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Who Pays For Chiropractor After Accident

And Why You Should See A Chiropractor Before Receiving Compensation From A Car Accident Settlement

If you were injured in a car accident and are experiencing pain, you might be wondering who pays for your chiropractor after an accident and whether chiropractic treatment can help ease that pain. Even if you decide that seeing a chiropractor is the right move for your health, you might still fear that it could be the wrong move for your wallet.

Is my insurance going to cover it? If you are too worried about getting slapped with a large chiropractor bill after your car accident to go in and receive the care that you might very well need, you’re not alone. This feeling is all too common for people who have sustained injuries in a car accident – they feel confused about how they’re going to pay for their medical expenses. We want to clear the air.

This article will answer questions you might have such as “Who pays for chiropractic visits after an accident?”, and walk you through the options available to help cover the costs. It will also show you that the cost of seeing a chiropractor after your car accident is not something you need to sweat. There is no need to wallow in pain before going to see a chiropractor for the many months that it could take to receive a car accident settlement.

Is chiropractic treatment covered in a car accident settlement?

Car accident injuries are among the most common cases in personal injury litigation. So, if you have been injured as a result of a car accident for which you were not at fault, the good news is that you may be entitled to receive compensation for what is known as “special damages”. You can think of these as economic damages.

Special Damages include:

  • Medical bills
  • Loss of income
  • Loss of vehicle
  • Travel expenses

Do those “medical bills” include bills from your chiropractor? Yes, they do. Chiropractic treatment is typically well-covered under the financial umbrella of car accident settlements along with other medical expenses you could be compensated for like:

  • Emergency room bills
  • Over-the-counter medication
  • Assistive devices like neck braces, crutches, etc.

So if you are sitting on a pile of medical bills from an injury you sustained in a car accident then you should not hesitate to file a lawsuit to help get those bills paid off. At Rody, we welcome 3rd party settlement claims as well as PIP claims. We even have an in-office representative dedicated to helping you through all of the necessary paperwork to process your chiropractor car accident claim. Please give our office a call at 253-535-6006 and we will take care of all of your paperwork needs.

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Can I pursue a settlement through a 3rd party?

Yes. If you were injured in a car accident then you absolutely can pursue a car accident chiropractor settlement through a 3rd party. However, many chiropractic clinics, like many other medical clinics, will not simply hold their breath and wait for you to come back months later with a check from your car accident settlement compensation.

This is because many chiropractic clinics are not financially capable of waiting to receive payment for the care they provide. Or even if they are financially capable of hitting the pause button on your balance, many chiropractic clinics would rather not do so.

Here at Rody, we are happy to wait. We know that our willingness to wait will mean that you won’t have to. You won’t have to wallow in pain for months to see a chiropractor until after receiving compensation from your car accident settlement. You won’t have to drain your bank account or max out your credit card just to pay us upfront. We have no intention of letting you drown in bills down the road just to get the care you need. Not only is our office large enough to eat the cost of waiting, we even have employees dedicated to overseeing 3rd party car accident chiropractor settlements, to ensure that our patients reach a positive outcome.

On top of this, after serving Tacoma and Puyallup for over 40 years we have built good relationships with many law firms in the Greater Puget Sound area and we have policies in place with some of these firms to prevent getting burned.

Can I seek compensation via PIP coverage?

If you were injured in a car accident, the first thing to pop in your head is probably not going to be, “I should sue!” After receiving emergency or urgent medical treatment from a car accident, your first instinct is probably going to be more along the lines of calling your insurance. Your insurance, in turn, might bring up something called PIP, short for Personal Injury Protection. If you are wondering if PIP will help cover the cost of seeing a chiropractor after your car accident, the simplest answer is yes. But if you live in Washington state then PIP is a lever that you will only be able to pull under a few conditions.

PIP will not help cover the cost of any injuries caused by:

  • Farm equipment
  • Mopeds
  • Off-road vehicles (like ATVs)
  • Recreational vehicles

Motorcycles can be covered by PIP in some cases, though it usually comes with a higher price tag than regular automobile coverage. So if I wasn’t driving any specialty vehicles, does that mean PIP will automatically cover your chiropractor bills after your car accident? Not exactly. There is one last condition for receiving financial assistance from PIP after a car accident. And it’s a big one: You have to have already added PIP coverage to your car insurance policy before your accident.

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The laws of Washington state require auto insurance companies to offer drivers the option of adding PIP when they sign up for car insurance. However, Washington state does not require drivers to accept this offer. In other words, if you are an insured driver in Washington state then adding PIP to your auto policy was entirely up to you when you signed up for insurance. This sets Washington state apart from Oregon, where state laws require drivers to add PIP coverage to their car insurance.

If you happened to buy PIP before your accident then it will cover up to $10,000 in “reasonable and necessary” medical expenses resulting from a car accident. This compensation could be available to you immediately after a car accident. Keep in mind that any compensation you might be eligible to receive from your PIP coverage will expire three years after your car accident. This three-year time window is one of the many reasons why you should not hesitate to be seen by a chiropractor as soon as possible if you are experiencing any pain in the aftermath of an accident. When it comes to common car accident injuries, pain can often snowball over time. In the end, waiting too long to be seen for your injury could lead to higher chiropractor bills than if you had sought treatment immediately after your car accident. What exactly are those common car injuries? They include:

  • Wounds
  • Whiplash
  • Concussions
  • Herniated discs
  • Dislocated and bruised ribs
  • Pain in the neck, shoulder, back, and chest

Here’s an even better reason not to delay in seeking chiropractic treatment: The longer you wait to seek treatment, the easier it is for your insurance company to cast doubt on your claim that the car accident in question caused your injury. Make no mistake, if you wait too long then your insurance company is going to try to dismiss your chiropractor car accident claim. Unfortunately, your insurance company is not your friend in this situation.

Luckily, chiropractic care is typically considered “reasonable and necessary” and is therefore included in medical expenses covered by PIP. However, determining whether certain medical expenses are “reasonable and necessary” can vary case by case. This decision is ultimately in the hands of your insurance company. In some cases, you may be able to add additional compensation to your coverage which could provide up to $35,000 for “reasonable and necessary” medical costs, which again, would typically include the cost of a chiropractor after your car accident.

How do I get my chiropractic treatment covered?

That $10,000 from PIP might sound pretty sweet for those drivers who are covered by it. But what are you supposed to do if you were one of the many drivers in Washington state who said “No” when your car insurance agent asked if you wanted to add PIP to your policy? If you didn’t sign up for PIP you may be kicking yourself with questions like, “Now, who pays for the chiropractor after my accident?”

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There is another option that will allow you to get the care you need from a chiropractor without footing the bill out-of-pocket: filing a personal injury lawsuit. Just hearing the word “lawsuit” might sound like a headache. However, half the battle is getting in contact with a lawyer who is experienced in personal injury cases. Your attorney will do the heavy lifting while you focus on treating your injury.

Here at Rody, we would be happy to point you in the direction of one of the many law firms in the Greater Puget Sound area that specialize in personal injury which we have good relationships with. These firms have delivered substantial compensation from car accident chiropractor settlements for many of our patients.

They can do the same for you.

Choosing the right chiropractor after your car accident

There are many different forms of chiropractic treatment. At Rody, we have a team of licensed practitioners of what is known as “Atlas Orthogonal” which involves the structure, function, and bio-mechanisms of the upper cervical spine. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic is a gentle and effective treatment for exactly the kind of injuries that are commonly sustained in car accidents such as whiplash and any pain you may be feeling in the:

  • Neck
  • Shoulder
  • Back
  • Chest

Our doctors readjust the cervical spine to its normal alignment with a high-tech instrument that uses sound waves. With this technology, there is simply no need for strenuous manipulation. At our clinic, anyone injured in a car accident, regardless of age, is eligible for care. While a referral is not required to be seen by our chiropractors, we gladly accept attorney referrals, MD referrals, and patient referrals for all car accident victims.

So, if you would like to receive gentle and effective chiropractic treatment, if you would like help finding a good personal injury lawyer, or if you have any questions about car accident chiropractor settlements, please fill out a new patient intake form or give us a call at 253-535-6006.

Who Pays For Chiropractor After Accident FAQs

Is chiropractic treatment covered in a car accident settlement?

Yes. Chiropractic treatment is typically covered in car accident settlements, along with other medical expenses like emergency room bills, over-the-counter medication, and assistive devices like neck braces, crutches, etc.

How do I get my chiropractic treatment covered?

Are you wondering who pays for the chiropractor after an accident? There are a couple of ways to get your chiropractic treatment covered. If you have PIP (Personal Injury Protection) through your car insurance then you can receive up to $10,000 of compensation from that coverage to help cover medical expenses like chiropractor visits. If you do not have PIP, however, then you can pursue a settlement through a 3rd party.

Can I seek compensation via PIP coverage?

There are several conditions that you must meet to receive compensation via PIP coverage. The most crucial of these conditions for drivers in Washington state is having chosen to pay for PIP when you signed up for car insurance or before your accident occurred. If you have PIP, you can use it to seek compensation to help cover medical expenses like chiropractor visits. However, if you did not sign up for PIP before your accident then, unfortunately, it will not be an avenue that you can take to receive compensation.

Can I pursue a settlement through a 3rd party?

Yes, if you were injured in a car accident you can pursue a settlement through a 3rd party. You would need to get in contact with an experienced personal injury lawyer who will fight for you to receive the maximum compensation to pay off any and all medical bills like those you might have after receiving chiropractic treatment.


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