HomeWHYWhy Is My Betta Fish Flaring Its Gills At Me

Why Is My Betta Fish Flaring Its Gills At Me

Betta fish have a variety of peculiar behaviors, but flaring their fins is arguably the one that attracts the most attention from aquarium keepers.

Bettas are territorial and aggressive. They often enjoy maintaining their calm. However, Betta fish would flare their fins and endanger their opponent even before there is any chance that they will become prey themselves out of dread of being caught by any predator.

In addition to this, there are additional factors that may cause your fish to act aggressively.

In this article, we will discuss Betta fish flaring behavior, the pros and cons of it, and under what circumstances they tend to show aggression in detail.

Why Do Betta Fish Flare Gills?

In the wild, some animals express their rage or violence in distinctive yet potent ways. They frequently engage in it to avoid intrusion or protect themselves from predators. (Video source).

When their control over their established areas is in danger, Betta Fish flare their fins.

This behavior is also possible when they need to defend their mating partners or when they catch a glimpse of themselves in the mirror.

Fortunately, this aggressive behavior is confined to brief flares and fin spreads. So, there is no need for concern.

But first, let’s examine their actions in greater depth so that you can comprehend them. Additionally, it will aid in preventing excessive flare-ups

1. Signaling Aggression

When they see another fish that they believe could invade their region, bettas are known to respond violently.

They may also be hostile to other fish simply because they don’t like the way their tank mate looks.

And Betta flares its gills to show its rage or fury. This is a basic trait that enables them to protect their area against intruders.

2. Showing Dominance

Comparatively speaking to their female counterparts, male Bettas are rather territorial. In their natural environment, male Betta fish may flare their gills and fins to display hostility if another fish wanders into their channel.

In order to protect its area from any potential threats, it does this.

Their gills flare, making them appear larger and more menacing. The adversary often caves and alters its strategy as a consequence. This behavior aids in preventing physical harm to other members of the species.

But problems might go worse if the space is tiny. Because of this, you should take special care not to house two male Bettas together in a tiny or constrained space when you first bring them home.

Give each fish ample room to establish its own territories, or keep only one male Betta in the entire tank.

Without a way out, the two male betta will end up fighting until one of them dies.

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3. Protecting the nest

In order to safeguard their eggs and fry after the fish tank’s spawning season is over, Betta fish create bubble nests out of saliva and air.

It’s rather typical for certain fish animals to assault their rivals’ nests. Additionally, some fish species have distinctive strategies to frighten off visitors.

When it comes to asserting their supremacy, betta fish are already very aggressive and show territorial aggression. They will never put up with even the smallest suggestion of having their nests destroyed. They also flare their gills to defend their territories.

Bettas often don’t flare up when they see smaller animals like snails. But in the event of a threat, they may also scare them away by acting like Bettas.

So make sure you get a limited number of bettas when it’s time for them to spawn.

Author’s Note: Bettas release a chemical into the water as a warning sign for other bettas to stay away from them. This helps with avoiding serious outbreaks. But I still recommend providing your betta fish with separate spawning sites within the tank. You can make different hiding spots in their tank using plants.

4. Flaring At Reflection

Finding your fish flaring at nothing might stress you out or even make you laugh. But oddly enough, your Betta buddy finds it challenging to differentiate its own reflection from another fish.

Seeing their own reflection makes Betta males aggressive. For the most part, they mistake it for another fish in the same tank. And as an act of defense, they flare their gills and fins.

Finding Betta’s flaring fins is natural. But if it happens too often, Betta fish can end up getting distressed.

5. A New Environment

Any type of fish can become distressed by a change in their habitat. And Bettas’ situation is the same.

Fish have a difficult time adjusting to different environments after they grow accustomed to one type of habitat. They consequently exhibit hostility.

Some animals have a tendency to grow timid and stop feeding altogether until they feel more at ease.

Betta fish are acutely aware of any changes in their surroundings. Additionally, they could act aggressively since they’re new to the tank and aren’t comfortable with the surroundings.

A little time will help your pet acclimate. An accurate grasp of the environment might need a few days or perhaps a week.

6. Unfamiliarity With The Owner

Betta fish have different perspectives from humans. While humans can distinguish items with more precision, Bettas just use shapes and colors to detect the presence of their owners and other nearby objects.

When you move around the room or close to their tank to feed them or check on them, they experience vibrations as well. To your new Betta pet, you are only a powerful predator attempting to ingest them.

Bettas are able to distinguish colors visually, making it simpler for them to identify a male Betta.

However, they are unfamiliar with you because you are new to their neighborhood. In this situation, they will behave violently and protect themselves as is only normal.

It doesn’t imply that they hate their owners or that betta fish are aggressive by nature. They only use it as a means of projecting fear onto any potential environmental threat they perceive to exist.

How To Make Them Comfortable?

It’s simple and easy to make your Betta comfy. Only when they are startled by their surroundings do they get angry.

You won’t often see Bettas displaying their gills and fins at you after they are used to their owners and there is nothing nearby that can disrupt their serenity.

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1. Don’t Make Too Much Noise

Reduced noise is one strategy for reducing their stress. Bettas are sensitive to strong vibrations, which might cause them to activate their defense mode.

By reducing the noise surrounding them, you can prevent continuous flaring.

Make sure you don’t provoke their hostility too frequently since it is really unhealthy for your pet’s immune system. They will be more susceptible to diseases due to a compromised immune system.

Additionally, avoid taking them out every time you clean the Betta tank to let them become acclimated to your presence.

Be cautious while moving the gravel vacuum around the fish if you’re using one. Additionally, while cleaning the water in the tank, use a cup or another item that you generally use to clean water gently.

I advise against often removing the Siamese fighting fish from the aquarium, particularly when they are young.

2. Give Them Time To Adjust

How would you feel or act if you were in a strange place, surrounded by unfamiliar people, in a setting you had never experienced?

Your response might not be the same as a Betta fish. However, even a person would find it difficult to handle the terrible scenario.

Betta flare as a reaction to the novel setting. The hostility should stop once the Betta fish has thoroughly surveyed the aquarium. How you act will also affect how quickly your fish adjusts to its new environment.

Giving them some time to acclimate is, therefore, preferable to giving up on your fish.

3. Cover The Back Of The Tank

In order to reduce the likelihood of potential aggression, block their reflection with a background.

Backgrounds will keep them from seeing their reflections all the time. Consider a background or a lit background that will either provide more intrigue for your fish or prevent them from seeing themselves.

4. Get A Spacious Tank With Plenty Of Hiding Spaces

Long-term success depends on you giving Betta fish lots of places to hide. When your pet is young, it has no idea where to hide from you or its bothersome tank mates.

Once Betta fish are comfortable in their new environment, they can spend as much time as they like hiding from you and their tank mates by using the hideouts.

To create perfect hiding places for your Betta fish, you may use various plants, pebbles, and other decorations.

They will now retreat into hiding rather than flaring excessively, which is advantageous for you, your Betta fish, and their tank companions.

Do Female Bettas Flare?

You would assume that only male Betta fish flare their gills as a natural reaction to danger given the males’ aggressive attitude. The fact is that women are not as aggressive as men. But they can also flare to express hostility or disgust.

Typically, females lash out at one another. Female fish may or may not act in a domineering or territorial manner, in contrast to males who usually do.

They are semi-aggressive, therefore their hostility doesn’t come over as strongly as a guy would.

It’s also quite uncommon for females to flare at their own mirror. They concentrate on exploring their surroundings as a means to receive the activity and excitement they need rather than engaging in combat with the seeming adversary.

By putting a mirror next to the tank, you can assess their level of hostility. It will make it easier for you to keep an eye on the female’s aggression’s frequency and level.

Additionally, consider giving female bettas a variety of places to hide so they may do so during times of adversity.

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Additionally, female betta fish flare their fins to deter males when they notice them.

For female bettas, leading a stress-free life is just as important. The female Betta fish’s immune system is highly likely to get compromised if she flares excessively. In order to set up a large tank with lots of hiding places, I advise purchasing an equal number of males and female bettas.

Benefits Of Behavior

It’s not always awful or bad for the fish when flares are used. Even though flaring on occasion might be beneficial, flaring frequently is a symptom of discomfort. I’m going to highlight a few advantages of Betta flaring.

1. A way to make things interesting

In general, bettas are highly clever. Whether it’s eating food, interacting with their owners, or getting along with other fish in their tank, it’s simple for them to become bored with their routine.

A mirror can be held up to the fish or placed in their direction to prevent boredom. Watch to see whether the fish see their own reflection. Your fish will immediately puff up their gills and fins to defend their territory from their apparent opponent as soon as they notice it.

It’s sufficient to perform this task once every week for up to two minutes. By doing this, you’ll be able to mimic their usual behavior without putting them in any risk.

2. Helps with attracting potential mates

In their native habitat, male Bettas flare to entice the female betta fish. In captivity, they consistently follow the same pattern of attraction. Usually entertaining to see is the rivalry among the males to see who is larger and more intimidating.

3. Makes it easy to get rid of stress

Stress is a genuine problem for bettas. They will flare their gills and fins to let some of the tension out if they encounter anything upsetting nearby.

Bettas have a high level of excitement. To maintain their composure, they flare their fins and gills. A hormone called cortisol is released into their systems as a result of the unexpected excitation.

This stress hormone, if present in the body for an extended period of time and in excessive quantities, might harm the health of your fish.

Their gills and fins will naturally flare as a means of releasing it.

4. Stretches their muscles and fins

Do you know how Bettas maintain the health of their fins and muscles? To maintain the integrity of their organs, they flare their fins and gills.

You might consider it a beneficial form of exercise for the fish.

Utilizing mirrors for exercise is a terrific concept, much like using them to assist people pass time when they are bored.

Simply set a mirror in front of the tank and wait for them to catch a glimpse of themselves. Some bettas can even swim up to the mirror and attack the adversary from there. Just be careful that the exercise doesn’t go on for too long.

Why does betta fish flare too much?

As I have explained, your betta fish should never flare excessively. Their immune system may be compromised, which would make them much more vulnerable to illness.

While fish naturally flare, they usually only do so when something threatens them or when they’re having fun. However, there is another reason why fish flare.

Incompatibility with tank mates

One of the main causes of your fish’s frequent flare-ups may be a poor selection of tank mates.

It is common for male bettas to fight one another. However, a single male in a group of six female fish won’t cause any trouble for other fish species.

In a Betta aquarium, species including common guppies, Platies, swordtails, and black Mollies thrive.


Closing Thoughts

As a new aquarist or someone who isn’t familiar with Bettas, finding them flaring at you is certainly distressing.

Bettas tend to flare at other fish and their own reflection when they feel threatened. But wait for a second! Why would they flare at you when you aren’t a fish or someone who can endanger their territory?

The answer is simple. They aren’t familiar with you or the new environment. As a result, they show aggression by puffing up their gills and fins to protect themselves.

I will walk you through some of the most common reasons for Betta flaring and how to make them comfortable.


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