HomeWHENWhen Can I Sleep On My Stomach After Tummy Tuck

When Can I Sleep On My Stomach After Tummy Tuck

You need to have proper rest during your tummy tuck recovery process. Sleep in the right positions is crucial to avoid risks.
Rest is very important during tummy tuck recovery, that’s why you have to sleep in the right position

Did you recently have tummy tuck surgery? You probably realized it was quite invasive and the recovery process can be uncomfortable. Rest is an essential part of the healing process and not sleeping enough after an Omaha tummy tuck can impede your progress.

The struggle to find comfort in bed afterward is real! But don’t worry, there are steps that you can take to make sleeping after surgery easier.

In this article, we will provide tips and tricks on how to get a better night’s sleep in a comfortable position after having cosmetic surgery.

1. Sleep in the Right Position

It is important to sleep in a position that allows your stomach and abdomen to look natural and will dramatically reduce any discomfort or pain from sleeping. The best way to do this is with your head slightly elevated and both knees bent so your lower back is supported.

It’s common to ask why can you not sleep on your stomach after tummy tuck surgery, and the answer is that it puts too much pressure on your tummy tuck incision and can cause several pain. We know you might have a preferred sleeping position but it’s important to understand that to have successful healing progress after a major surgery you need to avoid certain sleeping positions.

Plastic surgeons commonly are asked when can I sleep on my side after a tummy tuck. Generally, you can start sleeping on your side after about two weeks post-surgery. But why not immediately? The reason why you can’t sleep on your side after a tummy tuck is that it creates too much tension in the surgical area and can be painful. Sleeping on your side after 3 or 5 weeks after the tummy tuck is even better.

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In addition to sleeping in the right position, it is also important to ensure a comfortable recovery. To do this, you should avoid sitting up straight or standing for long periods as this can cause muscle tightening and impede blood circulation.

Instead, try reclining in a chair or lying down in a semi-reclined position with your head slightly elevated. This will help reduce any discomfort and pain from sleeping after surgery. Remember to avoid wrong positions such as sleeping on your stomach or side before consulting with your plastic surgeon is also essential for a successful recovery.

2. Use Pillows for Support

Placing a pillow behind your back can provide additional support as you sleep after having a surgical procedure such as a tummy tuck, allowing you to avoid any pressure or pain in the upper body.

Using extra pillows to support your body during tummy tuck recovery is a great way to ensure you get the restful sleep you need. Placing a pillow behind your back can help keep your upper body in an elevated position while placing one between your knees can help keep your lower back supported.

Additionally, sleeping in the fetal position may be beneficial as it helps reduce pressure on the incision site and allows for better circulation throughout the body. With these tips in mind, you should be able to find comfort and restful sleep after having a tummy tuck surgery.

3. Choose Soft Surfaces

If possible, avoid sleeping on hard beds or surfaces such as wooden bed frames which can cause more pressure points and make it difficult for you to get comfortable after rehabilitating from surgery.

It is important to remember that after a tummy tuck surgery, you may have excess skin and loose skin for several weeks. It is also important to keep in mind that the sleeping positions you choose can affect your blood flow and healing process. To ensure proper healing, it is best to sleep in positions that are comfortable and supportive of your body while avoiding any pressure points on the incision site.

Additionally, it is recommended to use extra pillows for support and opt for soft surfaces such as mattresses or couches when possible. With these tips in mind, you should be able to find comfort and restful sleep after having a tummy tuck Omaha.

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4. Limit Movement During Sleep

There should be minimal movement during sleep to limit stress on the abdominal muscles and prevent further tissue damage after a tummy tuck surgery. It’s recommended that you should remain relatively still while you’re sleeping to enjoy maximum comfort without increasing the risk of injury or aggravation during restful periods of sleep.

It is also important to wear compression garments during the recovery period after an abdominoplasty. These garments help reduce swelling and provide support to the abdominal muscles, allowing for a faster recovery.

It is recommended that you avoid sleeping on your stomach or side for at least two weeks after this cosmetic procedure, as this can put too much pressure on the incision site and cause pain. It is best to sleep in positions that allow your stomach and abdomen to look natural and will dramatically reduce any discomfort or pain from sleeping. With these tips in mind, you should be able to get a better night’s sleep during your tummy tuck recovery period.

5. Avoid Crossing Your Legs/Arms

Crossing your legs/arms when sleeping could cause uneasiness around your midsection, so keep them drawn away from the central part of your body at all times when resting or sleeping post-surgery for alleviated comfort throughout the nighttime hours.

Another way to ensure a comfortable and restful sleep after a tummy tuck procedure is to find a seated position that is comfortable for you. This can be done by propping yourself up with pillows or using an adjustable bed frame. Additionally, leg exercises can help improve circulation and reduce swelling in the abdominal area, which can make it easier to find a comfortable sleeping position. With these tips in mind, you should be able to get the restful sleep you need during your recovery period after a abdominoplasty.

6. Take Comforting Medication

If you are feeling pain or discomfort while attempting to take rest after abdominoplasty Omaha, try taking some pain medications such as Ibuprofen (or other anti-inflammatories) before going off to bed if necessary, but just be sure not to exceed dosages prescribed by a doctor beforehand if possible!

7. Follow Schedules for Medicines/Rest

Lastly, it is strongly advised that individuals who have had abdominoplasty should follow strict schedules before heading off into dreamland in regards to physical activity and dosing up on appropriate medicines to guarantee an enjoyable evening’s break with minimum hassle!

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After a few weeks of recovery time, it is important to start transitioning back into a normal sleeping position. This will help the body to naturally heal and reduce any discomfort from the tummy tuck surgery. It is recommended that you sleep on your back with your legs slightly elevated to reduce swelling and promote circulation.

You should avoid crossing your arms or legs while sleeping as this can cause uneasiness around the midsection as we mentioned before. With these tips in mind, you should be able to get a restful night’s sleep during the recovery period after a tummy tuck procedure and aid in the natural healing process.

Additional advice for tummy tuck recovery

It is important to avoid strenuous activities during the tummy tuck recovery process, as this can cause further damage to the abdominal muscles and incision site. Additionally, it is important to wait at least six weeks before engaging in any sexual activities after abdominoplasty surgery. This will ensure that your body has had enough time to heal properly and reduce the risk of any complications or pain. Following these tips will help ensure a successful and comfortable recovery from your tummy tuck Omaha NE.

Take extra precautions during the recovery period after abdominoplasty surgery. This includes wearing compression clothing, which helps reduce swelling and provides support to the abdominal muscles. Additionally, it is important to keep an eye out for any signs of infection or risk of blood clots, as well as regularly change your surgical dressing and drain tubes every couple of weeks. It is also important to maintain a healthy daily routine during this time to ensure that you are getting enough rest and allowing your body to heal properly.

Schedule an appointment with us

If you are looking for a successful recovery after abdominoplasty surgery, it is important to follow the tips outlined above and seek professional advice. At our Aesthetic Surgical Images, we offer consultations with board-certified plastic surgeons who specialize in tummy tuck and mini tummy tuck procedures. Our team of experts can provide personalized advice on the best sleep positions and other tips to ensure a safe and comfortable recovery from your tummy tuck surgery. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and start your journey toward a healthier you!


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