HomeWHYWhy Does Cash App Nfc Tag Keep Popping Up

Why Does Cash App Nfc Tag Keep Popping Up

This article will explain the meaning of a message or alert with ‘Website NFC tag’ or ‘NFC Tag Detected’, the meaning of related messages, and what to do if you want to stop those messages. They can appear on your phone and might confuse or annoy you. However, they can also be useful. To understand, use, and perhaps prevent Website NFC tag messages on your lock screen, read on!


In Brief


NFC Tag Explained

‘NFC Tag Detected’ Explained

Website NFC Tag Meaning

How to use a Website NFC Tag

Why you get a Website NFC Tag Found Apple.com Notification

Stop Website NFC Tag Notifications

In Brief

A website NFC Tag is a close (near, but non-contact) communication of a website address via a physical tag with some electronic capability. If that doesn’t mean much to you or help you yet, then read on.


NFC tags are becoming more prevalent. One reason is the recent potential low cost of the tag. Because they are now cheaper, it means many more are being used. Many more people are only coming in contact with them in recent times.

Apple has used NFC for apple pay for quite some time (going as far back as 2015!).

As a sign that it is becoming more common, Apple switched on NFC tag reading automatically in one of the recent-ish iOS updates. (For more on problems relating to that, see this article.)

It seems it has confused or annoyed some people.

They can be helpful or it can be another pathway for marketers to get into your pocket – well, if you keep your phone in your pocket that is, LOL.

But seriously, what is that message “Website NFC Tag”? And what about “NFC Tag Detected”? I’ll cover NFC Tag first, then explain the meaning of those website-related messages.

NFC Tag Explained

Not all NFC tags are for websites. Let’s take a quick step back to explain what an NFC tag is.

NFC stands for Near-Field Communication.

Of course Wikipedia has a long and detailed explanation of NFC. If you are up for some quite technical information, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near-field_communication.

For smartphones and NFC tags see this section of that article.

In simple terms, it is a wireless transmission method very much like Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

Important Note: It ONLY works over a very short distance, less than 2 inches (around 4 cm). This short distance of operation is good to know; don’t worry, someone is not trying to hack you from a long way away.

It’s nice to know you don’t have to worry about that!

It is very often set up to operate automatically and different devices have one of a number possible modes of NFC operation.

Several systems use cards or tags that don’t have their own battery. They rely on the power supplied by the field generated by the NFC Tag reader. They may have a printed coil circuit that receive power a little like induction chargers for some more modern msartphones,

NFC is often used to transmit basic (or a small amount of) information. This is because of the following reason:

NFC is only able to share a small amount of information in a short time. That is, it has a (s)low data transfer rate.

This small amount of information could be enough for its own purpose, or it could be a small amount of information to make some kind of connection for a larger amount of information transfer via another method.

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Example: Here is a great modern use example for NFC tags: A digital business card like this. Hold this card to a NFC-enable phone or reader, and your business card gets digitally transferred into the phone via NFC. It’s a great new way to network – no physical business card to get lost or thrown away – it goes straight into a new contact’s smartphone! On their phone they will get a message like ‘NFC Tag Detected’ and can accept your digital business card. For 15 to 20 bucks you can get one to reuse as many times as you need. How much would 500 cardboard business cards cost, and how many get wasted? Better for the environment also, don’t you think?

NOTE: that is a link to Amazon and if you buy and meet certain criteria, we might get a small commission but your price won’t change. You may notice many websites with free help do this to keep them running. Support us! (But only if you want to.)

‘NFC Tag Detected’ Explained

Are you wondering “what does NFC Tag Detected mean?”

NFC Tag Detected is what your iPhone (or other smartphone) might have at the top of the banner when it gives you a message asking whether to “Open found.apple.com link”. See further below for exactly what that specific apple website link means.

If you get a message indicating ‘NFC Tag Detected’, it means your phone (or other NFC enabled device if not a smartphone) has come within quite close range to an NFC tag. Close enough for the communication system to to flag its presence. This can be only around two inches (or a few centimeters) range, as indicated above.

Such basic information can be something like a phone number, contact details, banking details (pay by phone), or (drum-roll please…) a website address!

Website NFC Tag Meaning

As explained above, NFC stands for Near-Field Communication. It is for very short distance communication between enabled devices. Devices could include your phone (if you pay via your phone then it can do it!) or a cheap tag made for NFC in a shop or business.

They can even be in the form of a sticker rather than a tag.

We have all seen those anti-theft device stickers in stores by now right? Think of something a little like that.

With this in mind, now I want to to explain what a website NFC tag is.

Downloading an entire website page or video is not practical via NFC. This is due to its quite limited communication capabilities (I mean low speed or data transfer rate).

However, sending you only the link to the website page works fine. This is because your smartphone internet browser can then do the high data transfer rate work. It just needs the website address, and then it uses the much greater capacity Wi-Fi or other broadband connection for downloading all the website code, data, images, video and such.

If you see a message appear on your phone starting with “Website NFC” it means your phone has been very close to an automatic NFC tag.

The tag has told your phone (via near-field communication) of a website address that the tag owner thinks you might like to visit. Often it relates to a product or a store website with more information for you to read or watch – if you want to.

To open a website for you would be too much like spamming, and open to misuse.

Instead, then system is designed to give you the option to open it if you approve.

How to use a Website NFC Tag

Many modern phones have NFC capability. It can activate just by holding it close to the tag or sticker (in a shop for example).

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Once you have the message come up, you can do the following.

You can tap the message on your phone and tap again to accept to go to the website in your browser app. For those of you with an iPhone that would mean it will probably open the site in Safari.

This can be handy because you don’t have to type anything.

In the old days, if the shop had a website you wanted to go to, you might have to type in the website address yourself. S-L-O-W. Not to mention the problems with typos. Not good.

I suppose in practice it is much like a website QR code, that you scan with your phone or QR code app, and it can take you to a website. The difference is that you do not have to open the camera or any other app to scan a website NFC tag. It is automatic.

But sometimes it seems these tag notifications can annoy or worry some people.

It is important to know you might help someone if you pay attention. Why? Read the next section.

Also Read: How to find recently added contacts on your iPhone.

Why You Get a Website NFC Tag Found-Apple.com Notification

Apple’s AirTag system uses Bluetooth and/or NFC (which by reading the above, you now know stands for Near Field Communication).

The system is designed to help someone find their Apple Air Tag, in case they can’t find their keys or lose their wallet, or EVEN THEIR PET! You get the idea.

Don’t believe me about the pet? Some people get those water proof AirTag covers or tough covers and hang them on their dog’s collar! If you love your dog (and who owns a dog who doesn’t?) then it seems a pretty cheap insurance to make sure you will always be able to find them if lost.

NOTE: those two are links to Amazon and if you buy and meet certain criteria, we might get a small commission but your price won’t change. You may notice many websites with free help do this to keep them running.

WARNING: Be aware that some dogs bite and chew anything they can. Especially that new thing around their neck. Fancy your dog to swallow a battery or do you like paying vet hospital bills? No, I don’t expect so. Take precautions if you still want to do this!

So if you have some thing that could get wet, and want to track it, consider those waterproof AirTag covers at the link above.

If your NFC-enabled phone goes near to an Apple AirTag, you will get the notification “Found.Apple.Com”

By going to the website, it allows Apple’s AirTag-finding system to record that a certain tag was ‘found’ at a certain location. If it doesn’t bother you, please consider going to the site. Apple.com is regarded as a safe website.

You might really help someone find their keys, wallet, bag or whatever.

And if it is your AirTag, check this out:

You should not get that message if your phone recognises your own AirTag. So, it comes up only for AirTags that your phone doesn’t already recognise, of it recognises the AirTag as a lost one.

It could be one from someone sitting next to you or a colleague at work or someone you walk past.

It could be that you were near someone’s gear they left behind, or their bike. Whatever someone left behind that their Apple AirTag inside.

The good news is you can turn them off! Sort of. Here is what you can do and how to do it.

Stop Website NFC Tag Notifications.

If you have an Android phone

If you have an android phone (with Chrome, for example):

Go to Settings, then

Connected Devices.

If you see an on/off toggle switch, switch it to off.

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I write “if” because not all android phones have this.

If you have an iPhone

If you have an iPhone (with Chrome, Safari or other browser as default) this could help.

Has someone left their AirTag (or some other NFC tag) near you?

If you get an AirTag, you will want to register it to be associated with you. When your iPhone recognizes one that isn’t registered to you, you will get an alert. So if you have one, make sure you register it. Note if your partner has one registered but you carry it, it might explain your problem (see below).

It could be the reason why you keep getting NFC tag notifications, as it has found a website NFC Tag and is checking if you want to open the page link in Safari.

For that example, it will be asking to open the ‘found’ subdomain of the apple.com website, as explained above.

You might get very many notifications! Annoying. (I hope Apple will understand and resolve this issue.)

It seems you can do something.

Here are a few options to try to see if it stops them. My preferred method is to manage these notifications (see further below).

Firstly, it might relate to App Clips, because the AirTag notification system is part of an in-built app, I suppose.

An App Clip is a small part of your app that’s discoverable at the moment it’s needed (hence the pop up when your phone is near an AirTag.)

To change settings, go to:

Settings > Notifications > App Clips

I’m not sure this is what is bothering most people.

If you can’t see App Clips or it doesn’t work for you, then try the next method.

Another option for these AppClips could be to disable in Screentime Settings.

  • Go to Settings, then Screen time (at the end of the block starting with Notifications), Content and privacy Restrictions.
  • Here tap the slider to turn on Content and privacy Restrictions, if it isn’t on already.
  • Now go to Content Restrictions, App Clips, then Hit Don’t Allow.

If you find an AirTag that you can’t find the owner for, and suspect someone is trying to track you. Then feel free to open it and take out the battery!

If that’s too hard you can find an option to stop the AirTag from working to send location data to the registered owner.

Manage iPhone Notifications to Stop them

I’m not sure if website NFC tag notifications are classed like other notifications and whether you can turn them off the same way. I write this because I didn’t see an app that you can turn off notifications specifically for NFC Tags within Settings.

NOTE: NFC is included automatically by default for iPhones 11 and later. There is no app icon in the Control Center.

However, there is something you can do to try to prevent NFC notifications causing interruptions.

For most notifications, you can prevent them from appearing on the lock screen of an iPhone. This method can stop specific notifications from playing any sound, lighting up the screen, appearing on the lock screen, or presenting a banner.

These are the steps to prevent the NFC tag message on the lock screen, but rather send it to the Notification Center on an iPhone:

Step 1: When you have received a website NFC tag notification on your iPhone lock screen:

swipe left on the notification.

Step 2: Then select one of the two options below.

Deliver Quietly

Step 1: Tap Manage, then

Step 2: tap Deliver Quietly.

Turn Off Completely

To turn off completely notifications for an app, swipe left on the notification.

Step 1: Tap Manage, then

Step 2: tap Turn Off.

NOTE: you will want to check if this will interfere with notifications of actions you do want, like Apple Pay. It should be app specific, but make sure your check.


I have shown you what is a Website NFC tag notification, explained what NFC means, the meaning of various messages, and five ways to stop NFC Tag notifications that should be worth a try. We explained why you might get the common Found.Apple.com Tag notification.


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