HomeWHICHWhen Merging Facebook Pages Which One Stays

When Merging Facebook Pages Which One Stays

Years ago, we wrote a blog post called “How to Merge Facebook Pages” (which explains how to merge multiple Facebook pages you manage for the same thing, combining page likes), and the response was overwhelming. We continue to get comments on the post regularly, and it seems that readers still have a lot of questions about the process.

Certain issues come up repeatedly, so instead of making you wade through all the comments on the original blog post (and us repeating our answers), here are our responses to our most frequently asked questions about merging Facebook pages.

Q: Where do I find the link to merge pages? (Classic vs New Experience)

A: Before you request a page merge, make sure two Facebook pages fit the criteria (both pages should have similar page names, categories, physical addresses, they must represent the same thing, and you must be an admin of both). You can visit this link to request a merger of two Pages. If you have a classic page, you can also go to Page Settings, click on General and Merge Page in the bottom right corner.

If you have a new page experience page, you must first “switch” into your page, then go to https://www.facebook.com/pages/merge and follow the steps. Note: you will need to have “full control” of both pages. If you have “task access,” you won’t have enough admin privileges to merge.

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If your page access is through a Business Manager, go to https://business.facebook.com/pages/merge.

You can choose which page you keep and which page is merged. Both pages’ likes and check-ins will be merged. The posts, photos, reviews, ratings, and usernames from the page you merged will be deleted. You can learn how to download a copy of your Facebook page here.

Q: What if that link doesn’t work for me?

A: If you’re merging classic pages, make sure you’re looking in the page’s settings with the most likes and that you’re using Facebook as your personal profile, not as your page. If your using new experience pages, make sure you’ve “switched” into the page before visiting https://www.facebook.com/pages/merge.

Q: What if I’m not an admin of the page I want to merge?

A: You cannot merge/delete a page unless you own it. If there is a duplicate page you want to claim or a page that is misrepresenting itself as your business, go to the page you want to report, click on three dots below the page’s cover photo, select Find Support or Report Page.

Q: What if the pages I want to merge have different names?

A: You can only merge pages with similar names, categories and physical addresses. You can request a change to your page’s name in the “about” or “page info” settings of your page.

Q: When I merge a page into another, will I lose all of the merged page’s content?

A: Yes, the only things that will be brought over will be the old page’s likes. You will lose all of that page’s posts, photos, events, reviews and comments. You can also download all the content from the page you’re losing here.

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Q: I want to merge my old page into my new page, but I want to keep my old page’s username. Can I?

A: If your pages have vanity URLs, Facebook may prompt you to choose which one you want to keep.

Q: Can you reverse a merge?

A: No. Once you’ve merged one page into another, that page that was merged will be deleted.

Q: Should I merge the page with the least amount of likes into the page with the highest likes?

A: Yes, that is the recommended process.

Q: How long does it take?

A: The time varies, depending on whether you’re merging straight from the Settings panel on your page (which tends to be immediate). However, it should not take longer than 48 hours. Once the pages have merged, you will no longer be able to access the old page. However, it may take a day or two for your likes/check-ins to be brought over and for the old page to stop showing up in Facebook Search.

Q: Facebook is giving me this error when I try to merge pages: “You are currently using Facebook as your page rather than your personal account.” What does that mean?

A: When merging classic pages, it’s best to use your personal Facebook profile. Add that profile as an admin of your business pages, and use that profile when merging. Do not attempt to merge your pages when using Facebook as a page unless you’re merging new experience pages.

Q: Can I turn a personal page into a business page?

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A: Yes, you can use this link to migrate a personal profile to a business page. Click Get Started and follow the on-screen instructions. Before you do so, we recommend you download all of your personal page’s posts and timeline info following these instructions.

Q: It still isn’t working. Now what?

A: This is based on pages our agency has merged in the past on behalf of clients but we do not work for Meta. If you’ve followed all the instructions outlined in this blog post and are still having difficulties, please submit an error report with Facebook.

PLEASE NOTE: We do not work for Facebook and the advice offered in this blog and its comments are based solely on our own experience. If you are having issues, it is best to contact Facebook.


Facebook merging merging Facebook pages


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