HomeWHENHow To Tell If Phone Is Charging When Dead

How To Tell If Phone Is Charging When Dead

Long battery life and quick charging are two features that iPhone and iPad users like me enjoy on a daily basis. There are various ways that an iPhone can be charged. When your phone is on, it’s easy to confirm that it’s charging by checking the battery icon. However, if your phone is completely out of juice and you can’t see the iPhone charging icon, how do you know if your phone is charging? What about your iPad?

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  • How to Tell If Dead iPhone Is Charging (Or Turned Off)
  • How to Tell If iPhone Is Charging When On
  • How to Tell if iPad Is Charging When Off or On
  • Frequently Asked Questions

How to Tell If iPhone Is Charging When Dead (Or Powered Off)

If your iPhone has run out of battery completely, plugging it in will begin the charge. However, the screen will remain off until there is enough charge for it to power back up, so you may find yourself wondering, “why isn’t my iPhone charging?” While it may seem like your iPhone won’t charge after the battery is drained completely, this most likely won’t be the case. Here’s how to decipher the iPhone charging symbol when dead or powered off:

  1. Make sure your iPhone is plugged in, and that the charger is plugged into a power source, such as a wall outlet.
  2. Check the large battery icon in the middle of your black screen. A completely dead iPhone screen may be black at first; give it a second to charge to see if the charging icon appears.
  3. If the icon only shows the empty battery, as shown in the image below on the left, then your iPhone is charging and will power on soon.
  4. If the icon shows an almost empty battery and a charger, as seen below on the right, then your phone is not charging and you may need to verify your charger cable and power source.
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Comparison of battery icons between charging and not charging

That’s how to know if your iPhone is charging after it dies.

How to Know If iPhone Is Charging When On

For more iPhone battery charging tips, don’t forget to sign up for our free Tip of the Day newsletter. iPhone charge symbol is a lot easier to understand when your phone is on! The steps below show how it looks if you have Battery Percentage toggled off.

  1. Make sure your iPhone is plugged in, and that the charger is plugged into a power source, such as a wall outlet.
  2. Check the battery icon on your screen.
  3. A charging iPhone screen has a lightning bar in the middle.is my iPhone charging
  4. If the icon doesn’t have the lightning bolt symbol or is white, then it is not charging.is my iPhone charging

If you don’t see the iPhone charging screen at this point, check all cord connections to verify that everything is as it should be and that there are no problems with the charger cable itself. Another tip if your iPhone isn’t charging is to try another power source, and remember that certain outlets may only be powered when light switches are on!

If you have Battery Percentage toggled on, the lightning bolt will be to the right of the percentage:

When you first plug your charger in or place your iPhone on a wireless charger, the lightning bolt will appear to the right of the charging icon:

Charging Icon if Battery Percentage is Toggled On

After a few seconds of charging, it will appear inside the battery icon:

How to Tell if iPad Is Charging When Off or On

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You can use the same steps to check if your iPad is charging as you would for iPhone. The iPad charging symbol when dead looks the same:

Just like the dead iPhone charging symbol, a dead iPad screen that shows an almost empty battery and a charger is not charging. If you only see the battery and no charging chord, it is charging. A dead iPad screen may take a while to turn on, even while charging. Be patient and it will happen! Voila, now you know how to tell if your iPad is charging when dead!

Once your iPad is on, you can check the battery icon on your screen. If there is a lightning bar in the middle, then your iPad is charging.

iPad Charging Symbol

As you can see, knowing whether your device is charging can be as simple as understanding the battery icon on your iPhone or iPad. However, it’s one of those things that many people would never recognize unless they had already learned what to look for! If you still experience your iPhone not turning on or charging after you’ve read this article, there may be a more serious problem, so it’s best to contact Apple support or visit the nearest phone repair shop. Next, find out how to charge your iPhone correctly.

Top image credit: Gisele Yashar / Shutterstock.com


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