Why Does My Left Shoulder Hurt When I Cough

Treatment for shoulder and chest pain depends on what’s causing the pain.

Because there can be so many variables, treatment plans for the same condition may be different from one person to the next. Some factors that may influence your treatment plan include:

  • your age
  • other health conditions you may have, including overweight
  • whether or not you smoke

Heart problems

For heart problems, your doctor may prescribe:

  • aspirin
  • nitroglycerin
  • blood thinners to prevent clots
  • clot-busting drugs (thrombolytics)
  • antibiotics for pain caused by an infection
  • fluid drainage for pericarditis

For life threatening situations, you may need surgery, such as bypass surgery or angioplasty.

Your doctor will likely recommend lifestyle changes, including changes to your diet, physical activity, and stress management.

Gallstone attack

Depending on the frequency of your gallstone attacks, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove your gallbladder. This is usually done laparoscopically.

For a less serious gallstone condition, your doctor may prescribe a drug called ursodiol. This drug may help dissolve the gallstones over time. Your doctor may also put you on a low fat diet to help prevent further gallstone development.

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Some people have success with natural remedies for gallstones. Be sure to talk to your doctor before trying any at-home treatments for gallstones.


Treatment for pleurisy will depend on the cause.

Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics if you have a bacterial infection. Viral infections often clear up without treatment. Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may help relieve chest pain.

If you have a lot of fluid buildup, known as pleural effusion, your doctor may want to drain it. This is done with local or general anesthetic. It may require a hospital stay.

A hospital stay may also be necessary if you have other health conditions that make your pleurisy more difficult to treat.


Your doctor will give you medications to help reduce the pain. You may also have to fast for a couple of days to give your pancreas a rest. You may need intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration.

You may be hospitalized if your pancreatitis is severe.

Other treatment may include surgery to drain your pancreas, or surgery to remove your gallbladder if gallstones caused your pancreatitis.

Longer-term treatments may include:

  • diet changes
  • limiting alcohol use
  • taking pancreatic enzyme supplements to aid digestion

Other chest pain causes

For chest pain conditions that aren’t related to your heart or coronary arteries, you doctor may prescribe:

  • acid suppressing drugs to reduce acid reflux
  • antidepressants or therapy to help control panic attacks

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