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Which Of These Spells Doesn’t Make Something Smaller


Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Chapter Thirty-Two of Year Seven of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. Last time, you gathered the Circle of Khanna and informed them that ‘R’ is still operating and growing larger. Later on, Merula told you that ‘R’ wants her to testify in favor of the White-Robed Wizard.

After giving it some thought, you came up with a plan that could get her out of testifying. Thanks to Chiara’s and Ben’s help, you made Merula look like a Scrofungulus victim. After seeing her, the members of Wizengamot told Merula to report to St. Mungo’s immediately. However, you and Jacob will still need to testify in order to get the White-Robed Wizard locked up in Azkaban.



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As usual, you can start the chapter by doing the assignments. Proceed to the Ministry office when you are ready. Arthur Weasley will thank you for coming. As it seems, he needs your help with an urgent matter.

He’ll tell you that a wizard called Willy Widdershins is pranking innocent Muggles. Unfortunately, the Ministry had no luck apprehending the prankster, so they’ll need your help to outsmart him. You will gladly agree to help.

You’ll need to finish several tasks to complete this assignment. Feel free to do them in any order you prefer.

While doing these tasks, it is recommended to choose the duration that matches their star requirements.

Prioritize the bonus progress actions if you are looking to save some energy.

Try your best to successfully complete all of the mini-tasks to gain some additional attribute points.

Once you finish all of the tasks, hit the Collect button to return to the Ministry office.

Mr. Weasley will say it was a good call to ask for your help.

Thanks to your efforts, the Ministry was successful at catching the prankster, and luckily, the word didn’t spread to the other Muggles. According to Mr. Weasley, the Ministry could definitely benefit from having you work for them.

He’ll also say that your friends were fascinated by Mr. Widdershins and his pranks. You will thank Mr. Weasley for his kind words and say that Widdershins was quite a skillful prankster. You will receive a reward for completing the assignment.

Head back to the Ministry office when you are ready to start the second assignment. Amos Diggory will be glad to see you. You’ll notice a worried look on his face.

You’ll wonder why he was worried. Apparently, there is a Chameleon Ghoul somewhere in the Ministry. According to Mr. Diggory, those creatures can disguise themselves as everyday objects and wait for the opportunity to strike. You’ll quickly offer to help find the ghoul.

You’ll need to finish several tasks to complete the assignment. You can do them in any order you prefer.

While doing these tasks, it is recommended to pick the duration that matches their star requirements.

Prioritize the bonus progress actions if you want to save as much energy as possible.

Each mini-task you successfully complete will award you some attribute points, so try your best to do them all.

Once you finish all of the tasks, hit the Collect button to return to the Ministry office.

Mr. Diggory will congratulate you on a job well done.

You’ll humbly say that you were happy to help, and you will ask if it is safe to use the coat racks again. Mr. Diggory will advise you to be careful.

You’ll promise to keep an eye open for anything out of the ordinary, and thankfully, you are more than prepared to deal with a Chameleon Ghoul should you ever encounter one. You will receive a reward for completing the assignment.

Now that you’re done with the assignments, you can continue the story. Proceed to Office 34B when you are ready to meet Madam Umbridge. You’ll be curious to know why she wanted to see you.

She’ll tell you she wants to discuss the trial and tell you about some procedures, and she’ll politely ask you to drink the tea she prepared for you. Upon taking a look at the teacup, you’ll notice that the tea is still hot, so you’ll decide to wait for it to cool down first.

Madam Umbridge will suggest discussing courtroom procedures in the meantime. To complete this task, you will need to earn five stars within three hours. Three stars are needed to pass.

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There are bonus progress actions tied to Madam Umbridge and your character. Prioritize those if you want to save some energy.

As it seems, everyone will get a chance to speak during the trial, even the White-Robed Wizard. Madam Umbridge will say that the other Wizengamot members insist that the accused get the chance to defend himself, and she’ll tell you that you and Jacob will be testifying after the White-Robed Wizard. You’ll get slightly nervous upon hearing that.

Madam Umbridge will reassure you that there is nothing to worry about. She’ll suggest you drink the tea since it will help calm your nerves. You can choose whether you want to drink it or not. Bear in mind that the tea is spiked with Veritaserum. Needless to say, Madam Umbridge won’t be happy if you refuse to drink the tea. However, if you decide to drink it, you will get some additional lines of dialogue with Jacob later on. It is also worth noting that this choice won’t impact the outcome of the trial, so you can feel free to pick the option you prefer.

If you choose to drink the tea, you’ll get an interesting scene in which your character drinks it and is immediately repulsed by its taste.

Madam Umbridge will be very pleased if you’ve decided to drink the tea. Otherwise, she won’t be very happy about it.

Shortly after, you will leave her office. Proceed to the Wizengamot Courtroom when you are ready to attend the trial. When you arrive, you’ll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you are curious to see what they have to say. Jacob will be glad to see you arrive.

Apparently, Jacob wanted you to have moral support, so he invited Corey, and your friend will find it hard to hide the excitement.

Jacob won’t be too happy to see the White-Robed Wizard again.

Moments later, Professor Dumbledore will ask for everyone’s attention. You will learn that the White-Robed Wizard is named Kazuhiro Shiratori, and Professor Dumbledore will list the charges Shiratori is accused of.

Shortly after, The White-Robed Wizard will plead not guilty, and you’ll be surprised to hear that. Suddenly, Shiratori will look at you without saying a word.

Professor Dumbledore will remind the Wizengamot that they need to remain impartial during the trial. Following that, Shiratori will get the chance to give his statement. Listening to the testimony requires earning five stars within three hours. Since all five stars are needed to pass, it is not recommended to start this task if you are out of energy.

Be sure to slide the screen left and right to see all the available actions. There are bonus progress actions tied to Professor Dumbledore and your character. Prioritize those if you want to save some energy.

You’ll find it hard to believe that the White-Robed Wizard pleaded not guilty, and on top of that, his version of events was all wrong. Corey will wonder if the Wizengamot is going to believe Shiratori. Hopefully, they will see the truth after hearing your testimony.

Following that, you’ll ask Jacob if he is nervous about the trial. These lines will differ based on your previous choice.

You will learn that Jacob drank Madam Umbridge’s tea, and you’ll find out that he doesn’t really like her much. If you drink the tea, you will get some nice backstory about Jacob and your character. You’ll learn that your brother threw away your ball and blamed a neighbor for stealing it.

He’ll wonder why he said that to you. As it seems, you were also quite mischievous in the past. You’ll also admit that you were the one who set the family Puffskein loose in the kitchen.

Suddenly, you will realize that something is wrong, and Corey will also agree with you.

If you decided to drink the tea, Corey will ask both you and Jacob to say that Professor Snape is the nicest professor in all of Hogwarts. Otherwise, only Jacob will be asked to say that.

If you drank the tea, you won’t be able to say anything. As for Jacob, he will give his honest opinion of Professor Snape.

After thinking about it for a moment, Corey will figure out that the tea was spiked with Veritaserum, and you will be shocked to hear that. Needless to say, things could get very complicated if someone asks the right question.

You’ll wonder if there’s anything you can do about it, as brewing an antidote for Veritaserum in the courtroom isn’t feasible. Jacob will suggest delaying the trial and ask Corey to create a distraction. Suddenly, your friend will yell that there’s a Doxy in the courtroom, prompting everyone to look around. Professor Dumbledore will use the Amplifying Charm, politely asking everyone to carefully exit the courtroom.

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The courtroom will be in recess while the Doxy threat is investigated. You will need to wait three hours before you can continue. Since you will likely be low on energy at this point, it is recommended to wait until the timer runs out. That will allow your energy to recharge in the meantime.

Proceed to the Ministry All-Purpose Room once the waiting time is over. You’ll thank Corey for delaying the trial.

Jacob will say it was a bit reckless, but he will admit that Corey did a good job. Hopefully, the effects of Veritaserum will wear off by the time you return to the courtroom. Corey will feel slightly embarrassed, but Jacob will smile and say that your friend did a great job, making Corey even more embarrassed.

Your brother will suggest spending some time to bond while waiting for the effects of Veritaserum to wear off, which you find slightly odd. Jacob will say that Corey can be a moderator, ensuring the conversation won’t get out of hand. Talking to Jacob requires earning five stars within three hours. Three stars are needed to pass.

There is a bonus progress action tied to your brother, so focus on his actions if you want to save a bit of energy.

Jacob will learn that you blamed him for your magical mishaps. He’ll figure out that’s the reason why Mom was always cross with him. Both of you will agree that she can be quite scary when she’s angry. You’ll recall the time she was angry over a broken table.

Corey will be shocked to hear that you broke your mom’s table. Both you and Jacob will chuckle after seeing Corey’s reaction. You’ll admit that you’re glad you had the chance to bond. Jacob will suggest checking if the Veritaserum has worn off, which shouldn’t be hard to check.

Corey will ask your brother to tell a lie.

He’ll smile and say something that’s definitely not the truth.

If you’ve drunk the tea, you’ll also be asked to tell a lie.

Thankfully, the Veritaserum effects are gone, so you should have no problems testifying. Jacob will be fairly sure that Madam Umbridge was the one who used the Veritaserum, and Corey will be curious to hear your opinion.

There are three options to choose from. This choice will be referenced later on, but it won’t change the outcome of the trial, so you can pick the option you prefer. However, since Mad-Eye will later decide to investigate it, you might as well pick the first option.

Regardless of your choice, you will decide not to say anything about the Veritaserum while testifying. According to Corey, the trial should be reconvening soon, and you’ll thank your friend again for delaying the trial.

Head to the Wizengamot Courtroom when you are ready to continue. When you arrive, you will be able to interact with some of the characters and see what they have to say. Both you and your brother will notice that Madam Umbridge isn’t particularly pleased about the delay.

Jacob will ask how you are feeling about testifying. There are two options to reply with. This choice won’t have a significant impact on the story, so feel free to go with either option.

Moments later, the trial will continue.

Madam Umbridge will remind you and Jacob to be truthful in your statements, and you’ll then get to tell your version of the events. Testifying to the Wizengamot requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

Make sure to slide the screen left and right to see all the available actions. There are bonus progress actions tied to Madam Umbridge and your character. Prioritize those if you want to save as much energy as possible.

You will tell the Wizengamot that your encounters with Shiratori haven’t been very pleasant. Thankfully, Jacob was there to save you in Knockturn Alley, and your brother will also say a few words.

You’ll then say that Shiratori has done nothing but try to harm you. Suddenly, he will interrupt you and say that he never intended to harm you.

Professor Dumbledore will silence him before he gets to finish the sentence.

Shiratori won’t be too happy about it, and you’ll then get to continue with your testimony, telling the Wizengamot that Shiratori did nothing but try to harm you and Jacob.

Professor Dumbledore will thank you for your testimony, and he’ll politely ask anyone who is not a member of the Wizengamot to exit the courtroom while they deliberate.

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You will need to wait four hours before you can continue. Since you will probably be low on energy at this point, it is recommended to wait and let your energy recharge in the meantime.

Proceed to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement once the waiting time is over. Mad-Eye will praise both you and Jacob.

Your brother will say he is glad that the testifying is over, and you’ll admit you were scared when Shiratori interrupted you. Luckily enough, Professor Dumbledore silenced him before he could say anything, and Mad-Eye will tell you one interesting fact about the Wizengamot.

Now all that’s left is to wait for the verdict, and Moody will suggest discussing how things went in the courtroom in the meantime. Discussing the trial requires earning five stars within three hours. Since all five stars are needed to pass, starting this task with full energy is highly recommended.

There are bonus progress actions tied to Moody and Jacob. Prioritize those if you want to save some energy.

Mad-Eye will be surprised to hear about Veritaserum. The following line will be slightly different based on whether you drank the tea or not.

Corey will admit that the distraction was made to wait out the effect of the Veritaserum, and Moody will ask if you have any idea where the Veritaserum came from. The choice you made while talking to Jacob and Corey will take effect here.

You will tell Moody why you didn’t want to say anything about the Veritaserum while you were testifying.

He’ll agree that it was a good idea not to jeopardize the trial. He will also say that he is going to look into the incident later. He’ll then ask you about the trial. There are three options to reply with. This choice won’t significantly impact the story, so feel free to go with the option you prefer.

You’ll admit that you are glad that your secret wasn’t revealed during the trial.

Mad-Eye will advise you not to talk about it, and he’ll figure out that the Wizengamot has likely reached a verdict. You will suggest heading back to the courtroom.

Proceed there when you are ready. When you arrive, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you want to see what they have to say. You will notice the worried look on Jacob’s face, so you’ll ask if he is all right.

He’ll admit that he is worried.

He’ll ask if you are nervous about what’s going to happen. There are two options to reply with. While this choice won’t significantly impact the story, it is somewhat recommended to go with the second option.

You will notice that your brother is still nervous, so you will suggest talking about it. Reassuring Jacob requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

Be sure to slide the screen left and right to see all the available actions. There are bonus progress actions tied to Jacob and your character. Prioritize those if you want to save some energy.

You’ll tell Jacob there is no need for him to be so worried about you. After all, you are not a defenseless kid anymore. You will also remind him that you’ve been the one saving him recently. Jacob will apologize and say that he missed so many years of you growing up. He’ll admit that he is very proud of you. Moments later, Professor Dumbledore will ask for everyone’s attention.

As it seems, the Wizengamot spent a lot of time deliberating, but in the end, they did come to a single conclusion. Everyone will wait for Professor Dumbledore to announce the verdict.

After a brief moment, he will say that Kazuhiro Shiratori is found guilty of all charges.

The White-Robed Wizard won’t be happy to hear that.

On the other hand, Mad-Eye will look quite pleased about the verdict.

Corey, Jacob, and you will be incredibly happy about it.

Professor Dumbledore will issue a warning to each and every member of ‘R’.

Both you and Jacob will be glad about the way things played out.

This will mark the end of Chapter 32 of Year 7. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You will receive 350 Coins and 2000 Experience Points.

Thankfully, things went the way you hoped for. Will you finally be able to relax for a while and enjoy some time with your friends? Or will something unexpected happen again? Find out in the next chapter of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery!

Thank you for reading.


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