HomeWHICHWhich Character Are You Quiz Harry Potter

Which Character Are You Quiz Harry Potter

Harry Potter, created by British author J.K. Rowling, is a series of seven fantasy novels that have been published in more than 200 countries. Later, they were adapted into eight films by the American company Warner Bros. Entertainment. Harry Potter is one of the highest-grossing media franchises of all time. The story is set in a magical world full of fantasy and revolves around the life and adventures of the young wizard Harry Potter. He attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and his archenemy is the “Dark Lord,” Voldemort.

In this unique world, hundreds of characters with different characteristics have been brought to life. The benevolent and just Headmaster Dumbledore, the smart and quick-witted Hermione Granger, the unfathomable Professor Snape, the loving and courageous Harry Potter… which character from the Harry Potter series are you? Come and find out!

  • Enriched the results page and increased the number of characters – Dec 25, 2022
  • Severus Snape11111Half-Blood PrinceBornJan. 9Blood statusHalf-bloodHouseSlytherinPatronusDoeWell, it may have escaped your notice, but life isn’t fair.Severus Snape, a half-blood wizard with both magical and Muggle ancestors, served as Potions Master, Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Head of Slytherin House, and Headmaster of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is mysterious, introverted, sensitive, unfathomable, and powerful. He specializes in dark magic and its defenses, potions, charms, and Occlumency. In his childhood, he felt a deep love for Lily Evans, and after their relationship ended he was loyal to Voldemort. Later, he became a member of the Order of the Phoenix as a double agent to protect Lily’s son, Harry. When the defense of Hogwarts was about to win, he was killed by Voldemort in a misguided attempt to gain full control of the Elder Wand.Introverted, loyal, and persistent, you are ready for new experiences and are as charismatic as Severus Snape. Both learning and thinking are essential to you. You face problems with calm as if you were completely sure everything is going to be all right. However, under such a thick shell, you have a kind heart that longs for love. When someone walks into your heart, you will let go of your guard and treat them affectionately. If you were Snape in the world of Harry Potter, would you still fall in love with the girl who surprised you in your childhood? What kind of life would you live?e8981b//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a1.png
  • Percy Weasley11110The third child of the Weasley familyBornAug. 22Blood statusPure-bloodHouseGryffindorPatronusNon-corporealI managed to make contact with Aberforth and he tipped me off ten minutes ago that Hogwarts was going to make a fight of it, so here I am.Percy Weasley, the third son of the Weasley family, has the iconic red hair of the family. He has a serious and somewhat rigid personality. While his siblings are optimistic and humorous, Percy is characterized by his love of learning. He earned twelve Ordinary Wizarding Levels. He also attaches great importance to the future. He used to be the prefect of Gryffindor House and the Head Boy. After graduation, he entered the Ministry of Magic’s Department of International Magical Cooperation and was promoted to Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic. Percy also cherishes his family and is not as cold as he seems. In the end, he was involved in the toughest Battle at Hogwarts.Your personality is similar to that of Percy Weasley. Your intelligence is evident in all aspects of life, and you know how to achieve success. Whether it is completing tasks or managing others, you always know how to deal with challenges. You are good at understanding people’s true motives and can often show your talents in the workplace. This is an advantage for business cooperation and negotiation. As long as you really want something, you will get it. As for relationships and family, you are a little reserved, do more and talk less, and turn your thoughts into actions. As Percy in the world of Harry Potter, keep improving and continue to carry forward the Weasley family!bc5123//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a2.png
  • Neville Longbottom11011Son of Frank and Alice LongbottomBornJul. 30Blood statusPure-bloodHouseGryffindorPatronusNon-corporealI’ll join you when hell freezes over!Neville Longbottom is a pure-blood wizard. Neville’s parents were members of the original Order of the Phoenix and well-respected Aurors until they were tortured into insanity by three Death Eaters. After entering Gryffindor House of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Neville was not very talented and he often had difficulties in performing magic, but his grades in herbology were excellent. He is timid and introverted but shows courage at critical moments. He is also one of the important members and leaders of Dumbledore’s Army. After the Second Wizarding War, Neville became a Herbology Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.You are similar to Neville Longbottom because you don’t normally show your strengths, but you don’t give up either. You are a clear example of hard work, you stick to your dreams, you don’t complain about others, and you don’t tend to show off. However, in times of crisis, you show amazing determination and will, take on burdens that others dare not face, bravely face adversity, and protect those people and things that are important to you. If you were Neville in the world of Harry Potter, would you have made the same decisions?4bad0e//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a3.png
  • Sybill Trelawney11010SeerBornMar. 9Blood statusHalf-bloodHouseRavenclawPatronusNon-corporealI must warn you at the outset that if you do not have the Sight, there is very little I will be able to teach you.Sybill Trelawney, Divination Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is the great-great-granddaughter of the famous seer Cassandra Trelawney, and she is very proud of her lineage. Trelawney looks thin and weak, wears a pair of thick glasses, and behaves a little strangely. She has a soft voice and unclear pronunciation that makes her a bit eccentric. On the other hand, Trelawney’s predictions are quite accurate, including the return of Voldemort and the predictions of the savior. After surviving the Battle of Hogwarts, Professor Trelawney continued to teach at Hogwarts.Your personality is similar to that of Sybill Trelawney because you firmly believe in the power of intuition and you have a unique understanding of the things around you. You also have extraordinary artistic imagination about nature and society. You’re a maverick who doesn’t care about money and power but pays more attention to their own feelings. These qualities attract other people’s interest but also make them misunderstand you every now and then. Maybe you need to work hard on achieving a balance between your inner voice and the outside world’s views. In the world of Harry Potter, being a prophet is not an easy task. Are you ready for it?c09d0b//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a4.png
  • Remus Lupin10011MoonyBornMar. 10Blood statusHalf-bloodHouseGryffindorPatronusWolfOne day he’ll understand.Remus Lupin, former Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is a member of the Order of the Phoenix. The character is calm, kind, powerful, and has a self-sacrificing nature. His wife is the Metamorphmagus Nymphadora Tonks, and they have a son. When he was a child, Lupin was bitten by a werewolf and turned into a werewolf too. He transforms during full moons, so he has to take the Wolfsbane Potion to maintain his human mind during the transformations. After his condition became known to everyone, he chose to resign from his teaching post at Hogwarts. When Voldemort returned, he once again became a member of the Order of the Phoenix and participated in the Battle of Hogwarts, eventually being murdered by Antonin Dolohov.Your personality is similar to that of Remus Lupin because you stand out from the crowd. Instead of following mainstream ideas, you are firm, confident, and willing to use your own principles to analyze the current situation. This often lets you find effective and innovative solutions. Your determination not to be influenced by those around you also makes you look very attractive, and you can live the life you want at your own pace. You don’t impose your own ideas on others either. On the contrary, you practice self-discipline and are lenient to others, so you don’t use oppression or coercion. Instead, you prefer respectful communication. If you were Professor Lupin in the world of Harry Potter, what kind of life would you live?e0aa24//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a5.png
  • Cho Chang10010Seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch teamBornUnknownBlood statusPure-blood or half-bloodHouseRavenclawPatronusSwanI thought, I thought you’d u-u-understand! I need to talk about it! Surely you n-need to talk about it too! I mean, you saw it happen, d-didn’t you?Cho Chang, a witch who loves Quidditch, once attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Ravenclaw House. She is beautiful and very popular. She was also a Seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. Cho Chang was Harry Potter’s first girlfriend but previously dated Cedric Diggory. After Cedric’s death, Cho felt very sad and joined Dumbledore’s Army, an organization led by Harry Potter, against her parents’ will. Later, her best friend, Marietta Edgecombe, betrayed the organization, but Cho Chang remained loyal to Hogwarts and to Dumbledore’s Army, and participated in the Second Wizarding War.Your personality is similar to that of Cho Chang because you are easy-going, generous, and courageous. You dare to face challenges and withstand pressure, you have your own concepts of right and wrong, and you are not easily influenced, so you are able to concentrate and keep pursuing your goals. You like to live a peaceful life, but when those close to you need help you will do anything in your power to help them. This makes others enjoy being around you and want to be your friend. If you were Cho Chang in the world of Harry Potter, would you make the same choices?c84e20//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a6.png
  • Draco Malfoy10110Son of Lucius and Narcissa MalfoyBornJun. 5Blood statusPure-bloodHouseSlytherinPatronusNoneI haven’t got any options! I’ve got to do it! He’ll kill me! He’ll kill my whole family!Draco Malfoy comes from a very prestigious pure-blood family. Influenced by his family, Draco promoted prejudice against Muggles and Muggle-born wizards. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Slytherin House, developing a rivalry with Harry Potter. Later, he was made a prefect of his house and also joined the Death Eaters to replace his father who was incarcerated in Azkaban. He was ordered to kill Professor Dumbledore, but he had a mental breakdown due to his inner conscience and fear, and the task was finally completed by Severus Snape. After the end of the Second Wizarding War, Draco married Astoria Greengrass and had a son.You are similar to Draco Malfoy because you are straightforward, honest, and firmly believe that strength can bring respect. Therefore, you are never afraid of challenges and look to prove yourself with victory after victory. On the one hand, your great pride allows you to perform well in many fields; on the other hand, it resembles an invisible wall blocking others from approaching you. As for your future, you will definitely work hard and eventually achieve your goals.eac637//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a7.png
  • Voldemort10100The Dark LordBornDec. 31Blood statusHalf-bloodHouseSlytherinPatronusNoneVoldemort is my past, present, and future.Voldemort, formerly known as Tom Marvolo Riddle, is the most powerful dark wizard ever and the leader of the radical, pure-blood supremacist organization called the Death Eaters. Voldemort attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Slytherin House. He looked polite, quiet, and intelligent, so almost everyone had a good impression of him during his time at school. Riddle is unable and unwilling to express remorse, he is obsessed with power, and he believes in the idea that “magic is might.” His greatest wish is to obtain eternal life and become the most powerful wizard in the world. As he cannot understand love, he is ruthless to both his enemies and his followers. In the final Battle at Hogwarts, he was killed by his own backfiring Avada Kedavra curse using the Elder Wand.Your personality is similar to that of Voldemort because you have extraordinary intelligence and determination, you can make good judgments and use the resources around you, you don’t pay attention to trivial matters, you get what you want and love your career, and you are a natural leader. There is no doubt that you are very clear about what you want and what needs to be done to get there. Clear goals, enough focus, hard work, and research make your success easier to achieve. If you were Voldemort in the world of Harry Potter, would you make all the same decisions?2794d7//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a8.png
  • Harry Potter11101The Boy Who LivedBornJul. 31Blood statusHalf-bloodHouseGryffindorPatronusStagI don’t go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me.Harry Potter, a gifted half-blood wizard, is the only son of James Potter and Lily Evans, and his godfather is Sirius Black. When Harry was born, it was predicted that he would have the power to defeat Voldemort. Voldemort tried to kill him as a baby but murdered Harry’s parents instead as they tried to protect him. The protection of Lily’s loving sacrifice prevented Voldemort from killing Harry, instead destroying Voldemort’s physical body as his curse rebounded leaving him a disembodied soul until he regained his power years later. Growing up, Harry lived with his Muggle aunt and later attended Hogwarts School. He was sorted into Gryffindor House and became a Gryffindor Seeker and Quidditch Captain. During the Second Wizarding War, Harry showed amazing courage and leadership, playing a vital role in many battles and eventually defeating Voldemort.Your personality is similar to that of Harry Potter because you are independent, firm, loving, and brave. You are not afraid of unknown difficulties and can also treat everyone equally. This makes you very prestigious and leaves a good impression of integrity, kindness, and intelligence. Further, you are sensitive, delicate, broad-minded, considerate, and merciful. As long as you recognize someone as your friend you will rely on them wholeheartedly. At the same time, you will try to make yourself stronger to be able to protect them.17cbae//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a9.png
  • Charlie Weasley11100DragonologistBornDec. 12Blood statusPure-bloodHouseGryffindorPatronusNon-corporealDragons are all I care about. Who has time for dating when there are so many dragons to study?Charlie Weasley, the second son of the Weasley family, attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Gryffindor House. He likes outdoor activities and is very good at Quidditch. He served as a prefect and Quidditch Captain during his time at Hogwarts and went to Romania to study dragons after graduation. This hard job made him physically stronger and left a burn on one of his arms. Apart from being very passionate about his career in dragon research, Charlie is loving with his family. During the Second Wizarding War, Charlie was a member of the Order of the Phoenix and fought in the Battle of Hogwarts. After the war, Charlie continued his research on dragons.“Focus” and “tenacity” are the most appropriate words to describe you! You are similar to Charlie Weasley because you are very clear about what you want and you normally achieve your dreams with relative ease. Instead of being pushed forward by external forces or living a purposeless life, you are firm, confident, and purposeful. You know where you are and where you need to go, so you can divide your objectives into smaller, realistic steps that make it easier for you to get everything you want. When encountering difficulties or new environments you quickly adapt and never give up. Are you ready to achieve your dreams like Charlie Weasley?f48232//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a10.png
  • Rubeus Hagrid11001Professor and GamekeeperBornDec. 6Blood statusHalf-human/Half-giantHouseGryffindorPatronusNoneHermione, I couldn’t leave him. See — he’s my brother!Rubeus Hagrid, a half-giant wizard, attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Gryffindor House. In his third year he was framed by Tom Riddle and expelled from the school. With the help of Albus Dumbledore, Hagrid stayed on the school grounds and became the gamekeeper of Hogwarts. Later, he became the new Care of Magical Creatures Professor and was entrusted by the Headmaster, Dumbledore, to serve as the messenger between wizards and giants. He is kind, honest, and just. He especially loves animals and has raised many magical animals. Hagrid was also a member of the Order of the Phoenix, participated in several battles in the two Wizarding Wars, and made important contributions to Hogwarts.Your personality is similar to that of Rubeus Hagrid because, for you, a repetitive, ordinary life is simply too boring. Life should be unpredictable, colorful, and full of adventures, love, and joy. Similarly, you have an easy-going, friendly, and freedom-seeking personality. You are good at communicating your ideas and expressing your feelings. Also, you have countless whimsical ideas in your mind, you are not afraid of power, and you are open to new concepts. This gives you lots of friends and allows you to understand the world more deeply. If you were Hagrid in the world of Harry Potter, what kind of life would you choose?a0d31a//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a11.png
  • Myrtle Warren11000Moaning MyrtleBornUnknownBlood statusMuggle-bornHouseRavenclawPatronusNoneOoooh, it was dreadful. It happened right in here. I died in this very stall. I remember it so well.Myrtle Warren, a Muggle-born witch who attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has long straight hair and wears glasses. Myrtle was constantly bullied at school and was later killed by Tom Riddle using Salazar Slytherin’s basilisk. She became a ghost who haunted the second-floor girls’ bathroom at Hogwarts. Myrtle first met Harry in his second year, and since then she has helped him many times. She also listened to Draco’s secrets. Myrtle is pure and kind and longs for love.Your personality is similar to that of Myrtle Warren because you are calm, kind, and non-aggressive, and people see you as “Ms. Nice Girl.” But after getting to know you better, they can see that you are sensible and tender. You are humble, good at listening, and willing to help people in trouble. On top of that, you stick to your principles, do not impose your ideas and concepts on others, and yearn for sincere feelings and a prosperous future.cc6817//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a12.png
  • Luna Lovegood10001Loony LovegoodBornFeb. 13Blood statusPure-blood or half-bloodHouseRavenclawPatronusHareI enjoyed the meetings, too. It was like having friends.Luna Lovegood is the only child of Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood. She is calm, quiet, and solitary. Her mother died unexpectedly when she was nine years old. Luna attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Ravenclaw House. At school, Luna was often teased by her classmates for her eccentric behavior and belief in things that didn’t make sense. After she met Harry the two became friends, and Luna comforted him many times. In her fourth year, Luna joined Dumbledore’s Army and became one of the most important members. After the war, Luna became a Magizoologist and eventually married Rolf Scamander.You are like Luna Lovegood because you are the type of person who makes an indelible impression on others. You are curious about the world and develop your own idea of it without listening to others. This also allows you to draw your own conclusions and make your own judgments on various matters in society. Though you desire to be accepted and understood, you will never lose yourself to become what others want you to be. You firmly believe that each person is unique, and you pay attention to your inner feelings as a way of understanding the world.887c32//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a13.png
  • Dobby10000House-elfBornUnknownBlood statusNoneHouseNonePatronusNoneDobby can only be freed if his master presents him with clothes.Dobby, the house-elf and servant of the Malfoy family, has bat-like ears, bulging eyes, and wears an old pillowcase. Although he suffered abuse from the Malfoys, Dobby did not lose his kindness. After overhearing the secret of his master, Lucius Malfoy, he learned that Harry Potter was in danger, so he repeatedly warned Harry not to return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After Harry helped free him, Dobby applied for jobs everywhere but was rejected numerous times, so he went on to work in the kitchens at Hogwarts. In the end, he was fatally wounded by Bellatrix’s thrown knife while rescuing Harry and his friends from Malfoy Manor.You are similar to Dobby because your distinctive features are fighting bravely and pursuing freedom. How boring would life be if it just kept repeating itself? You are not afraid of your superiors or potential dangers, but instead you prefer a life of freedom, romance, and passion. You have great imagination and extraordinary execution ability which makes all your dreams come true. Even if you have to question and rebel against the whole world to live freely, you will not hesitate to do it.2c4de0//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a14.png
  • Cedric Diggory01101Hogwarts Triwizard ChampionBornUnknownBlood statusPure-blood or half-bloodHouseHufflepuffPatronusNoneYou take it. You should win. That’s twice you’ve saved my neck in here.Cedric Diggory, son of Amos Diggory, attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Hufflepuff House. He was a prefect and captained the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, playing as Seeker. Handsome, rational, talented, and graceful, Cedric proved to be an inspiration to many students at Hogwarts. At the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric and Harry completed the Third Task and lifted the Triwizard Cup together. Right after, they were transported to the Little Hangleton graveyard where Cedric was murdered by Peter Pettigrew using a Killing Curse on the orders of Lord Voldemort.Your outstanding temperament often makes you a role model for others. Just like Cedric Diggory you are upright, kind, and have healthy self-esteem. You are quick to think and act, you will not gossip about others behind their backs, and you look forward to participating in fair contests. You strive to shoulder your own responsibilities and relentlessly pursue your dreams. With such a charismatic personality, you are like a solid shield that can protect others from danger. You enjoy being a reliable and trustworthy person.17cc90//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a15.png
  • Hermione Granger10101Founder of S.P.E.W. and friend of Harry PotterBornSep. 19Blood statusMuggle-bornHouseGryffindorPatronusOtterBooks! And cleverness! There are more important things — friendship and bravery.Hermione Granger, the only child of her Muggle parents, proved to be a gifted, intelligent, and hardworking student. She attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Gryffindor House. This nerdy character always passed her classes with flying colors. During school, Hermione maintained a close relationship with Harry and Ron, and they were the famous “Golden Trio.” Hermione is also an advocate for the rights of house-elves and founded the organization S.P.E.W. In the Second Wizarding War, Hermione showed amazing strength and courage by playing a key role. Her magical knowledge saved the Trio from danger many times. After the war, she married Ron Weasley and worked in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.You always stand out from the crowd like Hermione Granger. You are smart and hardworking, you have good judgment, and you analyze things thoroughly. This allows you to perform well in your career, and no matter what kind of difficulties you face you will not be defeated. When it comes to interpersonal relationships, you are often sharp-tongued but soft-hearted. You don’t know how to use sweet words to make people happy, but you can always lend them a helping hand in times of crisis. In your opinion, the only success that is worth celebrating is the result of hard work, and only sincere friends are worth making.e62142//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a16.png
  • Ginny Weasley01100Youngest child of the Weasley familyBornAug. 11Blood statusPure-bloodHouseGryffindorPatronusHorseI never really gave up on you. Not really. I always hoped….Ginny Weasley, the youngest daughter of the Weasley family, has the red hair characteristic of the Weasley family. She attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Gryffindor House. During her first year at Hogwarts she was possessed by the memory of Tom Riddle’s sixteen-year-old self and was rescued by Harry and his friends. As she continued to learn and grow, Ginny became more and more confident and was also an accomplished Quidditch player. Later, she became one of the important members of Dumbledore’s Army, led by Harry Potter, and participated in many battles. After the end of the Second Wizarding War, Ginny became a professional Quidditch player, married Harry Potter, and had three children.Your personality is similar to that of Ginny Weasley because you are kind, cheerful, and full of energy. You firmly believe in love and beauty in the world and value family and friendship. When someone you cherish has a problem you will do all you can for them, trying to help, comfort, and listen. This makes you highly popular, and people around you can’t help but get close to you and rely on you. Love is the best motivation for you to keep moving forward toward a better life. As Ginny, would you also choose to be with Harry?279cdd//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a17.png
  • Molly Weasley10111Mrs. WeasleyBornOct. 30Blood statusPure-bloodHouseGryffindorPatronusNon-corporealNot my daughter, you Bitch!Molly Weasley is a member of the Order of the Phoenix and is married to Arthur Weasley. The two have six sons and a daughter. Molly is an excellent mother and wife, a good cook, and an expert at handling the chores of the house. In terms of educating her children, Molly is both strict and loving. Her eldest son works as a Curse-Breaker at Gringotts Wizarding Bank, her second son studies dragons in Romania, and the third son works at the Ministry of Magic. Molly is very gentle with Harry, treating him like another son since he had lost his own mother. When Bellatrix, one of the best Death Eaters, wanted to hurt Ginny, Hermione, and the others, Molly showed her powerful magical talent and strength and defeated her.Your personality is similar to that of Molly Weasley because you are a charismatic and dependable person. Your open mind and kind heart enable you to bring warmth and strength to those around you and better understand others. Being empathetic and sensitive to the mood swings of others makes you an excellent partner and parent. On the other hand, you have principles that you stick to and are not afraid to speak your mind even if it offends others. You can distinguish right from wrong, dare to love and hate, and can bravely face problems. You are the perfect combination of strength and gentleness. As Molly in the world of Harry Potter, how would you educate seven children?da3a1b//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a18.png
  • George Weasley01001Co-Owner of Weasleys’ Wizard WheezesBornApr. 1Blood statusPure-bloodHouseGryffindorPatronusMagpieWhat are Fred and I, next-door neighbours?George Weasley, son of Arthur Weasley and Molly Weasley, is one of the “Weasley Twins” along with his brother, Fred Weasley. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Gryffindor House. He was a Beater for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Lively and upbeat, George is a born prankster and inventor who brings a laugh anytime, anywhere. After Voldemort’s return, George joined Fred in Dumbledore’s Army, which was led by Harry Potter. He also participated in the Battle of Hogwarts as a member of the Order of the Phoenix, a battle that claimed the life of his twin. After great grief, he named his first child Fred in honor of his lost twin.You, like George Weasley, have the ability to bring joy to others! For you, power and money are not the criteria for success, so you focus on emotions and feelings. You don’t only associate with those who are beneficial to you, but instead you will make friends with kind and interesting people, creating a simple, beautiful, and relaxed atmosphere around you. Your mentality is younger, more positive, and more shining than that of your peers. You can better enjoy the beauty of life and spend every day of your life in peace.e08b25//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a19.png
  • Bellatrix Lestrange01000BellaBornUnknownBlood statusPure-bloodHouseSlytherinPatronusNoneThe Dark Lord will rise again, Crouch! Throw us into Azkaban; we will wait!Bellatrix Lestrange, a Death Eater, attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Slytherin House. After graduation, she followed Voldemort and married Rodolphus Lestrange, a fellow wealthy pure-blood. At the end of the First Wizarding War, she was sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban for torturing Frank and Alice Longbottom into insanity in order to find information about Voldemort after his defeat. After Voldemort returned, she escaped from Azkaban along with several other Death Eaters. In the Second Wizarding War she was killed by Molly Weasley in a duel.Your personality is similar to that of Bellatrix Lestrange because you are smart, enthusiastic, challenging, and good at grasping opportunities. You always leverage your strengths, whether it is to initiate a challenge or launch a counterattack. Although you may look tough from the outside, you hide a soft and tender heart inside you. You want to be understood and loved, and you are willing to make sacrifices for those who have earned your loyalty.4e3dc4//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a20.png
  • Ronald Weasley00001Best friend of Harry PotterBornMar. 1Blood statusPure-bloodHouseGryffindorPatronusJack Russell terrierWe’re with you whatever happens.Ronald Weasley, the sixth son of the Weasley family, attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Gryffindor House. In school, Ron showed amazing talents in Wizard’s Chess, Quidditch, and impersonation. He also showed extraordinary courage and determination in difficult situations. After growing up, Ron and Hermione fell in love and finally got married. During the Battle of Hogwarts, Ron lost his brother Fred. After the war, he became an Auror and later helped his brother George run Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes.You are similar to Ron Weasley because you are sincere, kind, and straightforward, and you seem like a star that illuminates other people’s lives. You are also talented, creative, artistic, and humorous, so you are often a barrel of laughs. You are a kind and pure person who hates making hard decisions and is willing to protect your friends without asking for anything in return. You don’t normally care when you are attacked or in danger, but if someone represents a threat to your family or friends you will fight back mercilessly.943023//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a21.png
  • Gilderoy Lockhart00000AuthorBornJan. 26Blood statusHalf-bloodHouseRavenclawPatronusNon-corporealFame’s a fickle friend, Harry… Celebrity is as celebrity does, remember that.Gilderoy Lockhart, a celebrity in the wizarding world and an honorary member of the Dark Force Defense League, attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Ravenclaw House. Lockhart wrote many popular books, including Break with a Banshee, Gilderoy Lockhart’s Guide to Household Pests, and Magical Me. He has many fans and has won the Witch Weekly’s Most Charming Smile Award five times in a row. Lockhart claimed he did many heroic acts, but he did not actually do them. Instead, he used his considerable talent in Memory Charms to force the people who had actually done them into forgetting what they did while he took credit for the acts. Ironically, Lockhart lost all of his memory due to a backfired Memory Charm he cast using Ron Weasley’s damaged wand. Lockhart then became a permanent resident of St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.Like Gilderoy Lockhart, your smile is your best weapon, and your insight into human nature is extraordinary. You know exactly what others need and want to hear, which also allows you to maintain good interpersonal relationships and get promoted quickly in the workplace. There may be many paths to success but you can find shortcuts faster and more accurately than others. You use your self-confidence, judgment, and charisma to obtain the resources and contacts you want. If you lived in the world of Harry Potter, would you also be a famous celebrity of the wizarding world?e56328//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a22.png
  • Sirius Black00101PadfootBornNov. 3Blood statusPure-bloodHouseGryffindorPatronusNon-corporealWe’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.Sirius Black, Harry Potter’s godfather, comes from a famous pure-blood family. He disagreed with his family’s belief in blood purity, so he ran away from home when he was young. After entering Hogwarts, he was sorted into Gryffindor House instead of Slytherin, which also defied the family tradition. In school, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, and Peter Pettigrew were known as “Marauders,” and after graduating they joined the Order of the Phoenix. After being framed for betraying the Potter family and killing Peter and twelve Muggles, Sirius was imprisoned in Azkaban without trial, but he later escaped and met Harry. He was murdered by Bellatrix Lestrange during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries.Your personality is similar to that of Sirius Black because you are firm and quite confident in yourself and your decisions. When dealing with others, you are always cautious and assertive and do not get influenced by other people’s words. Instead, you focus on the results of your own practice and your feelings, so you are unrestrained and pursue freedom and ideals. This also gives you an elegant, calm, and unique temperament that will attract the attention of others. For you, spiritual wealth is more worth spending time exploring. You always keep moving toward your dreams no matter what.2888e1//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a23.png
  • Arthur Weasley00100Member of the Order of the PhoenixBornFeb. 6Blood statusPure-bloodHouseGryffindorPatronusWeaselNever trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain.Arthur Weasley, the head of the Weasley family, worked in the Ministry of Magic’s Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office and wrote the Muggle Protection Act. He loves anything related to Muggles, particularly their technology. Arthur and his wife, Molly, have six boys and one girl. He is kind, loves his children very much, teaches them well, and is also very friendly to house-elves. After the outbreak of the Second Wizarding War, Arthur joined the Order of the Phoenix to secretly fight against Voldemort. Although he survived the final battle, one of his sons was killed in the Battle of Hogwarts.Similar to Arthur Weasley, you are humorous, witty, and amiable. You are always full of ideas, you have a great imagination, and you boast excellent communication skills. You can transform a tense situation into a relaxed and happy moment. You are open-minded, tolerant of the mistakes of others, and very responsible. You will always put the interests of your family and team before your own, and you will never choose to escape when facing problems.475df8//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a24.png
  • Minerva McGonagall01111Head of Gryffindor HouseBornOct. 4Blood statusHalf-bloodHouseGryffindorPatronusCatAh, of course. There is no need to say any more, Miss Granger. Tell me, which of you will be dying this year?Minerva McGonagall, Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is the Head of Gryffindor House, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, and a member of the First and Second Order of the Phoenix. McGonagall is kind and just and treats the four houses equally. Even if the students of her own house violate the school rules, she will not cover it up. She is full of courage and charisma, and she always maintains an elegant and calm demeanor. Extremely talented in magic, she is a registered Animagus and can use various spells proficiently. In the Battle of Hogwarts, McGonagall led the teachers and students to fight tenaciously. After the war she served as Headmistress of Hogwarts.Your personality is similar to that of Minerva McGonagall because you are calm, confident, demanding, and you abide by the rules. You have strong principles and treat everyone around you equally. You feel more comfortable in environments reigned by order. You use your leadership qualities and your charisma to earn the respect and affection of the rest of your team. Though you can sometimes be stern, this does not mean that you are cold-blooded and selfish. On the contrary, your adventurous essence sometimes makes you mischievous and creative, surprising the people around you. You are particularly warm and gentle with your family, friends, and lovers.d48527//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a25.png
  • Lucius Malfoy01110Death EaterBornUnknownBlood statusPure-bloodHouseSlytherinPatronusNoneHere, girl — take your book — it’s the best your father can give you —Lucius Malfoy, a pure-blood wizard, is the head of the Malfoy family. He strongly believes in notions of blood purity and the superiority of pure-blood wizards. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Slytherin House where he served as a prefect. After graduating, he joined Voldemort as a Death Eater. After Lord Voldemort’s first defeat, Lucius managed to avoid imprisonment by lying, saying that he had been acting under the Imperius Curse. When Voldemort returned, Lucius once again served him as a Death Eater. After Voldemort’s final defeat, the Malfoy family avoided serving time in Azkaban because they defected from the Death Eaters before the end of the Battle of Hogwarts.You are similar to Lucius Malfoy because you are proud and self-reliant, you abide by the law and social norms, and you value status. Others think you are elegant and graceful and are left with a good impression of you. Your pride makes you take your projects seriously, trying to keep everything under control. You long for a stable life in which you can progress step by step. When it comes to your feelings, you are often restrained and practical, and you express them with actions. If you were Lucius in the world of Harry Potter, what kind of life would you live?146ec8//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a26.png
  • Lily J. Potter01011A member of the Order of the PhoenixBornJan. 30Blood statusMuggle-bornHouseGryffindorPatronusDoeNot Harry, please no, take me, kill me instead —Lily Potter is Harry Potter’s mother and James Potter’s wife. As a Muggle-born witch, she learned of her magical nature as a child after Severus Snape recognized her as a witch and told her of the existence of magic. The two ended their friendship years later, however, when Severus’ interest in Dark Magic increased. Lily attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was sorted into Gryffindor House, and became Head Girl. Apart from being gentle, kind, and understanding since she was a child, Lily was also a powerful witch. In an attempt to save her son Harry, Lily was killed by Voldemort’s Avada Kedavra Curse, but her sacrifice gave Harry a powerful magical “protection of love.”You are similar to Lily Potter because you are like an angel. You are pure, kind, simple, and peaceful. Also, you firmly believe in the beauty of the world, so you don’t start conflicts or suspect others. But that doesn’t mean you are defenseless. On the contrary, you have confidence and the ability to protect yourself and others. In most cases, you maintain good manners, treat everyone well, put yourself in others’ shoes, and can easily resolve conflicts. But when someone you value is hurt you will forget your gentleness and not hesitate to protect them. You give peace of mind to your loved ones.88c222//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a27.png
  • Fleur Delacour01010Part-time employee at Gringotts Wizarding BankBornUnknownBlood statusPart-human (Quarter-Veela)HouseBeauxbatons Academy of MagicPatronusNon-corporealWhat do I care how he looks? I am good-looking enough for both of us, I think! All these scars show is zat my husband is brave!Fleur Delacour, a quarter-Veela witch, attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. She is very beautiful and has an outstanding temperament. Fleur placed her name in the Goblet of Fire and was selected during the Hallowe’en Feast to be Beauxbatons’ student representative and Triwizard Champion. Fleur was brave and determined throughout the competition, but she failed to complete the Second Task. In the following summer, Fleur took a part-time job at Gringotts Wizarding Bank and began dating her co-worker, Bill Weasley. She didn’t leave him even after he was bitten by a werewolf. Fleur fought alongside her husband during the Battle of Hogwarts, and after the war they had three children.Your personality is similar to that of Fleur Delacour because you are full of courage and kindness, showing charm in every gesture. You dare to express your sincere opinions and you can also take care of your family, friends, and lovers tenderly. You are capable of achieving an excellent balance between work and family. If you are asked to give up a relationship for status, money, or something else, it is as if you are being asked to give up your own essence. This shows that you are a sentimental and pure person. In the world of Harry Potter, what kind of life would you choose to live as Fleur?0987c3//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a28.png
  • Albus Dumbledore00011Headmaster of HogwartsBornUnknownBlood statusHalf-bloodHouseGryffindorPatronusPhoenixIt takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, once served as Transfiguration Professor and Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. He founded the Order of the Phoenix and is recognized as the greatest wizard of modern times. His father died in Azkaban when he was a child, and his mother and sister were later accidentally killed. His early losses greatly affected him, but, in turn, made him a better person. During Voldemort’s rise to power, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry prospered under Dumbledore’s leadership, and his kindness and peaceful temperament also guided many wizards. As he was about to die due to a curse from Gaunt’s Ring, Dumbledore planned his own death with Severus Snape. Severus killed him with the Avada Kedavra Curse on the school’s Astronomy Tower.Your personality is similar to that of Albus Dumbledore because “wise” is the most appropriate term to describe you. You are intelligent, reliable, pragmatic, responsible, and tolerant. Because of these traits, you tend to leave a good impression of calmness and measure on others. You pay great attention to your spiritual improvement, you love to think, and you often explore the true meaning of life. When someone asks you for help, especially when they are frustrated or lost, you guide and help them, which also makes you very respected. If you were in the world of Harry Potter, would you also make Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry a better place?ed933c//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a29.png
  • Alastor Moody00111Mad-EyeBornUnknownBlood statusPure-bloodHouseUnknownPatronusNon-corporealI don’t know so much about ‘Professor’. Never got round to much teaching, did I?Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody is considered to be the most famous Auror of all time. One of his eyes is a moving magic eye that can see through walls, clothing, and even invisibility cloaks. During the First Wizarding War, Moody was already an Auror working for the Ministry of Magic, and it was during this period that he lost a leg and an eye. Later, at the invitation of Albus Dumbledore, Moody agreed to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts for a year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, though he never got the chance as he was kidnapped and impersonated by Barty Crouch Junior using Polyjuice Potion. After Voldermort’s return, Moody was an active member of the Order of the Phoenix and participated in many battles. Eventually, he was killed by Voldemort himself.You are just like Alastor Moody because you are serious and stubborn. Whether you are dealing with work, study, or relationships, you maintain a rigorous attitude, abide by rules, strive to be the best in everything, and have the courage to try new things. No matter what kind of challenges and difficulties you are facing, no matter what other people say about it, as long as it is a new experience that you want to have you will not give up on it. This allows you to form your own unique set of ideas. You are never afraid of responsibilities and obligations that are difficult for others to bear. If you were Alastor in the world of Harry Potter, is there anything you would do differently?b49127//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a30.png
  • James Potter00010ProngsBornMar. 27Blood statusPure-bloodHouseGryffindorPatronusStagLily, take Harry and go! It’s him! Go! Run! I’ll hold him off —James Potter, a pure-blood wizard of the Potter family, attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Gryffindor House. In school, he was appointed as Head Boy and started dating Lily Evans. He and Lily had a son named Harry. James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew were known as “Marauders” and invented the magical Marauder’s Map. James and Lily were forced to go into hiding after a prophecy was made concerning Voldemort and their infant son. They were ultimately betrayed by Peter Pettigrew, and Voldemort arrived at their hiding place and brutally killed them.You are similar to James Potter because you are smart, eager to progress, energetic, self-confident, and mentally strong. This keeps you from giving up easily when facing big challenges. It also allows you to express your own opinions and make your own decisions. When it comes to your family, you are dedicated, affectionate, and reliable.b9a00f//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a31.png
  • Horace Slughorn00110Head of SlytherinBornApr. 28Blood statusPure-blood or half-bloodHouseSlytherinPatronusNon-corporealIt is impossible to manufacture or imitate love.Horace Slughorn was Potions Master at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Head of Slytherin House. Slughorn is good at discovering talented students and brings them together in a group called the “Slug Club” to provide them with a platform for communication. In contrast, he turns a blind eye to mediocre students and doesn’t even remember their names. Because he was charmed by his talent and charisma, Slughorn made a mistake that caused irreparable damage when he told his favorite student, Tom Riddle, about the dark magic used to make Horcruxes. In the battle to defend Hogwarts, Slughorn fought fiercely against Voldemort.Your personality is similar to that of Horace Slughorn because you know how to leverage your abilities to get what you want. You have unique insights and deeply analyze the society and environment around you. This allows you to always look at ease in your relationships. You know how to use your time wisely and spend it on valuable things, which helps you to achieve your goals. As a result, you tend to look more mature and confident than your peers, and this is also an important key to your success.af773e//www.arealme.com/which-harry-potter-character-are-you/show/a32.png
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