HomeWHYWhy Does Kyle Have A Mouth Scar

Why Does Kyle Have A Mouth Scar

PRETTY MUCH!! And no matter how much ‘nuance’ you try to apply to the situation – how severe their wrong doings were, how often, etc – you’re never going to shake it out to a scenario where Kyle is in any way worse than Cartman. Beyond that, it’s really just common sense, and even analyzing it comparatively isn’t necessary – you’re comparing a kid who’s literal purpose in the show is to be a nazi. He’s meant to be the offensive kid – you’re trying to justify a cardboard cutout of a character, because Cartman is not meant to be anything more than a manipulative, antisemitic shithead. His place in the show is obvious, and you’re not getting anywhere by tying yourself into knots trying to change reality; if you went up to Matt and Trey and asked who was worse, Cartman or Kyle, they’d look at you like you were legitimately insane. It’s not even meant to be a question, and it’s bewildering to me that people have somehow managed to trick themselves into thinking this is even arguable.

Kyle isn’t a perfect character, but in general, he is a good character; his intentions are rarely bad, and he has a legitimate idea of what good is, which already separates him from Cartman. Cartman has no idea what good is, or what nice is, or what any of those things are – in Casa Bonita, he can’t even differentiate being nice from wearing a nice sweater. His idea of good is whatever he does. But Kyle knows what good is, and he strives for it, every single day – in Crack Baby Athletic Association, he acknowledges (even subconsciously) that he isn’t being good and desperately tries to justify himself and make his behavior more acceptable, knowing that what he’s doing is wrong. Even in Kyle’s worst moments and his worst failures, you’re never going to look at the intent behind them and find completely unjustified hostility, or bigotry, or anything of the like. With Cartman, that’s the sole motive behind nearly anything he does; hedonism in one way or another, with his preferred method being finding himself in every plane – gentile, white, male – to be superior, and everyone else to be deserving of elimination.

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Tbh, here’s my theory: the user that responded to me (and now blocked me LMFAOOO) is a ky/man shipper. Acknowledging that Kyle is a morally superior character to Cartman would force them to look their ship in the eyes and acknowledge what they’re actually shipping, but pretending that Kyle is equally as evil allows them to justify it in possibly the shittiest way ever – well, this Jewish character sucks too, so it’s fine if we ship him with his antisemitic abuser throughout the entire series. It’s still not an adequate justification, and even if Kyle was the absolute worst, it would still not be acceptable – but perhaps it makes it easier for them to stomach?

NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR RAMBLING!! I always appreciate it <3


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