HomeWHYWhy Does My Facebook Keep Jumping Around

Why Does My Facebook Keep Jumping Around

Facebook has become one of the most popular social media platforms with over 2.9 billion monthly active users, many of us rely on Facebook to stay connected with friends, family, brands, groups and pages that interest us. However, a common and frustrating problem that I and many other Facebook users face is our Facebook page randomly jumping or refreshing while we are browsing. This page jump can disrupt and ruin our Facebook experience.

In this detailed guide, I will analyze the reasons why Facebook pages tend to jump around and refresh unexpectedly. I will also provide actionable solutions and preventative best practices you can apply to stop your Facebook page from jumping around. Whether using Facebook on your desktop browser or mobile app, these tips should improve your scrolling and reading on the platform.

Why Does My Facebook Page Keep Jumping and Refreshing?

Before we get into the fixes, let’s first understand what causes Facebook pages to jump back to the top or refresh suddenly when browsing on a desktop or mobile.

Impatient Scrolling Before Page Load Completion

One of the most common triggers for Facebook page jumps is impatient scrolling before the page has fully loaded all its content.

The Facebook feed contains diverse content – text, photos, videos, ads, and comments. All this rich media can take time to load, especially on a slow internet connection.

When I scroll down the page before all images, videos, and plugins are done loading, it can inadvertently trigger a refresh. To avoid this, I’ve learned to wait patiently to finish loading before scrolling now patiently.

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Overscrolling on Mobile Devices

Similarly, overscrolling past the end of the loaded content can cause the page to jump on mobile devices.

Since mobile screens are smaller, it’s easier to accidentally scroll too fast and hit the end of the loaded content. This results in the page snapping back up.

Being more gentle and paced with my scrolling has helped reduce page jumps significantly. Letting the content load before reaching the end also helps.

Browser Smooth Scrolling Feature

Browser Smooth Scrolling Feature

Some browsers like Google Chrome have a “smooth scrolling” feature enabled by default for a more natural, fluid feel when scrolling pages.

However, this animated scrolling can sometimes conflict with Facebook’s feed and cause unexpected page jumps or refreshes.

I managed to fix this issue by turning off smooth scrolling in Chrome’s settings. The process may vary for other browsers but generally involves:

  1. Opening Flags settings by typing chrome://flags/#smooth-scrolling in the URL bar
  2. Changing the Smooth Scrolling flag from “Enabled” to “Disabled
  3. Relaunching the Chrome browser

Browser or App Needs Update

Outdated browsers or apps can also be a culprit for Facebook feed jumping. New Facebook updates bring code changes that may not be compatible with old browser or app versions.

I keep my Chrome browser and Facebook mobile app updated to the latest versions. This prevents conflicts and ensures the best experience on Facebook.

Too Many Tabs Open

Having too many browser tabs open can overload the computer’s resources, cause lag, and trigger unexpected Facebook page refreshes.

To rule out this possibility, I tried having only one tab open with Facebook. The page scroll worked perfectly without any jumps. This indicated that excessive tabs were likely causing the issue.

Now, I make sure to close all unnecessary tabs before browsing Facebook for an extended stretch. I also limit the number of tabs to reduce resource overload.

Incompatible Browser Extensions

Browser extensions, though useful, can sometimes interfere with page loading and functionality. I realized ad blockers and VPN extensions were possibly causing Facebook feed jumps when scrolling.

Disabling or removing such extensions from Chrome fixed the issue for me. Do keep in mind that extensions like ad blockers also provide security and privacy benefits. So assess your risk comfort and needs before turning them off.

Network Connectivity Issues

Unstable internet connections can also result in abrupt Facebook page jumps, failure to load new content, or even timeout errors.

I have faced this a lot when browsing Facebook on public Wi-Fi networks that have spotty connections. Similarly, low mobile data reception areas also pose problems.

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The only reliable fix is to switch to a faster, more stable internet connection. Beyond that, there’s not much else within our control. Having patience with slow networks can help in the interim.

7 Fixes to Stop Facebook Page Jumping

Now that we’ve understood what causes Facebook page jumps and refreshes let’s look at some proven solutions to address this annoying problem:

1. Clear Browser Cache and cookies

Over time, the browser accumulates temporary internet files, cached data, and cookies that can slow it down. Clearing them out frees up space and speeds up browser performance.

To clear cache and cookies in Chrome desktop browser:

  1. Click the 3 vertical dots to open the menu
  2. Hover over History and select Clear browsing data
  3. Choose the desired timeframe for deletion
  4. Checkboxes for Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files
  5. Click Clear data

2. Update Your Browser and Facebook App

As mentioned earlier, outdated software versions can cause conflicts and page jump issues.

I make sure to check for and install the latest updates regularly:

  • Chrome desktop browser – through Chrome menu > Help > About Google Chrome
  • Facebook mobile app (for Android or iOS) – through Google Play Store or Apple App Store

This best practice keeps the software up-to-date and prevents version conflicts.

3. Switch Browsers and See if it Helps

Some browsers work better than others with Facebook’s code. For instance, I found Chrome to have fewer Facebook page jump problems compared to Firefox.

If adjusting browser settings doesn’t help, try switching browsers:

Best desktop browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Apple Safari

Best mobile browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Apple Safari
  • Facebook App

See if the issues persist across different browser options. Stick with the one that works best with Facebook.

4. Disable Smooth Scrolling

Disable Smooth Scrolling

As mentioned earlier, smooth scrolling can sometimes conflict with Facebook page loading and cause jumps.

To turn off this feature:

On Chrome desktop:

  1. Go to chrome://flags/#smooth-scrolling
  2. Disable smooth scrolling
  3. Relaunch browser

On Firefox desktop:

  1. Type about: config in the URL bar
  2. Search for general. smooth scroll
  3. Toggle general.smooth scroll. Current to false

5. Reset Zoom Level to Default

Over-zooming in or out on the page can also cause unexpected page jumps in some instances.

To quickly reset to the default zoom level:

  • On Chrome: Press CTRL+0
  • On Firefox: Press CTRL+0
  • On Safari: Go to View > Zoom > Reset Zoom

This takes zoom out of the equation.

6. Update Graphic Card Drivers

Outdated or faulty graphic card drivers can also mess with browser scrolling and trigger Facebook refresh issues.

I updated my Nvidia graphic drivers to the latest Game Ready version through the GeForce Experience app. This noticeably improved Chrome’s scrolling and eliminated Facebook jumps.

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Be sure to download drivers only from official manufacturer websites like Nvidia, AMD, or Intel.

7. Report Issues to Facebook

Despite your best troubleshooting efforts, if the Facebook page continues to jump around, it likely requires fixing on Facebook’s end.

To report issues directly to Facebook:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center
  2. Click Report a Problem
  3. Select issue type (e.g., Something Went Wrong)
  4. Fill details like when an issue occurs, steps to reproduce, browser info
  5. Click Submit

This user feedback helps Facebook engineers to identify and resolve persistent technical bugs.

Best Practices to Prevent Facebook Page Jumps

In addition to fixes, also pay attention to the following best practices to avoid Facebook page refresh issues in the first place:

1. Wait for Page Load After Scrolling

As explained earlier, impatient scrolling often causes Facebook pages to jump back up. I’ve trained myself to now pause for 1-2 seconds after reaching the end of loaded content before attempting to scroll further. This gives time for new content to load and prevents over-scroll triggers.

2. Use Minimal Browser Tabs

Having just one or two browser tabs open dedicated to Facebook prevents resource constraints and lag that can interfere with page loading. I avoid working on 10 other projects while browsing Facebook.

3. Disable Unnecessary Browser Extensions

I closely evaluate if all my Chrome extensions are required when visiting Facebook. For instance, Grammarly grammar checker likely isn’t needed on Facebook. Turning off such optional extensions for Facebook access prevents potential conflicts.

4. Don’t Overzoom-In on Page

Excessively pinching and zooming the Facebook mobile page can cause alignment issues and unexpected jumps. I now mostly use default zoom and only zoom manually on rare occasions.

5. Enable Data Saving Mode

Facebook’s Data Saver setting reduces data consumption by not auto-playing videos or loading high-res images. This helps lighten page load and resources.

To enable it, go to Facebook Settings > Media and Contacts > Data Saver.

6. Use Stable High-Speed Internet

Spotty internet connectivity itself can ruin the Facebook experience and cause abrupt page jumps. I aim to access Facebook primarily through fast home Wi-Fi or solid LTE/5G cellular data. This minimizes network-related page loading disruption.

7. Update Facebook App Automatically

Rather than having to install Facebook app updates, enable auto-update manually:

On Android:

  • Open the Google Play Store
  • Tap menu icon
  • Select Enable auto-update

On iOS:

  • Go to the App Store
  • Tap your profile icon
  • Toggle on App Updates

This ensures I always have the most up-to-date Facebook app.

8. Extend Your Patience

Lastly, it also helps to be more patient and conscious when scrolling Facebook feeds. Unlike static websites, Facebook delivers constantly updating, dynamic content. Rapidly swiping without giving time for new posts or stories to load can unintentionally trigger refreshes.

I’ve noticed exercising some restraint and intentionally pausing between scrolls improves my Facebook browsing experience and reduces frustrating jumps significantly.


Random Facebook page jumping or refreshing is a common annoyance faced by many users like myself when casually browsing the platform. However, a bit of awareness around what causes it and applying the right troubleshooting tips can help eliminate this problem.

This detailed guide explaining the reasons, fixes, and best practices to stop Facebook feed from jumping helps improve your overall experience on the platform. Do share any other remedies that worked for you!


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