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Who Is The Best World Man

Prophet Muhammad, the greatest man, was born around 1400 years ago in the Saudi Arabian city of Makkah. Since then, the world has not seen someone who compares to Him in every way, and human history demonstrates that there has never been anyone finer than Him before Him.

There has never been anyone in history like Muhammad (peace be upon him) whose life has been meticulously documented, and there has never been anyone in history like Muhammad (peace be upon him) whose exemplary deeds are so closely emulated in their daily lives by so many people from so many countries and regions of the world, and still are.

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) is the Light of Allah, something a believer can say because the Qur’an affirms it in the verse

“There has come to you a Light from Allah, and a Manifest Book” (Qur’an 5:15).

In which a number of classic Qur’anic exegetes describe the word Light as follows:

“It is the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace),” says Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti. (139 Tafsir al-Jalalayn).

“By Light, He means Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace), through whom Allah has lighted the truth, shown Islam, and eliminated polytheism; since he is a light for whoever wants illumination from him, which makes apparent the truth” (Ibn Jarir al-Tabari). (6.161 in Jami’ al-bayan).

“There are several viewpoints about it,” says Fakhr al-Razi, “the first being that the Light is Muhammad, and the Book is the Qur’an.” (11:194 in al-Tafsir al-kabir).

“It implies Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace), or, in a weaker position, Islam,” al-Baghawi says. (2.228 in Ma’alam al-Tanzil). And, according to Qurtubi (Ahkam al-Qur’an, 6.118) and Mawardi (al-Nukat wa al-‘uyun, 2.22), [the Imam of Arabic grammar Ibrahim ibn Muhammad] al-Zajjaj (d. 311/923), interpreting Nur as “Muhammad” (Allah bless him and give him peace).

According to the Qur’an, all of this proves that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) is a light from Allah. This is the earliest exegetical view, because al-Tabari was the sheikh of the salaf (early Muslims) in tafsir, but understanding Nur as “Islam” is a later interpretation.

In both Islamic and non-Islamic cultures, the Prophet’s character is the most important factor that inspires reverence and respect. He possessed the best character, as He stated in one of His hadiths:

God has sent me to perfect good manners and to do good deeds.

The following paragraphs discuss some of the Prophet’s major character traits, which every Muslim should propagate as widely as possible.

1• For Allah’s Sake:

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was as unselfish as anyone could be.

He lived every day for the sake of Allah, and all He did was for the benefit of the Almighty.

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The degree of His selflessness can be seen in His sermon in the valley of Taif, where wicked children were encouraged to throw stones at Him while He was speaking.

He was forced to flee for his life and was soaked in blood. He did not, however, complain to Allah about Him; rather, one of His associates recounts:

❝The Prophet resembled a Prophet who was harmed by His people. He wiped the blood from His face and said: ‘O God! Forgive my people, for they know not!❞ [Bukhari]

Such is the selflessness in His character and every moment of His life was for the sake of Allah and spreading His message.

2• Mannerism:

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was the epitome of good manners. Every action He performed in life exemplified the greatest standards of morality and deportment.

He was a model citizen with impeccable manners and integrity. His mannerisms, as one of His acquaintances observes:

The Prophet never cursed someone or swore at them. ‘What is wrong with him, may dust be cast in his face!’ He would exclaim if He wanted to rebuke someone. [Bukhari]

As a result, if a Muslim intends to provide a good example for others, Muhammad is the best choice.

3• Humour:

Many people believe that as an Islamic religious leader, Prophet Muhammad had nothing to do with humour, but instead was all strictness and stringency. This perception is incorrect, as Prophet possessed the best sense of humour, which can’t be found in anyone else.

His sense of humour was not vulgar in the sense that it made fun of or degraded others; rather, it was exquisite.

Anas (May Allah Be Pleased With Him) gives an example like this: ❝Once a man asked Muhammad for an animal to ride. He replied that He would give him the baby of a she-camel to ride on. The man asked ‘What would he do with a she-camel baby?’ he replied, ‘Is there any camel which is not born of a she-camel?’❞

4• Peace Lover:

The popular perception of Islam and the Prophet is that they both encouraged people to commit acts of violence and were not and are not proponents of peace. It is completely false, because Islam is a religion of peace, and the Prophet was a peace lover.

He wished for people to live in peace, and he constantly urged people to settle their problems via dialogue rather than violence.

Prophet (Peace be upon him) said in one of his hadiths:

❝Let us go to resolve the situation and make peace between them.❞ [Bukhari]

As a result, Muslims should promote His message of peace by demonstrating His commitment to peace through acts.

5• Kind to Children:

Prophet was always kind and merciful to children. He always enjoyed their company and made them laugh by playing with them.

One of His life’s examples is when He used to say to children:

❝I’ll give such and such (i.e. gift or so) to the one who comes to me first.❞

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As a result, they used to race each other and fall on His back and chest. [Ahmad]

This demonstrates His attitude toward children, and there are numerous additional instances throughout His life in which He urged parents to love and care for their children.

6• Prophet Muhammad’s Generosity:

Another facet of the prophet’s nature is his generosity. He was the most giving person on the planet.

He put others before himself and always met the needs of anyone who came to Him with a request.

The Prophet (Peace be upon him) did not refuse to give anything He had to someone who asked for it, according to one of His associates. [Bukhari]

Muslims should aspire to His compassion and transmit examples of His kindness to others so that the world can become a better place.

7• Women’s Caring:

Another charge levelled against Islam is that it is a religion that oppresses women; consequently, as the religion’s founder, he is also accused of oppressing women. This notion is likewise incorrect, because the Prophet was concerned about women’s rights and encouraged His followers to treat women with respect and the same rights that they deserve.

In one of His hadiths He said:

❝Whoever (brings up) two girls till they come of age, will be in the next world along with me, like my two fingers joining each other.❞ [Abu Dawud]

He could have merely stated male orphan children if He were a woman oppressor, but He chose to raise female orphan children. This demonstrates His concern for women’s rights.

8• Pleasantness:

Another misunderstanding is that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) would always be harsh and strict with the individuals with whom He engaged. It’s also incorrect because Prophet was the most nice individual.

He constantly greeted people with a grin and spoke to them with tenderness.

About Him, his companion said:

❝I have never seen a man who smiled as much as the Messenger of Allah.❞ [Tirmidhi]

This demonstrates Prophet’s kind and caring personality.

A person who smiles most of the time should make a positive impression on others, and wherever he goes, he should transmit love and happiness.

9• Concerned for Orphans:

Prophet did not just love people who were in his immediate vicinity, nor did He only love those who were related to Him; rather, He cared about the entire society.

Prophet Muhammad was particularly concerned about orphans in society, and would encourage His followers to take special care of them because they lacked parents to look after them.

He said in one of His hadiths:

❝The best house among the Muslims is one where an orphan is well treated, and the worst house among the Muslims is one where an orphan is badly treated.❞ [Ibn Majah].

10• Prophet Muhammad’s Cooperation:

Prophet Muhammad is the greatest and highest among people, but despite his magnificence and grandeur, He was helpful towards people and assisted others in accomplishing their jobs in whatever manner He could. He never viewed himself as exceptional, preferring to mingle with ordinary people and help them in any manner He could.

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As one of His companion narrates regarding the battle of Trench:

❝I saw the Messenger of Allah on the Day of the Trench carrying dirt (that was dug from the trench) until His chest was covered with dirt.❞ [Bukhari]

As a result, a Muslim should place little weight on status or rank, instead assisting others and contributing a fair part to the efforts made by all.

11• Animal Rights Activist:

Prophet may have been the first animal rights activist on the face of the globe to speak up for animal rights.

He said that animals were also created by Allah and deserved to be treated fairly, rather than being treated harshly, strictly, and ignorantly.

Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her) related the following story:

I once had trouble riding a horse and had to continually rein it in. ‘You must have tenderness,’ remarked the Prophet (Peace be upon him). [Muslim]

Muslims should take note of His treatment of animals and attempt to be as loving and sensitive of them as possible, as well as treat them equitably.

12• Prophet Muhammad’s Modesty:

Another notable personality trait of the Prophet is His modesty. He was the most modest of all and never advocated vulgarity in His disciples; rather, He was modest and firmly supported modesty in them.

He said in one of His hadiths:

Modesty is a part of past Prophets’ teachings, and anyone who lacks it is inclined to do anything he wants.

As a result, modesty is essential to Islam, and the Prophet, as a living embodiment of Islam, ensured that He was modest in every way.

13• Considerate:

The Prophet was considerate to everyone, including animals, women, children, orphans, enemies, other Muslims, followers, elders, and everyone else in society. He would care for orphans and children, treat animals humanely, give women their rights, respect the elders, and offer what people requested, so He was thoughtful of all people without discrimination.

The greatest man, Prophet Muhammad, said:

I rise for prayer with the intention of prolonging it. Meanwhile, I hear a baby crying and have to cut my prayer short, fearful that my recitation of a long verse will be heard by the baby’s mother. [Bukhari]

14• General Appearance:

In His general appearance, Prophet as beautiful, pure, simple, gentle and yet so common as any other person could be.

❝The Prophet was a person of average height. His shoulder were wide. His hair reached his earlobes. Once I saw Him adorned in a red garment; I never saw anything more beautiful than Him.❞ [Bukhari]

And when he died, he did not leave a cent, nor any property except his white mule, his weapons, and a piece of land which he had dedicated for the good of the community (Al-Bukhari).

Allah says in the Qur’an what means: *{You have indeed in the Messenger of God [Muhammad] a beautiful pattern [of conduct] for anyone whose hope is God and the Final Day.}* (Al-Ahzab 33:21)


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