Which Describes The Relationship Between Enterprise Platforms And The Cloud

Coursera Introduction to Cloud Computing quiz answers to all weekly questions (weeks 1-5):

  • Week 1: Overview of Cloud Computing
  • Week 2: Cloud Computing Models
  • Week 3: Components of Cloud Computing
  • Week 4: Emergent Trends and Practices
  • Week 5: Cloud Security, Monitoring, Case Studies, Jobs and Final Assignement

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Coursera Introduction to Cloud Computing quiz answers

Week 1: Overview of Cloud Computing quiz answers

This week you will learn about the definition and essential characteristics of cloud computing. You will learn about the evolution of cloud computing, the emerging technologies supported by cloud, and the business case for cloud computing.In this module, you will learn about the definition and essential characteristics of cloud computing. You will also learn about the evolution of cloud computing, the business case for cloud adoption, and how some of the emerging technologies are being supported by cloud computing.

Question 1. In the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) definition of “cloud computing”, what does the statement “shared pool of configurable computing resources” include?

  • Leverage cloud services over the open internet on hardware owned by the cloud provider
  • Data security, associated with loss or unavailability of data causing business disruption
  • Five essential characteristics, three deployment models, three service models
  • Networks, servers, storage, applications, and services

Question 2. What tasks do hypervisors accomplish? Select two.

  • Enable multiple operating systems to run alongside each other, sharing the same physical computing resources.
  • Separates VMs logically and assigns each a share of the underlying computing power, memory, and storage.
  • Scale on demand to support fluctuating workloads.
  • Facilitate access to mainframes for multiple users to access the same data storage layer.

Question 3. What are some of the cloud benefits that make it lower-risk for enterprises to adopt cloud? Select two.

  • Data security associated with loss or unavailability of data causing business disruption
  • The speed with which applications can be up and running on the cloud versus months on traditional platforms, means enterprises can experiment, fail fast, learn, and course correct without setting them back significantly.
  • The pay-as-you-go model allows enterprises to experiment with technologies as opposed to making long-term decisions based on little or no trial.
  • Diversity of standardization in how the constantly evolving technologies integrate and interoperate.

Question 4. Which of these are full-service cloud platforms?

A. IBM Cloud

B. Amazon Web Services

C. Google Cloud Platform

D. Microsoft Azure

  • A and B only
  • A, B, C, and D
  • A, B, and C only
  • A only

Question 5. An IBM Institute for Business Value study says that more than three-quarters of enterprises today are using cloud computing to expand into new industries. What additional benefits do organizations find when adopting the cloud:

  • Continue making expensive decisions because it often worked in the past
  • Lengthen product lifecycles to ensure higher quality offerings
  • Improve customer experience and create enhanced products and services
  • Avoid having to fail at all

Question 6. What are some of the results companies like Bitly, American Airlines, UBank, and ActivTrades achieve with cloud adoption?

A. Better customer service

B. Remove barriers to innovation

C. Demand for enterprise scale

D. Accelerating growth

  • A and B only
  • A, B, C, and D
  • C and D only
  • B and D only

Question 7. IoT, AI, Blockchain, and Analytics are emerging technologies enabled by the cloud. What are some of the attributes of cloud computing that enable these technologies? Select two.

  • The power and scale of cloud resources
  • Computing resources can be accessed via internet connection
  • Cloud offers on-demand computing
  • Cloud resources are offered in a single-tenant model

Question 8. What is the three-way symbiotic relationship between IoT, AI, and Cloud?

  • Power, scale, dynamic nature, and economics of the cloud resources
  • AI consumes the data produced by IoT devices
  • IoT delivers the data, AI powers the insights, and both emerging technologies leverage cloud’s scalability and processing power
  • Making sense of the endless streams of data from IoT devices

Question 9. What is the three-way relationship between blockchain, AI, and the Cloud?

  • Globally distributed, scalable, and cost-efficient computing resources.
  • Lends trust and transparency to AI by recording the data and variables that go into a decision made in an AI algorithm.
  • Blockchain provides an immutable network allowing members to view only those transactions that are relevant to them.
  • Blockchain provides the trusted, decentralized source of truth, AI powers the analytics and decisions made from the collected data, and cloud provides the globally distributed, scalable, and cost-efficient computing resources to support both technologies.

Question 10. Which of these are essential characteristics of the Cloud? Select two.

  • On-demand self-service
  • Fixed fee
  • Single-tenant
  • Resource pooling

Week 2: Cloud Computing Models quiz answers

This week you will learn about the different types of service and deployment models of cloud computing. In this module, you will learn about the three main service models available on the cloud—Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). You will also learn about the three main deployment models available on the cloud—Public, Private, and Hybrid. At the end of the module, you will create an account on IBM Cloud.

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Question 1. Which of the following does NOT represent one of the three main Cloud Service Models referred to in the course?

  • IaaS
  • CaaS
  • PaaS
  • SaaS

Question 2. Which one of the provided options is true for Infrastructure-as-a-Service?

  • Cloud provider manages the physical resources, the platform resources, applications, and data
  • Cloud provider owns, manages, and maintains the physical resources
  • Cloud provider configures the infrastructure which is managed and maintained by the user/customer organization
  • Cloud provider manages the physical resources, operating systems, development tools, databases, and business analytics

Question 3. Which are some of the key components of cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service? Select two.

  • IaaS providers manage the hypervisors and provision virtual instances
  • IaaS providers manage large data centers that contain the physical machines required to power the various layers of abstraction on top of them
  • IaaS providers deploy the middleware and install required applications on the virtual machines
  • IaaS providers manage the hypervisors and end-users provision the virtual instances

Question 4. Which of the following are essential characteristics of Platform-as-a-Service? Select two.

  • In a PaaS model, the provider also takes responsibility for the application code and its maintenance
  • Organizations who opt for PaaS still need to configure supporting technologies such as load balancers and databases
  • PaaS clouds provide services and APIs that help developers deliver elastically scalable and highly available cloud applications
  • PaaS offerings support middleware capabilities that assists developers by reducing the amount of code that must be written to expand the application’s functional capabilities

Question 5. Which one of the following is a key characteristic of Software-as-a-Service?

  • Ensure every user has access to the same, centrally located, infrastructure and application code
  • Security, compliance, and maintenance of the software are the responsibilities of the user
  • Single tenant architecture
  • SaaS services do not provide options for user customization

Question 6. Which of these statements is a characteristic of Public Clouds?

  • A public cloud is a virtualized multi-tenant architecture
  • The cloud provider provisions the resources and services as needed by individual users
  • Resources are assigned as per estimated need decided at the time of subscribing for the service
  • A public cloud provides a dedicated pool of resources to each of its multiple users

Question 7. Which of the following statements is NOT a correct statement about Private clouds?

  • VPC is an example of a type of Private Cloud
  • Private Clouds are suitable for workloads that require maximum control and security
  • Private clouds can only be deployed on-premise, in an organization’s own datacenter
  • Private Clouds can be implemented internally or externally

Question 8. Which of these statements are true of Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs)? Select two.

  • VPCs may be provisioned over a cloud service provider’s infrastructure, but the infrastructure is owned, managed, and operated by the enterprise
  • The VPC infrastructure is owned, managed, and operated by the public cloud service provider
  • VPCs are provisioned in a logically isolated part of a shared public cloud
  • VPC allows all users of the shared public cloud to access resources in the VPC on need basis; it also allows users of the VPC to access resources of the public cloud

Question 9. If an organization needs to run a highly sensitive and mission critical application with unpredictable performance and capacity requirements, which of the following models would best meet its requirements?

  • Hybrid Cloud
  • On-premise Data Centers
  • Private Cloud
  • Public Cloud

Question 10. Which of the following statements about Hybrid Cloud is NOT correct?

  • Hybrid clouds are only suitable for workloads involving Infrastructure-as-a-Service
  • Hybrid cloud is a computing environment that connects an organization’s on-premise private cloud and third-party public cloud into a single flexible infrastructure
  • Hybrid Clouds allow organizations to leverage the additional public cloud capacity when a workload running on the private cloud has a spike in demand
  • Hybrid clouds can prevent lock-in to a single Cloud Provider

Week 3: Components of Cloud Computing quiz answers

This week you will learn about the various components of a cloud computing architecture, such as virtualization virtual machines, bare metal servers, and the difference between virtual machines and bare metal servers. You will learn how to build a secure cloud networking presence, how container-based technologies work, and the benefits of a Content Delivery Network. We will also familiarize you with the four main types of cloud storage.

Question 1. Each Cloud Region can have multiple Zones (also known as Availability Zones). What are Zones?

  • Standardized containers of computing resources
  • Single shared point of failure
  • Geographic area or region where cloud provider’s infrastructure is clustered
  • Unique physical locations with one or more data centers

Question 2. Is it possible to run completely different operating systems on Virtual Machines (VMs) that are on a single host? If yes, what makes this possible?

  • No, it is not possible—VMs are software-based versions of a single host. They cannot have different environments from one another.
  • Yes, Virtualization makes it possible— to have VMs, running different operating systems, on a single host.
  • Yes, Containerization makes it possible—to have VMs that are unique physical entities, so you can have completely different Operating Systems on them.
  • No, it is not possible—A single host can only work as one single virtual environment, and can, therefore, have only one environment.

Question 3. Which of the following are examples of single-tenant compute environments in the Cloud? Select two.

  • Reserved virtual server
  • Bare Metal servers
  • Dedicated host
  • Transient virtual servers

Question 4. Which of these scenarios is ideal for the use of bare metal servers, as opposed to virtual servers? Select two.

  • CPU and I/O intensive workloads
  • Low cost to use
  • Workloads that require limited throughput and performance
  • Huge performance and strict security and compliance requirements

Question 5. What are some key differences between Containers and Virtual Machines? Select two.

  • Containers can use the same OS as the host, while a virtual machine needs its own copy of the OS, which can also be different from the host OS
  • Containers are executable units of software while each virtual machine is a distinct physical entity
  • Containers are more lightweight as compared to virtual machines
  • Even though each container uses the same OS as the host OS, it still needs to have its own copy of the OS, while a virtual machine leverages the resources of the host OS
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Question 6. There are four types of cloud storage available. Which storage type is ephemeral or non-persistent?

  • Block storage
  • Object storage
  • File storage
  • Direct Attached storage

Question 7. What makes File storage an ideal solution for scenarios where shared storage is needed?

  • Mounted from remote storage appliances
  • File Storage is mounted to compute nodes via an ethernet network
  • File storage can be mounted on multiple compute nodes at the same time
  • Its consistently high speed

Question 8. Which of these scenarios are best suited for Block Storage? Select two.

  • Workloads that need low-latency storage
  • Low cost is a consideration
  • Workloads that need disk sharing between compute nodes
  • Applications that need consistent fast access to disk, such as databases

Question 9. Which of these are features of Object Storage? Select two.

  • Object storage is effectively infinite
  • You can directly use Object Storage without attaching it to a compute node
  • Storage is attached to compute nodes using a fibre network
  • Object Storage can be mounted on multiple compute nodes via an ethernet network

Question 10. What is the main benefit of a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?

  • Enhanced control over network traffic by routing traffic to specified resources
  • Distribute tasks, workloads, and network traffic
  • Network topology
  • Speed, it makes your website faster by serving files from a location closer to the user.

Week 4: Emergent Trends and Practices quiz answers

This week you will learn about some of the emergent trends in cloud computing, such as Hybrid Multicloud, Serverless Computing, and Microservices. You will also learn about how cloud native applications work, the role of DevOps in addressing some of the complexities of cloud computing, and the components of application modernization.

Question 1. What are the key elements of a Hybrid Multicloud strategy? Select two.

  • Connects an organization’s on-premise private cloud and third-party public cloud into a single infrastructure
  • Allows you to leverage the best of cloud models and services across different cloud providers so that your applications and workloads work seamlessly across multiple clouds
  • For seamless working, it is recommended that if you’re subscribed to the infrastructure services of a cloud provider, you should subscribe to the application services provided by the same vendor.
  • Embraces a mix of cloud models and services as long as they are from the same cloud service provider

Question 2. What are some of the benefits of using microservices architecture? Select two.

  • Application components can be developed and updated independently of each other
  • Each line of code for a microservice needs to be written from scratch
  • Components facing varied amounts of load can be scaled independently
  • Each microservice of an application needs to use the same stack and runtime environment

Question 3. Serverless might not be the best fit for all applications or scenarios. Which of these attributes qualify an application for a serverless architecture?

  • Workloads and applications that may be spread across multiple cloud environments and cloud vendors
  • Workloads characterized by long-running processes
  • Microservices that can be built as functions that are stateless
  • Low-latency applications

Question 4. What are the characteristics of a cloud native application?

  • Collection of microservices working together as a whole to comprise an application
  • Collection of microservices with tightly coupled UI, business logic layer, and data layer
  • Collection of microservices that need to be scaled and updated in relation to each other
  • Collection of microservices that are built as one huge piece of software

Question 5. DevOps’ tools, practices, and processes are helping tackle some of the complexities and challenges posed by the cloud. Identify two ways in which DevOps is mitigating these challenges.

  • DevOps processes outline the development principles that need to be followed to modernize monolithic applications to cloud native applications
  • By creating an automated deployment pipeline
  • DevOps best practices eliminate the need to provision servers, build middleware, and install application code
  • By fully automating the infrastructure installation process in a way that is documented, repeatable, verifiable, and traceable

Question 6. Cloud adoption is an integral part of application modernization. What are the other two important components of modernization?

  • Microservices and DevOps
  • Service Oriented Architecture and Waterfall Methodology
  • Monolithic Architectures and Physical Servers
  • VMs and Agile Methodology

Question 7. One of the key characteristics of Hybrid Multicloud is portability. What does portability mean in the context of Hybrid Cloud?

  • The flexibility to move applications and data between systems and cloud service providers
  • A workload running on the private cloud can leverage the additional public cloud capacity when there is a spike in demand
  • The public and private cloud services can understand each other’s APIs, data formats, forms of authentication and authorization
  • Distributing a single application across multiple providers allowing you to move application components across cloud services and vendors as needed

Question 8. What is an attribute that distinguishes serverless computing from other compute models?

  • The serverless model requires no provisioning of servers, installation of application stacks, or operation of the infrastructure by the users/developers
  • Serverless computing does not require any underlying servers for executing workloads
  • In the serverless computing environment, resources cannot be scaled up or down
  • End users pay for resources as long as they are running, even if idle

Question 9. Which one of these statements is NOT true of a microservices architecture approach?

  • Microservices breakdown large applications into their core functions to create a fully functional application
  • When one of the microservices of an application stops to function, it disrupts the functioning of the complete application
  • Developers can leverage the vast amounts of code already available as the base of an application, eliminating the need to develop code from scratch
  • Microservices find one another using service discovery, which creates a roadmap for microservices to communicate
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Question 10. Which one of the following statements does NOT describe the DevOps approach and process?

  • Uses automated tools to monitor the performance and availability of their applications
  • Eliminates the need to provision servers, build middleware, and install application code
  • Defines how people work together to build, deploy, and manage applications in a cloud native environment
  • A collaborative approach where business owners and development, operations, and quality assurance teams collaborate to deliver software continuously

Week 5: Cloud Security, Monitoring, Case Studies, Jobs and Final Assignement quiz answers

This week you will learn about some of the elements of cloud security, including Identity and Access Management, and Cloud Encryption. You will also learn about how organizations can leverage cloud monitoring solutions to optimize business benefits. We will familiarize you with cloud adoption case studies in different industry verticals, and the various career opportunities and job roles available in the field of cloud computing today. At the end of the module, you will create an object storage instance on the cloud and add items to your storage.

Question 1. What are some best practices organizations need to follow in order to protect their cloud resources and systems? Select two.

  • Distribute tasks, workloads, and network traffic
  • Run security monitoring tools on a periodic basis to ensure security threats and breaches are flagged
  • Active monitoring for security and compliance
  • Adopt a shared responsibility model

Question 2. Which of the following are key components of Identity and Access Management (IAM)? Select two.

  • Protecting data while it is at rest, in motion, and in use
  • Audit and Compliance
  • Cloud Directory Services
  • Embedding security through the life cycle of an application

Question 3. Which of these statements are true of cloud encryption

A. Encryption ensures only authorized users have access to sensitive dat

B. When encrypted data is intercepted without authorization, it is unreadable and meaningles

C. Encryption protects data when it is at rest, in transit, and in use in memo

D. Encryption eliminates data security risk

  • A, B, and D only
  • A and C only
  • A, B, and C only
  • A, B, C, and D

Question 4. Identify some of the standard cloud monitoring best practices from the provided options. Select two.

  • Track usage and cost of your cloud resources and services
  • Encrypt data before it is sent to the cloud
  • Authenticate users attempting to access their cloud resources
  • Leverage end-user experience monitoring solutions to capture the performance of an application from the point of view of its end users

Question 5. Which job role requires the following skills?

· Collaboration with development and operations teams

· Containerization expertise

· Creating custom automation tools

· Building and maintaining configuration and deployment frameworks

· Monitoring security and measuring performance

  • Cloud DevOps Engineer
  • Cloud Data Engineers
  • Cloud Solutions Architects
  • Cloud Integration Specialists

Peer-graded Assignment: Peer Assignment – Submit your work and evaluate peers


Upload a screenshot showing Bucket details of a bucket in your instance of Cloud Object Storage. You should have captured this screenshot from Task III Step 1 of the previous hands-on lab. If you were not able to successfully create the Bucket, then upload the SAMPLE IMAGE screenshot above (in which case you will answer the next few questions based on the sample image).

TIP: If the screenshot appears small and is hard to read try zooming in by pressing “Ctrl” and “+” keys together (Mac: “Command” and “+”), or Right-click on the image and “View Image” (Firefox) or “Open Image in new Tab” (Chrome).

Download Now


Copy and paste the Bucket name of the Object Storage Bucket from the screenshot of the Bucket details you uploaded


Indicate the Storage Class and Resiliency values of the Cloud Object Storage Bucket for which you uploaded the screenshot in Question 1.

training data


Recall, from an earlier lesson that Resiliency of Object Storage is selected based on data protection and access you require. Choose “Cross Region” to store your data across three regions within a geography for highest availability and resiliency. Choose “Regional” to store your data across multiple data center facilities within a single geographic region for best availability and performance. Choose “Single Data Center” to store your data across multiple devices in a single data center for when data locality matters most.

Similarly, you select Storage Class (or tier) of your Object Storage based on how often you expect to read the stored data, and impacts its cost. For example Choose “Standard” for active workloads.

Provide two other possible values for the Storage Class, other than “Standard”.

direct method

indirect method


Share the public URL of the index.html file shared from your Cloud Object Storage Bucket (last step in the previous hands on lab). If you were not able to susccessfully share your bucket, please copy and paste the URL value from SAMPLE Submission above.https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/cloud-object-storage/getting-started.html&_ga=2.132786057.628522865.1603112762-1893138611.1579124033

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