HomeHOWHow Many Rounds Does A Golf Glove Last

How Many Rounds Does A Golf Glove Last

So you just got a new golf glove and are about to start your golf season and then it hits you, “how long is this going to last before you have to buy another one?”

How long do golf gloves last – A golfer who takes care of their glove and holds the golf club correctly when swinging, can expect their golf glove to last around 8-12 rounds before they need to be replaced.

Of course, not all golfers hold the club correctly or don’t protect their glove on the course. To get the most out of your glove, golfers need to remember a few things out on the course to both save money and keep a consistent game.

Average Time

For golfers that play once a week during the golf season, (roughly 30 times a year), they can expect to use 3 or 4 gloves for the year. Of course, this is just a rough estimate. I have had a golf glove last me over 20 rounds before! It really depends on these 3 factors:

  1. How well you take care of your glove
  2. What type of glove you are using
  3. How many rounds of golf you play /practice
Refer to more articles:  How Long Is A Golden Glove Round

What Causes Gloves to Fade

Your golf glove can get torn and faded pretty quickly if you’re not mindful. Here is a list of actions that might cause your glove to pass away too soon:

  1. You hold the club too close to the butt of the grip (video at the bottom of the post)
  2. You play a leather golf club in the rain and forget to air it out
  3. You play a golf glove too tight or loose for your hand
  4. You keep your golf glove on too long and it collects sweat
  5. The grips of your clubs are fading and rubbing off on your glove
  6. You take your glove off too often to where the velcro starts to fade
  7. You are using low-quality golf gloves

Different Style Gloves

Leather- Leather gloves feel great because they are soft, they are breathable and more water resistant. However, there are a lot of low-grade leather gloves that fade after only a few rounds. The best type of leather glove uses Cabretta leather and is usually a bit more expensive but more durable.

Synthetic- Synthetic gloves look like leather gloves but feels slightly rubbery. They are flexible and last longer than a full leather glove but don’t give the soft feel that many golfers prefer.

Synthetic/ Leather- If you are looking for the best of both worlds, glove companies often combine the durability of synthetic leather and Cabretta leather to make the glove both breath and last longer. This option is usually much more affordable.

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Glove Buying Guide

If you have the time, watch this quick video from Mark Crossfield on the different types of gloves

Strategies to Make Gloves Last Longer

To make your glove last longer, I have put together some tips that have made my gloves last forever! Well, not forever but you get the point.

  1. On hot days, take off your glove when riding or walking to your ball. This allows the glove to breathe and air out any hand sweat.
  2. Hold the club correctly with your glove hand (video down below)
  3. Use rain gloves when it is wet outside to conserve your glove
  4. Have a spare glove that you use for practice so you don’t wear out your good glove
  5. Put the glove back into its box or wrap around your golf bag. Jamming your glove back into a random pocket is only going to increase the chances of tears.

Here is an easy, quick video on why some golfers rip their gloves because of their golf grip

Related Questions

Are black golf gloves different than white golf gloves? – The color of the golf glove doesn’t change the material or benefits of a golf glove.

How tight should a golf glove be?- A golf glove should fit tight and allow little room in the fingertips. After fastening the strap, the glove will feel comfortable and snug without cutting off any blood circulation to the hand.


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