HomeWHOWho Is Swami Rama

Who Is Swami Rama

Swami Rama by Rajivlochan Sharma

Swami Ram was born in Garhwal in 1925 with His Guru Bengali Baba’s boon to His mother. His parents were very old, and Swami Ram grew up under the guidance and protection of his Guru. At a young age of twenty-eight He was appointed Shankaracharya at Karveer Peeth. However, upon realizing that the post was hindering his sadhana, Swami Ram renounced it and returned to His Guru in the Himalayas. Apart from intense spiritual training, His master ensured His higher education from universities in India and Europe.

With Bengali Baba’s guidance in 1952 He journeyed to the West via Japan. He amazed scientists with His Yogic abilities in order to bring scientific recognition to India’s Yoga science and philosophy. He established the Himalayan Institute whose several branches operate in various countries, especially USA and India.

The following article is based on translated excerpts from the book ‘Mahan Yogi: Parampujya Swami Ram’ (Great Yogi: most venerable Swami Rama) by Rajivlochan Sharma, published by Himalayan International Institute of Science and Philosophy Kanpur

Swami Ram stands glorified in India’s unrivalled, unconquerable Yoga tradition – uninterested in ochre-robes, does not believe in making more and more disciples, doesn’t accept donations, not inclined to popularize Himself. The burning desire of His heart is- rejection of hypocrisy, establish pure Indian dharma, culture, Yoga, spirituality in the world, holistic use of Indian science and philosophy for betterment of all humanity.

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Yogi in science lab

Swami Rama began on the path of Yoga as a five-year old under guidance of the great ascetic Bangali Mahatma, studied all relevant literature, gained experience through sadhnas, mastered various tantric and yogic siddhis, authored multiple books in Sanskrit, English and Hindi and is amazing scientists world-over with His experiments in psychology, physiology and medicine. By order of His Guru He is working for establishing India’s Yoga-science abroad.

Scientists at the Menninger Foundation in USA conducted some experiments related to control over involuntary actions on Swami ji:

Body temperature

Two temperature devices were fixed onto different parts of His palm placed on a wooden board. Without any movement, He raised the temperature of the two parts of His palm to two different degrees simultaneously, and returned it to normal in a while. In England He had boiled water on His palm in front of scientists

Zero heart rate

Swami ji stopped His heart for seventeen seconds. Not only this, He increased His heartbeat from seventy per minute to three hundred. Cardiologists were staring Him wide-eyed while He was laughing and talking normally after the experiment concluded

Learning in deep sleep:

Swami ji provided some surprising facts about conscious-subconscious mind processes and shook modern psychology’s roots. Sleep-monitoring devices were attached to His body. When He was in deep sleep in five minutes, scientists surrounding Him spoke in low voices. As decided, He woke up in exact twenty-five minutes and repeated everything word-by-word. In a more complicated experiment, in deep sleep, He was surrounded by people speaking different languages. Upon waking up, He repeated every sentence they spoke exactly.

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Disease diagnosis

Swami ji could diagnose better than x-ray, and doctors at Menninger foundation verified it on several occasions. He even treated incurable diseases sometimes.

Other sublime powers

Swami ji’s miracles are innumerable. I myself have seen Him tell who is calling without picking the telephone. He foretold incidents of Pakistan war. An American shared with me that Swami ji could not be photographed if He didn’t want, whether group photo or individual. Swami ji gave His rosary to a devotee who lost it travelling to Madras. Swami ji, sitting in Rishikesh, asked someone seated near Him to call the person in Madras and tell him not to worry, I have the rosary. It really was in His hands.

An engineer met Him once who did not believe in His Yogic powers. Swami ji asked him to open any book. He opened an engineering one. Swami ji began reciting its contents in an uninterrupted flow.

Swami ji could easily read other people’s thoughts. An American gentleman told me He was arguing with his wife one day when Swami ji, almost a thousand miles away from them called him up an scolded him for his behavior.

During His stay with scientists Dr Elmer Green in Topeka, tornado sirens went on. Everybody except Swami ji rushed to basement. Doug Boyd, Swami ji’s secretary appointed by the Menninger Foundation tried to explain Him the gravity of the situation. Swami ji resolutely replied, “no-no, this is not good. A swami has come to ypur place and the first thing you do is be scared of wind, what rubbish!”. He sat in Padmasan on the sofa. Everyone except Doug withdrew to the basement. In a few moments the radio announced- tornado’s path has changed, Topeka is safe.

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Huge volumes of His miracles can be written.

Recognition by scientists

Swami ji wanted to prove to American and European scientists that Yoga is a science. That His efforts impressed them is proved by the fact that His work is mentioned in more than fifty books and magazines, the prominent scientific ones being Britannica Year Book of Science and the Future, Science Year Book, Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, Nature Science Annual, Journal of American Medical Association, Psychology Today etc

International Yoga Conferences

From 1975-1981, Swami Ram has organized six International Yoga Conferences, five in Chicago and one in New York, to establish scientific outlook towards Yoga. These conferences are adding a new chapter to western world’s cultural-spiritual history. Of his many books, ‘Living with the Himalayan Masters’ contains more than a hundred moving, motivating and educative incidents. It solves many of the Skeptics doubts and provides new energy and light to those interested in Sadhana

Some teachings of Swami Rama

Human is an incomplete creation. He has been left to find and attain completion.

To be whole and to attain the inherent eternal bliss is human’s foremost goal.

Only a life of sadhana is true life.

The entire process of yoga is the ascent to that eternal or perfection that is human’s real form.

All the objects of world are not the end, only means. Foolish people are attached to worldly objects and remain lost in them.

Blows of misfortune often become the cause of self-awakening.

You are the creator of your life; hence you should build your own fortune.’


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