HomeWHENWhen Do Oliver And Felicity First Sleep Together

When Do Oliver And Felicity First Sleep Together

“I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, then all at once.”

This quote from Fault in Our Stars perfectly encapsulates Oliver’s journey in S2. One of the great gifts of the Arrow S2 finale was not only did Oliver confess his love for Felicity (and yes, he meant it), but we as viewers FINALLY had confirmation that we watched Oliver fall in love with Felicity slowly…moment by moment in the prior 22 episodes.

However, I believe, there was one moment, when Oliver fell in love with Felicity all at once.

Let’s start with S2 moments where we see Oliver slowly falling in love with Felicity.

1) The Voice in His Head

2×1 – City of Heroes

Oliver was devastated by Tommy’s death. Even after Diggle & Felicity brought him back from the island, he refused to be the vigilante. Oliver didn’t know how to be the vigilante without killing. It’s not until he’s forced to put on the hood again to save Thea, that he sees The Foundry and all the improvements Felicity has made. More importantly, Felicity custom designed a new bow for him. It’s at the end of that sequence that Felicity urges him to find another way.

The look of amazement on Oliver’s face when he sees all the improvements; his “it’s perfect” remark when he handles the bow, shows Oliver realizes how much Felicity knows him. So when she urges him to find another way – he listens to her. He saves Thea without killing. The fact that it’s Felicity’s words that set Oliver on his hero’s journey means she’s become more than just the quirky IT girl to him. Oliver’s weapon is designed by Felicity, symbolizing her role in guiding the hands that protect the city. She is the voice inside his head, urging him to become more, to be better, to be a hero.

2) You Deserve Better Than Her…

2×6 – Keep Your Enemies Close

We all know the episode. Oliver sleeps with Isabel on a trip to Russia. Felicity finds out and is extremely hurt (as expected). What was unexpected was that Oliver was equally upset Felicity found out he slept with someone. Was he simply upset because he hurt her? Or was there more to it? It led to this epic exchange at the end of the episode:

“Because of the life that I lead, I just think it’s better to not be with someone I could really care about.” Yes, he’s speaking hypothetically, but everyone knows (including Felicity) he’s speaking directly to her. For the first time, Oliver acknowledges he could love Felicity. BUT…he won’t allow himself to. Because of the life he leads, his love endangers her, and he won’t do that to her. Yet, it’s Felicity’s response that truly packs the emotional punch. “Well, I think you deserve better than her.” Felicity believes, regardless of his way of life, that Oliver deserves better. He deserves to be loved. The stunned look on Oliver’s face says it all – no one has ever told Oliver Queen he deserves love.

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3) Oliver Will Kill…For Felicity

2×7 State vs. Queen

Oliver has made a vow to never kill again. Laurel was just kidnapped by the doll maker and he captured, not killed him. Oliver has proven that when his loved ones are at risk, he will hold to his new code. In fact, earlier in the episode, Oliver reiterates to Felicity that not killing The Count was the right decision. No one supports Oliver’s new “no killing” policy more than Felicity Smoak.

And then Felicity is held hostage by The Count and this happens….

Oliver shows up as Oliver – not The Arrow. This is personal to him. The way he slowly walks into Queen Consolidated – each step is measured & careful. He approaches the two of them cautiously. He can’t afford any mistakes because Felicity’s life is at stake. When he realizes The Count has the upper hand, you see real fear in Oliver’s face when he says “Your problem is with me. It’s not with her.” Oliver is begging for Felicity’s life. Then, the Count raises the syringes to Felicity’s neck and what happens next is nothing short of astonishing. Oliver manages to pull not one but three arrows in rapid succession, killing The Count. The look on his face when he fires the arrows, tell me two things. First, this kill is emotional. I haven’t seen Oliver that angry in a very long time. Most of the time, when Oliver shoots to kill, he uses one arrow. Three arrows mean only one thing – pure rage. Two, the act is instinctual. The rapid succession in which he fires the arrows show that it is programmed deep into Oliver’s bones to protect Felicity. Her life was threatened and his body simply reacted.

There’s no joy in this killing, either on Felicity’s part or Oliver’s. In fact, Felicity even goes as far to apologize to Oliver for putting him in that kind of position. His response?

“He had you and was going to hurt you. There was no choice to make.” Oliver is telling Felicity in no uncertain terms, that her safety is his number one priority. He will kill for her.

What’s interesting is that in the previous episode, Oliver just told Felicity he won’t allow himself to love her. In 2×6 Oliver is thinking with his head. In 2×7 he’s thinking with his heart. In his mind, Oliver may believe he has a choice as to whether or not he loves Felicity, but his actions in 2×7 show that his heart knows different. There is no choice to make.

4) You’re My Partner

2×10 – Blast Radius

Episodes 2×8-2×10 are otherwise known as the Barry Allen episodes. I like to call them the episodes “Where Oliver Is Being A Dick.” Call it jealousy or (curiosity…whatever Stephen Amell), Oliver is having a very difficult time with Felicity’s attention being occupied on someone else other than him. It leads to Oliver apologizing to Felicity. That alone is amazing, because Oliver never apologizes. He takes it one step further and tells Felicity that he needs her. She is his partner.

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Oliver Queen is an island. He is emotionally cut off – not wanting or needing anyone’s help. Not only does he admit to needing someone – he admits to needing Felicity specifically. When she’s not around, he becomes lost without her. It’s more than trust – he’s dependent on her now. He can’t fight this fight without her. She is his partner in every sense of the word. Oliver showed his vulnerability in this episode. Keep in mind, that not four episodes prior, Oliver was telling Felicity he wouldn’t allow himself to feel anything for her. Now? Oliver is allowing himself to need her. To me, this is the moment Oliver truly stepped off the island.

5) Oliver Will Die For Felicity

2×21 City of Blood

Oliver has just watched his mother die. He’s watched as Slade held a gun to Thea’s head. Slade promises that “one more has to die.” Oliver believes that if he offers himself to Slade, the nightmare will end. He will be dead, but his loved ones will be safe. Felicity tells him to not accept things the way they are. Her refusal to accept her life as it was led her to Oliver. Basically, she couldn’t imagine her life without him. Oliver knows Felicity wants him to be a hero – sees him as a hero. Oliver’s response to her pleas is nothing short of heartbreaking, “The essence of heroism is to die so that others may live.”

Otherwise known as the scene where I died. I cannot with these two. The way Felicity begs him to stay. The way his eyes flick down, just for a moment, to look at her lips. The way he sighs and leans in just a little bit like he’s going to kiss her. Then, he decides not to. If he kisses her, he’ll never leave. The way they hold onto one another’s hands until distance forces them apart. Oliver can’t lose anyone else that he loves. Oliver is telling Felicity that yes, he’s sacrificing himself so that others may live, but the intimacy of this moment conveys much more than that. I believe, that like 2×6, he’s using generic terms to convey a deeper meaning to Felicity. What Oliver is really saying is he’s sacrificing himself so that SHE may live. Oliver is telling Felicity he’s willing to die for her.

6) Is She Breathing?

2×22 Streets of Fire

This is a very small, but very important moment. For the briefest of seconds, Oliver thinks Felicity died in the crash. There is no convincing me otherwise. You can hear the fear in his voice when he asks “Is she breathing?” when he means “Is she dead?” because he can’t associate Felicity with death. He insists on carrying her and gives Diggle the bow. Even though he’s the archer, even though his knee is smashed, even though a building just fell on him and and he just survived a car wreck. Oliver is hurt. Yet, he’s the one carrying Felicity. Why? Because knowing that she’s breathing isn’t enough. He needs to feel her breathing.

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7) I Believe In You

All At Once – The Moment Oliver KNOWS He Loves Felicity

2×22 Streets of Fire

The previous six scenes were Oliver’s “falling slowly” for Felicity moments. Of course there are more moments in S2 (and S1) that add to their love story, each important, each a building block to Oliver’s final realization. I picked out what I thought were the most important.

So when did Oliver know, in his bones, he loved Felicity? No…it’s not the S2 finale. He knew he loved her before he told her in 2×23 Unthinkable.

This is moment Oliver fell in love with Felicity all at once…

Oliver is at his lowest point here. He’s apologizing to Felicity because he has no idea how to stop Slade and more importantly, he believes everything that is happening is his fault. All he’s ever wanted is to honor his loved ones and he believes he’s failed. But Felicity isn’t having it. In a very Buffy-esque moment she tells Oliver strong is fighting. That’s how he honors the dead.

Right. There. Do you see Oliver’s face when Felicity says she believes in him? That my friends, is the look of realization. That is understanding. That is a man, who knows he’s in love. He’s just told her that the reason the world is coming apart is because of him – because of the man he was five years ago. He’s ashamed of his past, ashamed that Felicity even knows that side of him exists. And yet, in the face of everything, Felicity believes in him. Instead of anger, she shows him compassion. Instead of blame, she shows him unconditional love. Instead of disbelief, she shows him unwavering faith.

She has become the voice in his head, guiding him on his hero’s journey. She believes he deserves love, even if he doesn’t. He knows he needs her. He knows he will kill for her. He knows he will die for her. He knows those three seconds he thought she was gone were the longest of his life.

And now he knows that no matter what happens, no matter what they face or what darkness there is in his past, Felicity will always believe in him. She will always love him.

The light envelopes them, harkening back to Sara’s words that Oliver needs someone that can harness the light inside him. That person is Felicity. To me, the light also symbolizes Oliver’s realization that he loves Felicity. The way his hand hesitates, ever so briefly, before accepting her embrace. The solemn expression on his face, almost sadness, because he knows he loves her, but doesn’t feel he deserves her. Still…he can finally admit the truth to himself. The person he loves the most is Felicity.

If you are wondering the moment Felicity fell in love with Oliver…to me it’s this one:

Felicity is smarter than Oliver in more ways than one…plus a girl always knows when she’s met “the one” 😉


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