HomeWHOWho Is Tamika Pratt Based On

Who Is Tamika Pratt Based On

At the Night’s house Emberly was in her room at her desk sitting in her chair , starrijg at her computer screen which was in front if her as she watched another news press conference about the death of Tamika Pratt.

Tamika Pratt, a young black woman who shot and killed by the cops. The cop who killed her was still on the job, and the the bodycam footage was yet to be released.

Emberly had never been focused on activist or anything when it concerned, matters like social justice or police brutality. But she did stand by it.

“Hey, is Everly still in her room? Your mother wants to know.” Mark says coming into Emberly’s room which caused her to look sway from her computer and at him.

“I think so. If you don’t hear screaming this morning, I think that’s a sign that the two are not by each other.” Emberly replies

“Yeah. I’m going down for breakfast. See you down there.” Mark says walking past her door.

“Wait.” Emberly quickly closed her computer as she stood from her seat chasing after Mark, “So…. are you working on the Tamika Pratt case?”

“I’m not allowed to disclose any information. Sorry.” Mark says entering the kitchen with Emberly following right behind him.

“Like nothing? Nothing at all?” Emberly asks.

“Nope.” Mark replies.

“Worth a try.” Emberly sighs waliing out the kitchen, going up the stairs to her room.

She should have known asking Mark about the case would be a no go. Really with any case a lawyer couldn’t say anything about it, so she didn’t even know why she would get there.

When Emberly entered her room, she found Everly in there sitting in the chair in her room which caused her to let out an annoyed sighed.

“Listen Eve I have spent the last two weeks comforting you about this annulment but not to be rude, I’m over it.” Emberly tells her before Everly could speak.

She get it Everly was upset but if it was really that big of a deal she and Jordan could get re-married when they turned 18. It would only be a few months before their birthday.

“I’m just checking in on you.” Everly says,

“I’m not drinking again if that’s where this is heading. And I’ve been going to my meetings and therapy.” Emberly says.

“That’s good to know but I wasn’t talking about that. I just meant you overall.” Everly says.

“Thanks for your concern but I’m fine, honestly. Just a lot of what’s going on in the world bothering me.” Emberly explains.

“Tamika case I’m assuming? Yeah, everytime I turn on the news that’s all I hear. It’s so sad what happend.” Everly says.

“Yeah.” Emberly nodded. “I’m going to meet up with Jaya but I’ll be back later.”

“Ok. Maybe later you can meet up with me and Liam?” Everly asks.

“I’ll see.”


At Beverly’s Café Emberly let out a groan as she tore out the paper from her journal throwing it on the table in front of her. Pulling out her ear buds and pulling out her phone stopping the music from playing.

She didn’t know why she was such om a bad mood but she figured it had something to do with what was going on around her, meaning the Tamika case.

And she was at the Café, hoping she could go there and just get her mind clear and focus but it wasn’t working.

“Are you okay?”

A voice asked her, Embeely looked up at Jaya who standing by her table looking at her with a look of concerned on her face.

“Yeah, I’m good.” Emberly says grabbing her cup of coffee taking a sip, “What are you doing here?”

“Picking up lunch for me and my mom.” Jaya answers holding up the bag of food in her hand.


“You sure you okay? You seem a little down then usual.” Jaya says.

She could obviously tell that Emberly wasn’t in a good mood not like she usually was. She just wanted to make sure she was okay.

“Just trying to get this song done, that’s all.” Emberly answers not giving her the real answe as to why she wasn’t in a good mood.

“Okay. Now tell me what’s really going on.” Jaya says giving Emberly a look.

“Everything.” Emberly shrugs, “Have you been listening to the news about the Tamika case?”


“I don’t know, it’s really affecting me. It’s just not right, what’s happening with her case and everything. She was a human being who deserves justice and yet there’s nothing being done.” Emberly states.

“As always. Nothing new about it. This is the world we’ve been living.” Jaya replies.

“Uh, you should go. Your lunch is going to get cold.” Emberly says.

“I can stay and talk.” Jaya tells her.

“No, it’s fine. I’m just about to get a refill and leave. I’m about to leave for a flower vigil anyway.” Emberly says.

“Okay..bye,” Jaya says walking away from her.

Emberly let out a sigh watching as Jaya walked away. Anytime she would have probably agreed to talk with Jaya but she wasn’t about to allow herself.

She didn’t mean to rush Jaya off, but she really just wanted to be alone and also that the fact that she and Jaya needed distance.

They were getting close and Emberly knew that and she was starting to become confused about her feelings.

She didn’t even if she feelings for Jaya but there was something there that she never felt before and jt was weird and new to her and she didn’t know how to deal with it.

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Emberly closed her journal putting it inside her bag, standing up from her seat grabbing her bag off the back of her chair. She placed her bag on her should as she grabbed her empty cup heading towards the counter.


“Hey.” Emberly says looking at Spencer, who stood in front of her behind the counter, “Uh, can I get a refill?” Emberly asks handing her cup over to him.

And here’s another situation she hadn’t properly dealt with. Spencer.

There’s wasn’t nothing going on between them, at least that how she put it to herself. She went from being an angry ex who never wanted to see him again to now simply speaking a few words to him ever like she saw him.

She was far to kind to people, because the angry and hurt never lasted long for her. She felt like she herself was too forgiving. Not that she had totally forgiving Spencer or Olivia but she also wasn’t still mad or hurt like she was when she found out the truth about everything.

“Here you go.” Spencer voice snaps her out of her thoughts as he holds out her cup of coffee for her.

“Thanks.” Emberly says taking the cup out his hand, “Uh, see you later.”

Emberly turns around heading for the exit. Why did she say that? Saying that would imply that she would be seeing the person later. And she would not being seeing him later.

Why was she even overthinking a simple see you later? She says that to many people doesn’t mean she going to see the person later.

Why was she so awkward at times?


After Emberly arrived at the flower vigil, she had a quick wardrobe change in her car, putting on her black Justice For Tamika shirt

Emberly now stood in the small crowd, flowers in her hand hand, her eyes focused on the stage listening as Tamika Cousin, Neveah spoke about her.

When Emberly arrived at the flower vigil in Crenshaw, she thought there would have been more people there but unfortunately there wasn’t. And that just didn’t sit right with her? Why weren’t there more people here?

“My cousin, Tamika is so much more than just a hashtag.” Neveah begins, “She was my rock. The one person I can call in time of need, and she’s always have my back, no questions asked. If she cared about you, which let’s face it, applies to everyone in her life, she also kept it 100, no matter how much that truth might have stung. Tamika, today we give you flowers, because the cops who murdered you robbed us of the opportunity so do so in person, and by blankly hiding the bodycam footage, they’re robbing you if justice. My beautiful black women, these flower are also for you. They’re here to say we love you, we see you and we will always protect you.” Neveah ends her speech as a small applauds was heard from the crowd.”

Emberly watched as Coop steeped on the stage giving her a hug before taking the mic and Neveah stepped off stage.

“Waking up believin, the world is our oyster. Lovin life as we stroll down the street. Walkin like we got clouds under our feet. Daydreamin of the Goliaths we know we can defeat. That’s what Tamika deserves. A future full of possibilities, like fallin in love over the dopest conversation, makin it to her college graduation, or shoot just making it… to another morning salutation.”

Tears pooled Emberlu eyes as she tried to blink then away, sadness covering her face as she continued listening to Coop speak.

“That’s what Tamika deserves. A world that loved her as beautiful and black as she was, not a police system that judged and failed her, not a grown man with a badge and gun that was scared of her. The acknowledgment of the brilliance that was her. That’s what Tamika deserves. That’s what all of us black women deserve, because our love despite what it endures, our bodies continue to nurture and reassure; our minds, our strength, the constant cure, so a thank you is what Tamika deserves.”

“The poems, the praises, the flower- those are all gifts that should have been left at her feet, not a bullet and confusion as she dared to sleep. This is why we’re all here today, because her story is not complete. Justice is what she deserves, and until she gets it we’re gonna fight. Right here in these streets, we gonna fight. And I want yall to take tour flower and raise it up in the air right now, if you feelin me.”

Emberly raised her hand in the air holding up her flower, just like everyone else.


A bit later after Coop was done soealing on the stage, everyone went around talking to each other. Emberly noticed Olivia and Kia there but she just couldn’t find a way to make herself go over and talk to Olivia, not at this moment.

That’s why she now stood in front of the stage starring down at the ground. Justice For Tamika, written out in flowers.

Emebrly hated this. She hated knowing that in this world people hated her and other for the color of her skin. It wasn’t something that was new to her of course she knew people, specifically racist white cops hated her and other people for being black. But when you think about it really disgusting. You shouldn’t hate someone becauee if the color of their skin. And in a world that wants equality, nothing about it was.

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Tamika was no older than her, almost 2 or 3 years older than her, she was going to college and she was going to live out her life, but nope instead of that happening she was shot and killed by the cops. They ended her life and they didn’t have no remorse for what they did.

When Emberly thought of the situation involving Tamika, she also was reminded about the time she was pulled over with Jordan and Spencer about a year ago.

They were doing absolutely nothing. Just trying to go home when the cops decided to pull them over. Emberly wonder if what if she had tried to tell them her white step-dad was big time lawyer Mark Smith, would they had maybe let them go instead of aggressively handcuffing, shoving them into the ground and running their nasty hands down her body and taking them down to the station.

That situation could have easily went wrong, but it didn’t and Emberly was grateful it didn’t. And while she was able to make it home and alive the next day, Tamika didn’t. She wasn’t able to see another day.

“Nope, don’t do that.” Emberly hears Spencer voice from the side of her. “Don’t compare. You and Tamika are different.”

“Am I that obvious?” Emberly asks.

“You’re that hard on yourself.” Spencer says looking at her.

“You know the truth is that we’re not that different. We’re both young black women, we both had our struggles, and we both had an encounter with the police. Only difference is that I made it out alive and she didn’t.” Emberly says, “I keep thinking about the car crash with you and Olivia and what would have happen if things didn’t go right? What if that cop decided to shoot you or Olivia if they found out she was drinking and driving? But no, because they found out she’s the white DA attorney’s daughter you guys were let off the hook, but Tamika got a death sentence. How is that fair?” Emberly voice breaks as a single tear falls down her cheek.

“It’s not.” Spencer says as he placed his hand on the back if her neck, trying to comfort her in the best way he could.

“It’s not fair.” Emberly says sadly shaking her head, her eyes close.

“It’s not fair, and it’s also not tour fault that your alive and Tamika isn’t.” Spencer tells her.

“Yeah, well… Tamika isn’t alive to fight for her own justice. But I am. And that’s what I’m going to get her. Justice.” Emberly says before she walked away from Spencer wiping her face.


When Emberly left the vigil she didn’t know where she was heading. She wanted Justice for Tamika but what could she do?

Mark couldn’t help, her mom couldn’t help, she couldn’t help even though she wanted to. She felt helpless and she hated feeling like that.

Not knowing where she was going, she didn’t want to go home so she just want to Liam’s house and picked him up.

She always felt comfort in her older brother. Liam have out good advice so maybe he could help her out on what she should do.

So, she picked up Liam and the brother and sister duo was now entering a dollar store to pick up snacks per Liam’s request since he hadn’t ate anything.

“I get it you want to help but at the end of the day, there is realy nothing you can do. Em, you’re a seventeen you don’t need to be putting the weight if this on your shoulders.” Liam explains to her going down the asile of the store grabbing a bag of BQQ chips.

“Yeah, yeah.” Emberly rolled her eyes looming for something to snack on but so dark she hadn’t found nothing.

As she was going down one if the asile, she felt someone starring at her so she turned around and saw an lady looming at her but she tried to play it off by looking at something on the asile Emberly was on.

Emberly didn’t know for sure if the women was following her, so she turned down another asile and a few seconds later the women followed her.

Emberly could already tell what the lady was thinking and she wasn’t about to spend another second in this store.

“Liam.” Emberly called out walking out the aisle and looming at Liam who had his hands full of junk food.


“We should go.” Emberly tells him, “Now.”

“Why? I’m hungry.” Liam says.

“Do you see that lady over there?” Emberly asks in a whisper tone glancing at the lady who was on the corner of the aisle trying to subtly glance at the brother and sister but was failing too. “She keeps following me around the store.”

Liam loomed at the lady who was now just fully starting at him and Emberly. “Let’s go.” Liam says dropping all the snacks he had in his hand down on a shelf not even bothering to put any of it back where it belong.

Emberly felt her phone vibrated so she grabbed it out her back Jean pocket looking at the text she had just reciveed from her Mom asking her where she was at.

She responded by telling her Mok that she was on her way home now. After she sent the text as she and Liam walked out the store.

And the second they did red and blue lights were seen which caused them to pause as they watched the police car pull over to them.

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Emberly instaly felt her nerves kicked in as she looked over at Liam.

He could tell by the look on her sister face that worry filled her. “It’ll be fine.” He tells her trying to keep her calm.

“What’s going on over here?” A police officer stepped out the cat walking towards them.

“Just trying to held home, sir.” Liam answered placing his hand on Emberly’s arm trying to get them to her car.

“We got a call that someone was shoplifting. Mind emptying your pockets?” The other officer asked.

Emberly felt anger in her body. Shoplifting? That’s why the women in the store was following her, because she thought she was shoplifting.

“Officer, me and my sister are just trying to go home.” Liam replies.

“Alright, you can do that as soon as you empty your pockets.”

Liam gritted his teeth, trying to stay calm because now was not the time to be letting his anger get the better of him knowing it would only cause more harm than good.

“Ma’am, step over here.” The other Officer approached Emberly, who she looked at now moving, “Now.”

Emberly followed the Officer’s directions moving to the sidewalk, while the other handled Liam.

The gut feeling in her was telling her that this was not about to go well so she subtly looked down at her phone still in her hand, she turned it on swiping onto her camera and then clicking record.

“Slowly.” The Officer told Liam who had began digging in his pockets to empty them out.

Liam followed the directions slowly digging his hands in his pockets grabbing his phone, wallet and any other things he had in there.

Once he emptied out his right pocket which had his phone and wallet, he digged his hands in his left pocket grabbing out his brush, and that’s when everything went left.

“Put it down!” The Officer yelled immediately drawing out his gun and pointing it at Liam along with the other Officer.

Emberly mouth open horrified at the scene unfolding in front of her. “No! It’s a brush.” She yelled getting ready to move but the Officer turned their attention towards her pointing their guns at her.

“Don’t move.”

“Em! Stay there!” Liam yelled looking at her. No way was he about to let his baby sister get shot.

While one Officer kept his gun pointed at Emberly who was frozen still holding up her phone, the other Officer approached Liam.

“Put it down.” The Officer ordered which Liam did. Once the brush was on the ground the Officer out away his gun approaching Liam and forcefully knocking him to the ground.

“No! Stop!” Emberly yelled, “It was a brush. Are you serious?!”

“Ma’am don’t move. Put it down.”

“Put what down?” Emberly asked looking at the cop still holding her phone in her hand, “Does this look like a weapon to you? Does my phone look like a weapon to you?”

“Put the phone down?”

“No. I have a right to record this.” Emberly says as soon as those words slipped from her mouth the Officer in front of him face fell along with the police Officer who had his knee in Liam’s back who was facing the ground.

Emberly watched as the cops shared a look and she knew it was because they found out that she was recording.

The Officer in front of her drew back in his gun putting it away while the other Officer stood up removing his knee from Liam’s back.

Emberly scoffed shaking her head as she watched them. What kind of world was she living in?

“You two have a good night. Sorry for the misunderstanding.” One of the Officers spoke before they got back in their truck and left.

Emberly immediately stopped recording rushing over to Liam, who was sitting up at the moment but soon was tackled into a hug by Emberly.

The brother and sister say there on the ground hugging for a few moments. Both of both relieved that it was over.

“Are you okay?” Emberly ask pulling away from the hug looking at Liam.

“I’m good. You?” Liam asks.

“I’m okay.” Emberly answers.

“We should get home.” Liam says standing up from the ground with the help of Emberly.

“Yeah.” Emberly nodded her head, glancing at the store where the lady was standing in the window.

Emberly narrowed her eys at eye lady, who had probably just watched the whole incident unfold. It was because the lady assumed they were stealing that this even happened.

Emberky shook her head getting in passenger’s seat of her car, while Liam got in the driver’s side pulling off from the store.

Emberly grabbed her phone going onto her gallery looking at the video that had just record. It made her blood boil just even watching the video again.

“What are you doing?” Liam asks glancing over at Emberly who typing on her phone.

“Showing people the truth.” Emberly answers before she pressed a button posting the video to her Instagram.

AUTHOR’S NOTE I absolutely loved this weekepisode. I’m glad they included Black Lives Matter, because obvious even though the show is fictional it shows the realistic things that has happened in real life. And I think it was a very important episode. Unfortunately, I won’t be updating again til May, 17th. Because the show is going on another break again. I’m so tired of these break, they literally just got off one and now there taking another one. But, Ihope you guys enjoyed this chapter and make sure to vote and comment.


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