HomeWHENWhen Can You Use Mouthwash After Wisdom Teeth Removal

When Can You Use Mouthwash After Wisdom Teeth Removal

The after-effects of tooth extractions can at best be described as unpleasant. You may have received sedation, feel groggy and unwell as a result of the same. You undoubtedly have swollen cheeks and a painful mouth. The after-effects can last you for a couple of days, weeks, or even months if you have undergone wisdom tooth removal.

Many adults and teenagers have their wisdom teeth removed as an initiation to adulthood. Wisdom teeth are the last molars to erupt in the posterior of the jaw. When wisdom teeth begin to erupt, there is insufficient room in the jaw to accommodate them. It results in the third molars erupting crooked or alternatively getting infected below the gum line and failing to emerge. The wisdom teeth damage the gums’ soft tissue, leading to the development of other issues like infections that are painful and debilitating.

When the wisdom teeth begin causing problems, you regularly suffer from issues around them. You may research wisdom tooth removal with the dentist near me to end the problems affecting you. The dentist near you recommends the extraction of wisdom teeth, which is a relatively common dental practice.

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After the wisdom teeth removal, your dentist provides specific instructions on the best way to clean your mouth and promote healing. You may have questioned whether you can use mouthwash after wisdom tooth extraction to clear any doubts in your mind. Let us give you some information on whether mouthwash after wisdom tooth removal is allowed or not.

Defining Mouthwashes

A standard dental product available over the counter is a mouthwash that supports your teeth’ health and appearance. You can find many types of mouthwash containing antiseptics that help to clean your mouth. The mouthwash works by flushing out bacteria, food debris, tooth decay, and plaque acids that continually build up on the teeth. It would help if you noted that mouthwash is merely an addition to daily brushing and flossing and is not a substitute for the same. Mouthwashes cannot replicate the level of cleanliness like brushing or flossing and is best used as a stand-alone measure.

Are Mouthwashes Safe after Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

As mentioned earlier, most mouthwashes available on the market contain antiseptics useful for eliminating bacteria after procedures leaving wounds in the mouth like a tooth extraction. However, removing bacteria shouldn’t be your prime concern immediately after having wisdom teeth removed. You must understand a blood clot forms immediately after the extraction or the site of the incision. You are advised by the dentist in Gilbert, AZ, not to disturb the blood clot for fear of dislodging it. It is why the dentist for once recommends you don’t brush and floss your teeth for at least 24 hours until after the procedure. It is incredibly essential for you to ensure the blood clot does not dislodge by brushing or rinsing the extraction site because it can promote bleeding in the mouth.

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The extraction site requires several weeks to heal, and the dentist from Unique Dental Care recommends you refrain from rinsing your mouth with anything for at least two days after the extraction. After that, you can begin rinsing with a saltwater solution four times a day until you have healed completely.

Mouthwashes do not contain any ingredients that are harmful to your mouth, but most have alcohol. No specific wisdom teeth mouthwash is currently available, and therefore using the regular variety available in the market can sting the affected area if used before you have healed entirely. It is why Unique Dental Care advises not to use a mouthwash after wisdom tooth extraction until your gums have fully recovered. It would help if you did not contribute to the cause of developing a dry socket, which is painful and a common side effect of tooth extractions.

If you are scheduled for wisdom tooth extraction, the Gilbert dentist will discuss the optimum method of caring for your mouth and gums in the days following the procedure. However, if you have more questions, you can discuss them with the dentist near you who will happily share any information available with them without hesitation.

It could be better if you merely stuck to saltwater rinses that have proven themselves as useful for quite some time rather than consider using an alcohol-based mouthwash after wisdom tooth extraction. Your aim must be to safeguard the extraction site as much as possible, and the best way to do it is to avoid over-the-counter mouthwashes for some time.

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