly after, Mr. Filch and Mrs. Norris will leave the courtyard.

Luckily enough, you will find the pouch containing Jae’s Venomous Tentacula seeds on the ground.

Tonks will be happy about the way things played out. Once again, you will wholeheartedly thank her for helping you. She’ll admit she’s always up for pranking Filch.

You’ll decide to head back to Dragon Club and deliver the seeds to Jae. Unfortunately, you will need to wait three hours until he’s ready to meet with you. Since your energy will likely be low at this point, it is recommended to wait and let it recharge in the meantime.

Head back to Dragon Club once the waiting time is over. Upon arriving, you will be able to interact with some of the club members and see what they have to say to you.

Jae will ask if you managed to retrieve his Venomous Tentacula seeds.

You will happily nod and say that you even pranked the caretaker in the process. Jae will thank you for returning the seeds to him.

You’ll ask if he will talk to his contacts about the replacement statue. He’ll say that he will do it as soon as possible. However, he won’t be able to make any promises, since there’s no telling how valuable the statue is.

Still, at the moment, you won’t have any other option, so you’ll have to hope for the best.

Jae will be curious to know how the chest containing a Bludger got into the statue. There are two options to reply with. This choice won’t have any significant impact on the story, so feel free to pick whichever option you prefer.

You will recall Professor McGonagall saying that the statue was donated by a former Dragon Club member.

Jae will say that he knows a bit of history about Dragon Club. You’ll tell him you are eager to hear all about it.

Learning about Dragon Club requires earning five stars within three hours. Since all five stars are needed to pass, you should avoid starting this task if your energy is low.

Be sure to slide the screen left and right to see all the available actions. There are bonus progress actions tied to Tulip and the ruined statue. Focus on those if you want to save as much energy as possible.

After learning that Quidditch has always been an important part of Dragon Club, you will figure out that a Quidditch player most likely donated the statue.

Unfortunately, Jae won’t be able to tell you much about former Quidditch players in Dragon Club, so you will have to ask someone else to learn more.

In any case, he will decide to talk to his contacts and see if he can find any information about the replacement statue.

You will thank him for helping you. Once again, he will remind you there’s no guarantee that he will be able to find anything.

Still, you will be thankful to him for trying. He’ll ask if you have any plan to find out who donated the statue.

You will decide to do some research and see if there’s anything you can find.

This will conclude Part 1 of A Dragon’s Quest adventure. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You will receive 300 Coins.

Will you be able to find out who donated the statue? And more importantly, why was the Bludger hidden in it? Find out in the next part of this adventure!

Thank you for reading.


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