HomeWHENWhen Is Squirrel Season In Nc

When Is Squirrel Season In Nc

Understanding Squirrel Season in North Carolina

As the fall leaves start to turn in North Carolina, you might notice an increase in activity among the squirrel population. This is due to the start of the squirrel season in North Carolina. During this time, squirrels are busy preparing for winter, which means gathering food and seeking shelter. Unfortunately, your home might look like a perfect nesting spot to them.

Understanding squirrel season is crucial in preventing infestations. While squirrels are harmless creatures in nature, they can become a nuisance when they invade your home. They chew on everything, including electrical wires, and can cause significant damage. In addition, their nesting materials can create a fire hazard.

The squirrel season in North Carolina usually begins in August and ends in early November. During this period, you may notice more squirrels around your property. This is because they are preparing for the winter months and are in search of food and shelter. It’s also the breeding season for squirrels, which means they are more likely to seek out secure, warm places to nest – like your attic or walls.

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Signs of Infestations During Squirrel Season in North Carolina

Recognizing the signs of a squirrel infestation is the first step in dealing with the problem. Squirrels are not subtle creatures. If you hear scratching or scurrying noises in your walls or attic, it could be a sign of a squirrel infestation. These noises are often most noticeable at dawn and dusk when squirrels are most active.

Other signs of squirrel infestations include droppings and urine stains. Squirrel droppings are similar in size and shape to large grains of rice. You may also notice a musky odor. This is due to the accumulation of urine and feces. If you start to notice these signs, it’s crucial to take action before the infestation worsens.

Another sign to look out for is damage to your property. Squirrels can chew through wood, insulation, and even electrical wires. If you notice gnaw marks around your home or damaged areas in your attic or walls, it could be a sign of a squirrel infestation.

Risks and Damages Caused by Squirrel Infestations

Squirrels are not just a nuisance; they can also pose a serious risk to your property and health. One of the most significant dangers of a squirrel infestation is the potential for fire. Squirrels have sharp teeth that they use to gnaw on various materials. If they chew through electrical wires, it can cause sparks that can ignite a fire.

Moreover, squirrels can cause structural damage to your home. They can gnaw through walls, insulation, and other building materials, creating holes and weakening structures. This can lead to costly repairs, not to mention the potential risks to your safety.

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In terms of health risks, squirrels can carry various parasites and diseases, including ticks, fleas, and rabies. Their droppings can also pose a health risk if not properly cleaned, as they can contain bacteria and viruses.

Effective Prevention and Control Methods for Squirrel Infestations

Preventing squirrel infestations is often easier than dealing with an existing one. Start by ensuring your home is not an attractive nesting spot for squirrels. Trim tree branches that are close to your home, as squirrels can use them to gain access to your roof.

Seal any cracks or holes in your home’s exterior, especially around the roof and eaves. Squirrels can squeeze through small openings, so be thorough in your inspection. It’s also helpful to cap your chimney and vents with mesh screens to prevent squirrels from entering.

If you already have an infestation, you may need to employ more aggressive control methods. Trapping is often the most effective way to remove squirrels from your home. However, it’s important to check local regulations before attempting to trap or relocate squirrels, as there may be specific guidelines you need to follow.

Legal Regulations and Guidelines for Dealing with Squirrel Infestations

In North Carolina, there are specific regulations and guidelines for dealing with squirrel infestations. It’s important to understand these before taking any action.

For instance, it’s illegal to poison squirrels in North Carolina. Trapping is allowed, but there are rules about when and how you can release the squirrels. In some cases, you may be required to euthanize the squirrels instead of releasing them.

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It’s recommended to contact your local wildlife agency or a professional pest control service to ensure you’re handling the situation legally and humanely.

Hiring Professional Pest Control Services for Squirrel Infestations

Dealing with a squirrel infestation can be challenging and time-consuming. Hiring a professional pest control service can be a wise choice. Professionals have the tools and knowledge to handle the infestation effectively and humanely.

Freedom Wildlife Solutions is here to keep your home squirrel free. Using cutting-edge, humane trapping, we can make sure your house or building is squirrel-free. Contact us today to schedule your inspection!

Conclusion – Preparing for Squirrel Season in North Carolina

Squirrel season in North Carolina can be a busy time for homeowners. By understanding the signs of infestation, knowing the potential risks, and employing effective prevention and control methods, you can protect your home from these furry invaders. Remember, it’s always best to consult professionals if you suspect a squirrel infestation. They can provide the most effective, humane, and legal solutions to keep your home squirrel-free.

If you’re having trouble with squirrels breaking into your home, we’ve got the tools to help. Contact Freedom Wildlife Solutions today to get started!


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