HomeWHENWhen Is A Matrix Not Diagonalizable

When Is A Matrix Not Diagonalizable

Throughout this post, as always, M_n(F) denotes the ring of n times n matrices with entries from a field F, and I denotes the identity matrix.

Recall that A in M_n(F) is said to be diagonalizable if it is similar to a diagonal matrix, i.e. if there exist a diagonal matrix D in M_n(F) and an invertible matrix P in M_n(F) such that A=PDP^{-1}. In other words, A is diagonalizable if there exists a basis mathcal{B}={v_1, cdots , v_n} of F^n such that the matrix of the linear map T: F^n to F^n,  T bold{x}=Abold{x}, with respect to mathcal{B}, call it D, is diagonal. So if lambda_1, cdots , lambda_n are the diagonal entries of D, then lambda_kv_k=Tv_k=Av_k, i.e. each v_k is an eigenvector of A. So A is diagonalizable if and only if F^n has a basis consisting of eigenvectors of A.

In practice, it is not easy in general to prove whether or not a given matrix is diagonalizable. There is however the following well-known result which is quite useful.

Theorem. Let A in M_n(F).

i) If A has n distinct eigenvalues in F, then A is diagonalizable.

i) A is diagonalizable if and only if the minimal polynomial of A has the form (x-lambda_1) cdots (x-lambda_k) for some distinct elements lambda_1, cdots lambda_k in F.

Proof. See, for example, Theorem 3.2 and Theorem 4.11 here, or any decent linear algebra textbook  Box

Note that the first part of the Theorem only gives a sufficient condition for a matrix to be diagonalizable. The condition is not necessary because, for example, the identity matrix I is diagonal hence diagonalizable but its eigenvalues, which are all 1, are not distinct.

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Remark 1. Diagonalizability depends on the base field F. For example consider the matrix

A=begin{pmatrix}0 & -1  1 & 0end{pmatrix} in M_2(mathbb{C}).

The eigenvalues of A are pm i and so A is diagonalizable, by the first part of the above Theorem. However, if we look at A as an element of M_2(mathbb{R}), then A is no longer diagonalizable because its eigenvalues are not real.

Corollary (characterizing non-diagonalizable 2 times 2 matrices). Let

A=begin{pmatrix} a & b  c & d end{pmatrix} in M_2(mathbb{C}).

Then A is not diagonalizable if and only if (a-d)^2+4bc=0 and A ne lambda I for all lambda in mathbb{C}.

Proof. Let p(x) be the characteristic polynomial of A, i.e. p(x)= x^2-(a+d)x+ad-bc. Suppose first that A is not diagonalizable. Then A is not diagonal and so it’s not a multiple scalar of the identity matrix. Also, by the first part of the above Theorem, the two eigenvalues of A must be equal, i.e. the two roots of p(x) must be equal. Thus (a+d)^2-4(ad-bc)=0, which gives (a-d)^2+4bc=0.Conversely, the condition (a-d)^2+4bc=0 means that p(x) has two equal roots, i.e. p(x)=(x-lambda)^2 for some lambda in mathbb{C}. Thus the minimal polynomial of A is either x-lambda or (x-lambda)^2. If the minimal polynomial of A is x-lambda, then A=lambda I, contradiction. Thus the minimal polynomial of A is (x-lambda)^2 and hence, by the second part of the above Theorem, A is not diagonalizable.  Box

Remark 2. The above Corollary holds for any algebraically closed field F not just mathbb{C} but it does not always hold if F is not algebraically closed. For example, if we choose F=mathbb{R}, then the 2 times 2 matrix given in Remark 1 is not diagonalizable but it does not satisfy the identity (a-d)^2+4bc=0 given in the Corollary.

Example. By the above Corollary, the following matrices, as elements of M_2(mathbb{C}), are not diagonalizable

begin{pmatrix}0 & 1  0 & 0end{pmatrix},     begin{pmatrix}0 & 0  1 & 0end{pmatrix},     begin{pmatrix}1 & 1  0 & 1end{pmatrix},     begin{pmatrix}3 & -1  1 & 1end{pmatrix},     begin{pmatrix}3 & -2  2 & -1end{pmatrix}.

Exercise. Find all a in mathbb{C} that make the matrix begin{pmatrix}a & 2-a  a-2 & 1end{pmatrix} in M_2(mathbb{C}) non-diagonalizable.


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