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When Can I Start Eating After Tooth Extraction

What to Eat After Tooth Extraction and What Foods To Avoid

Eating the right foods after having a tooth pulled will help your body heal and reduce the risk of infection. Knowing when to start eating and what to eat after tooth extraction can make all the difference in how your mouth feels after surgery. Read on to learn about the top comfort foods after tooth extraction.

Nutrients Necessary for Healing After a Tooth Extraction

Getting the right nutrients is essential to ensure proper healing after tooth extraction. Eating foods rich in proteins, vitamins A and C, zinc, and iron is essential. Proteins help the body produce new tissue and repair the wound caused by the extraction. Vitamins A and C are vital for cell growth and healing. Zinc helps the body heal wounds, while iron is necessary for proper circulation. Additionally, eating foods high in fiber can help reduce swelling and inflammation.

Can I Eat Immediately After Tooth Extraction?

Waiting at least 24 hours before eating anything following a tooth extraction is essential to avoid disrupting the healing process. During this time, drink plenty of fluids, such as water or liquid foods, to stay hydrated. Twenty-four hours after surgery, it is safe to start eating soft foods that are easy to chew and swallow.

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What To Eat After Tooth Extraction?

Soft, cool foods are typically the best foods to eat after tooth extraction. Cool foods help reduce inflammation, while soft foods do not require much chewing. Here are some examples of good food options following an extraction:

#1. Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes are an excellent option for patients who have recently had a tooth extraction. They are soft and easy to swallow, and they provide essential nutrients that encourage healing. Mashed potatoes are naturally high in vitamin C, which helps the body heal from surgery. Additionally, mashed potatoes contain potassium and fiber, both of which aid in reducing inflammation and swelling. To add extra flavor, top mashed potatoes with butter and herbs.

#2. Scrambled Eggs

Eggs contain high amounts of protein and vitamins A and B-12, making them an excellent choice for post-extraction meals. Protein helps the body repair cells and create new tissue, while vitamins A and B-12 help boost your immune system.

Additionally, try eating omega -3 enriched eggs for additional anti-inflammatory benefits. You can also add some cheese or herbs to make scrambled eggs more enjoyable.

#3. Yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent source of protein and calcium, which are important for healing after tooth extraction surgery. Additionally, yogurt contains probiotics that aid in digestion and can help boost your immune system. Plain Greek yogurt is best because it is high in protein and low in sugar.

#4. Smoothies

Smoothies are a great post-extraction food because they can be made with various ingredients and tailored to meet individual dietary needs. For example, adding a scoop of protein powder or nut butter to smoothies helps increase their protein content, making them even better for healing after tooth extraction. Additionally, fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins A and C and can be added to smoothies for extra nutrition.

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Avoid using straws when drinking smoothies. The suction from drinking through a straw can loosen the newly formed blood clot, which can cause dry sockets and delay healing.

#5. Soup

Soups are nutrient-dense and easy to swallow, making them an excellent post-extraction meal. Soups made with bone broth are particularly beneficial because they provide essential proteins and minerals for healing. Additionally, they can be loaded with vegetables to provide additional vitamins and minerals. This help ensures that you meet your daily nutrition quota following oral surgery.

#6. Ice Cream

Cold foods can help reduce inflammation, which is why many people find that eating ice cream after tooth extraction helps them feel more comfortable. You can try any flavor of soft-serve ice cream, such as banana ice cream, for a healthy option.

In addition to the foods listed above, you can try other comforting foods after tooth extraction. Cottage cheese, oatmeal, and applesauce are all good options that provide essential nutrients while being gentle on your mouth.

What Not To Eat After Tooth Extraction Procedure

Solid Foods

Solid or crunchy foods can cause the blood clot in the empty tooth socket to dislodge, which can lead to dry sockets and delay healing. Examples of solid foods that should be avoided include chips, nuts, hard candy, and popcorn.

Hot Foods and Drinks

Extremely hot foods and beverages can cause discomfort, which can delay healing. It is best to consume lukewarm food and drinks until your mouth has fully healed.

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Spicy Foods

Chili peppers, garlic, and ginger can cause inflammation and increase sensitivity. Additionally, they may worsen any existing pain or discomfort from the procedure. It is best to avoid eating spicy foods after tooth extraction until your mouth has fully healed.

Acidic Foods

Examples of acidic foods include citrus fruits, tomatoes, and pickles. The acidity of these foods can irritate the empty tooth socket and increase sensitivity. Additionally, acidic foods can strip away the protective enamel on teeth, making them more prone to tooth decay.

Chewy Foods

Chewing hard or chewy foods, such as steak and jerky, can irritate the extraction area and dislodge the newly formed blood clot.

Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages should be avoided after tooth extraction as they can interfere with healing and prolong recovery time. Additionally, drinking alcohol while taking pain medications or anti-inflammatory drugs can cause dangerous side effects.

It is essential to follow your oral surgeon’s aftercare instructions following a tooth extraction. This may include taking medications as prescribed, rinsing with salt water or mouthwash, using gauze to control bleeding, and avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol. Additionally, it is essential to maintain good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing twice a day and flossing once a day to promote healing.

Schedule a Consultation with Us Today!

At Greenville Family Dentistry, we will always try our best to save your tooth, but if it needs to be extracted we will make sure you are as comfortable and well-informed. Contact us today for a consultation. Our experienced team of oral surgeons will provide you with the information you need to know about tooth extractions and help ensure a speedy recovery.


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