HomeWHATWhat Is A Pink Stone Called

What Is A Pink Stone Called

Last Updated on April 15, 2024 by Carla Jonas

Gemstones have been worn and loved for thousands of years. Adored for their enticing colors and mesmerizing glow, gemstones serve an obvious aesthetic purpose in the creation of beautiful jewelry and décor items. But more than that, both ancient civilizations and modern cultures used gemstones for their many beneficial properties – not only over the body, but mind and soul as well. Crystal healing is an ancient alternative medicine technique that uses crystals to facilitate health. While the concept of using nature’s stones has been around for many centuries, it has gained mainstream appeal in the recent years. Next, we’re looking at a wide range of gemstones that can be found in the color pink. From pastel Rose Quartz to bold, fuchsia-hued Mystic Topaz and iridescent Spodumene, here are 45 types of pink gemstones and their uses, characteristics and benefits.


Amethyst Gemstone
Image Source: Soulful Crystals

Color: Amethyst is widely known for its gorgeous shades of purple. The popular gemstone actually comes in a variety of tones, such as light to dark purple, dusty pink and dusty purple, reddish purple, indigo and violet.

Characteristics and Uses: Amethyst is broadly used in jewelry, as well as a decorative stone in the home, as it is believed to have purifying properties. Due to its regal color that symbolized nobility, there was a time when only royalty was allowed to wear Amethyst. The gem is the birthstone for February.

Benefits: Often used as a meditative stone, Amethyst is probably the most popular stone used in crystal healing. Practitioners believe that the deeper its hue, the more potent the stone is. As the world’s most popular purple gem, it is said to bring courage and strength to the wearer, while also boosting creativity and improving mood disorders. It is used as a natural tranquilizer, as it relieves anxiety and stress, while enhancing awareness and intuition. For these reasons, Amethyst is often referred to as ‘the stone of peace’.

Price: $2 – $10 per carat and above, depending on the intensity of its color.


Apatite Gemstone

Image Source: Bonhams

Color: Apatite comes in a range of shades, including its colorless variety. Typical colors include: pink, green, blue, white, brown, gray and purple.

Characteristics and Uses: Apatite is rarely used in jewelry, due to the fact that it is soft, brittle and sensitive. Pink Apatite is mostly a collector’s stone, as are most other colors. The exception is the neon blue-green Apatite found in Madagascar, which is widely used in the creation of many types of necklaces, different types of earrings and various types of bracelets.

Benefits: Apatite is a gemstone associated with personal growth. Believed to clear away confusion and negativity and to stimulate the desire for truth, the gemstone is considered a strong spiritual stone with deep cleansing properties. The blue variety of Apatite is considered especially potent and even believed to facilitate the absorption of calcium and healing bones.

Price: $6 – $25 per carat and above.


Aventurine Gemstones

Image Source: iStock

Color: Green is the most common color of Aventurine, while pink is the rarest shade. The stone can also be found in shades of orange, yellow, blue, grey and brown. In addition, some varieties present silvery sheens.

Characteristics and Uses: Aventurine’s traditional appearance is green, marked with speckles of gold or copper. Often known as ‘the Indian Jade’ (although less expensive than Jade), the stone used to be known as ‘The Stone of the Amazons’. Moreover, the legends say Aventurine guarded the Amazon Warrior Queens. The stone is part of the Quartz family and it presents flake-like inclusions, which make it unique and appealing. The stone is used both in jewelry making, as well as in the creation of decorative items, including bowls, vases and statuettes.

Benefits: Self-healing is the main benefit of Aventurine, as well as facilitating inner strength. Crystal healers use Aventurine for its beneficial role in recovering from illness or medical interventions.

Price: Starting at $1.50 per carat. The shiny stones (which seem to include layers of glitter) are far more valuable than the ones without shine.


Calcite Gemstones

Image Source: Crystal Cactus

Color: The natural, pure color of Calcite is white or colorless. The mineral comes in a wide range of shades though, due to the impurities found in its composition: gray, red, pink, orange, blue, violet and even as black gemstones.

Characteristics and Uses: Calcite, which presents a vitreous luster, is abundant and inexpensive. As one of the main constituents of limestone and marble, Calcite is vastly found in Earth’s crust. Calcite has been used since the oldest of times, with ancient Egyptians carving items out of the stone.

Benefits: Believed to increase energy, pink Calcite is known as a stone for discernment. Replacing anxiety with serenity, Calcite is a balancing and cleansing stone, also associated with emotional intelligence and positive motivation.

Price: Value is very low, since the stone is abundant in nature. The cost of a larger faceted stone is mostly in the labor of cutting, since the mineral is difficult to cut.


Chalcedony Gemstones

Image Source: Gemstone 7

Color: Calcedony comes in a variety of hues, with semitransparent or translucent being the typical variety. Its color range goes from the lightest shades to black. In general, the colored Calcedony gemstones are sold under the name of Agate or Jasper.

Characteristics and Uses: The stone presents a specific waxy luster, and its pure variety is known as Sard or Carnelian. It has a specific trigonal crystal structure and a hardness of 6.5 or 7 on Mohs scale (where Diamonds score a perfect 10), which means it is reasonably durable. The gemstone is used in jewelry, as well as in healing therapies (especially the blue variety, but each color has a different specific purpose).

Benefits: Believed to boost creativity and motivation, Chalcedony is considered a great confidence booster by crystal healers, with some believing it brings prosperity as well. The pink Chalcedony stone is representative of happiness and positivity. In fact, the pink variety of Chalcedony is known as ‘the generosity stone’, which also speaks of the stone’s role in facilitating self-love and love for others. Pink Chalcedony in particular is a stone associated with childhood and symbolizes qualities of wonder, whimsy, and joy in life.

Price: High quality Chalcedony usually comes with a price of over $100 per carat.

Cobaltoan Calcite

Cobaltoan Calcite Gemstones

Image Source: Irocks

Color: Cobaltoan Calcite is bright pink. The amount of Cobalt inside determines how vibrant its pink color is. Basically, the stone is an uncommon Calcite with impurities in it.

Characteristics and Uses: The mineral was first discovered in the Calamita mine in Tuscany, Italy – and since then, only a handful of other locations have discovered the pink gemstone. The mineral presents tiny opaque crystals, it has great luster and is fluorescent under UV light.

Benefits: Used in crystal healing as a way to release suppressed feelings, Cobaltoan Calcite is believed to reveal the true emotions buried within. Also known as a talisman of love, mostly due to its unique coloring, the stone promotes feelings of safety and opens the heart after emotional trauma.

Price: Calcite is abundant in nature and has low intrinsic value.


Coral Gemstones

Image Source: The Curious Gem

Color: Typically in a peach-pink color, Coral actually comes in shades of white, red, salmon pink, and, rarely, blue and black.

Characteristics and Uses: Most pink gemstones have a mineral origin, but similar to pearls, Coral is actually organic and formed by living organisms. Nearly 75% of the world’s supply of coral comes from Torre del Greco in Italy.

Benefits: Increased mental energy, strength, and a boost in confidence and courage are some of the benefits associated with wearing Coral. Red Coral is considered the most potent shade in crystal healing.

Price: From $15 per carat up to $115 per carat.


Diamond Gemstones

Image Source: Mining

Color: Diamonds come in an assortment of shades, ranging from the pure transparent and colorless to yellow, gray, white, blue, pink, orange red and green. All colored Diamonds get their color from impurities found in their structure.

Characteristics and Uses: Diamonds are considered ‘the King of gems’. The only element found in pure Diamonds is carbon. Under intense heat below the surface of the Earth, the carbon atoms merge in a one of a kind way, creating the perfect crystalline structure of the Diamond. Diamonds are the hardest natural substance known to man – so hard, that it takes a Diamond to scratch another Diamond.

Benefits: Known as ‘the crystal of Light’, Diamonds are high frequency gems that symbolize perfection and illumination. They are associated with the crown chakra, stimulating creativity and inner knowledge, as well as intuition and openness to the new. Physically, it is believed that Diamonds can be a good aid in treating brain-relating conditions, as well as combating aging.

Price: Between $2,500 and $18,000 and beyond.


Epidote Gemstones

Image Source: Gemstone 7

Color: Epidote is usually green, with its main varieties ranging from yellowish green to pistachio shades. Some Epidotes come in brown shades and even black. Epidote is also considered one of the pink gemstones due to its rose-colored version that is known as the ‘African Strawberry Quartz’.

Characteristics and Uses: Epidote is a collector’s favorite, as it can be found in very fine crystals. Often times, this gemstone presents elongated crystals that are interconnected and highly lustrous. Scoring 6 to 7 on the Mohs scale, Epidote is durable, but slightly softer than Quartz.

Benefits: Pink Epidote is known as a power stone that is believed to amplify energy and have protective powers. All shades are used in crystal healing with the purpose of facilitating the release of negative thoughts and raising vibrational energy. Physically, crystal healers use Epidote for its role as an aid in the healing process and boosting the immune system.

Price: Epidote can usually be found at $5-$20 per carat.


Eudialyte Gemstones

Image Source: Tucson Gem & Mineral Society

Color: Eudialyte is one of the typically pink gemstones. Its color ranges from pink to red, dark red, grey and brown.

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Characteristics and Uses: Part of the Zirconium family, Eudialyte is easily soluble in acids and its name means just that: ‘readily decomposable’. It includes many elements in its composition, such as Zirconium, Calcium Iron and Sodium. Eudialyte is mainly a collector’s mineral and occasionally used in jewelry.

Benefits: Eudialyte is one of the pink gemstones associated with the concept of love. Considered a ‘fine tuner’ in crystal healing’, this gem is used to open the heart chakra and to communicate, as well as be open to love.

Price: Eudialyte is not expensive and the prices start at $0.5 per carat.


Fluorite Gemstones

Image Source: Mineralicon

Color: Fluorite is known as ‘the most colorful mineral in the world’. Its shades include the colorless variety, purple, green, blue, yellow, orange, white, pink, dark brown and black, with many shades of each hue.

Characteristics and Uses: Fluorite is a collector’s favorite, second only to Quartz, due to its coloring and unmistakable glow and fluorescence. Its gorgeous colors are caused by impurities. Fluorite is relatively soft, with a hardness of 4, which means it is seldomly used in jewelry. Rings and bracelets are not recommended, but earrings and brooches, which are worn in safer locations are available on the market.

Benefits: Fluorite is believed to promote spiritual unity and peace of mind by absorbing negative energy and facilitating positivity, as well as balance. Some consider Fluorite a great learning aid, as well as a grounding tool – both mentally and spiritually. Pink Fluorite is valued for providing emotional healing and comfort, as well as reducing stress, anxiety and depression.

Price: Fluorite is usually found at $3.5 – $5.5 per carat.


Halite Gemstone

Image Source: House of Formlab

Color: Halite is mostly known for its beautiful white variety. However, it can come in different shades, from vibrant blue and violet to peach and pink.

Characteristics and Uses: Halite is a type of rock salt, which means that it is water soluble and edible. It is mostly found in saline deposits in California, but also in Russia and Canada. Its uses are mainly in the food industry and the chemical industry.

Benefits: Halite is associated with cleansing powers, which widely depend on its color. White halite is connected with the power of the heart and facilitates inner guidance, while pink Halite is responsible from preventing negative influences and attachment. Physically, Halite is an excellent detoxifier for the body, enhancing the metabolism and strengthening the system.

Price: Halite has low intrinsic value.


Imperial Garnet Gemstones

Image Source: GemRite

Color: Garnet comes in a variety of colors, with the most popular ones being dark red and (its many shades of) pink. Other shades include green, orange and yellow. Its name actually means ‘pomegranate’, which speaks of its vibrant red coloring.

Characteristics and Uses: Garnet has been used as a gemstone since the oldest times. In fact, the pink gemstones were found in various Egyptian burials dating back 5000 years – and the pink gems were also a favorite in Ancient Rome. Widely used in jewelry, Garnet is also used in industrial markets, including scientific instruments, watches and abrasives.

Benefits: Wearing Garnet near the heart is believed to give the system a boost, revitalize, energize and facilitate a feeling of well-being. Believed to keep evil at bay and avoid bad karma, Garnet’s traditional red shade has been associated with the heart and blood since ancient times.

Price: Ranging from $500 per carat to $7,000 per carat.


Kunzite Gemstones

Image Source: Amazon

Color: Kunzite is one of the typically pink gemstones. Its color ranges from pale pink to vivid purple and violet – and it gets these pigments from Manganese.

Characteristics and Uses: As it is a hard gemstone, Kunzite is ideal for jewelry. Considered as one of the most feminine gems on the market, Kunzite is also valued for its ‘phosphorescence’, which refers to its ability of glowing after being exposed to the sun’s rays. Moreover, the stone can appear different colors from different angles, a phenomenon known as ’pleochroism’.

Benefits: Crystal healers believe Kunzite establishes the perfect connection between mind and heart. Moreover, they believe the pink gemstones facilitate optimal connection between two people. Often referred to as the ‘stone of balance’, Kunzite is used for its calming powers that bring harmony and maturity.

Price: Starting at $10 – $20 per carat.


Moonstone Gemstones

Image Source: Indiamart

Color: Moonstone comes in many shades, from colorless to pink, blue, brown, grey or green.

Characteristics and Uses: Moonstone is not a particularly soft gemstone (scoring 6 to 6.5 on the hardness scale), but it can break easily because of the cleavage in the stone. The cleavage means the tendency to tear along the layers of the rock. All shades present a unique moonlight-like sheen, also known as ‘adularescence’.

Benefits: Moonstones are strongly connected to the Moon and symbolize strength, growth and stability. Since the oldest times, Moonstones have been used by travelers as a protective amulet. Also known as a stone for new beginnings, Moonstone promotes intuition and inspiration. In Ayurvedic medicine, these pink gemstones and crystals are used to treat a variety of female ailments.

Price: From $10 to $50 per carat.


Morganite Gemstones

Image Source: Amazon

Color: Morganite comes in beautiful pastel shades, including pink, peach, purple, orangish-pink and salmon. The most popular pink gemstones of Morganite are the ones that have peach overtones.

Characteristics and Uses: Morganite is sometimes called ‘Pink Emerald’ because both are part of the Beryl family and present similar features. The pink gemstones are relatively rare, as Morganite grows in small quantities and can be found only deep in the ground. It presents a hardness up to 8, which is very strong and durable, making it ideal for daily wear jewelry.

Benefits: Morganite represents Divine Love and unconditional love, peace and strength. Believed to improve stress levels, as well as increase patience and productivity, Morganite is associated with the heart chakra.

Price: From $85 to $450 per carat.

Mystic Topaz

Mystic Topaz Gemstones

Image Source: Gem Select

Color: Mystic Topaz is naturally colorless, but enhanced by coating, resulting in a unique rainbow effect. The shades of the rainbow depend on the cut, but usually include blue, green, pink and purple.

Characteristics and Uses: With a hardness of 8, Mystic Topaz is fashioned into any jewelry shape, including earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets and pendants. In order to achieve its unique rainbow effect, colorless Topaz is treated with a layer of Titanium through the modern technique called ‘chemical vapors disposition’.

Benefits: Topaz is believed to bestow the wearer with positive energy, as well as creative powers – which is why it is a favorite of creatives like writers and artists.

Price: Between $10 to $500 per carat.

Ocean Jasper

Ocean Jasper Gemstones

Image Source: Alibaba

Color: Ocean Jasper is a multi-colored stone that comes in shades like green, blue, red, white, orange, pink or brown in different combinations.

Characteristics: The main significant feature of this often pink gemstone is that it presents circular, orb-like patterns on its surface in a wide range of colors. In fact, due to its appearance, Ocean Jasper is often called ‘Orbicular Jasper’.

Benefits: Ocean Jasper is believed to promote feelings of self-love and self-esteem, as well as empathy for others. Associated with the heart chakra, Ocean Jasper is considered a mood-boosting gemstone, often used when needing to feel more optimistic and release negative feelings.

Price: Between $2 and $5 per carat.


Opal Pink Gemstones

Image Source: Crystal Vaults

Color: Opals come in all the colors of the rainbow, with black and red being the most valued ones.

Characteristics and Uses: Opal contains up to 20% water (it is made out of hydrated silica), which is why the gemstone should not be left in a hot environment, as it can dry and damage. 95% of all Opals available are used in jewelry pieces and the rest are used in crystal therapy. Some types of Opals are used in ceramics and abrasives.

Benefits: Pink Opal is considered one of the stones of resolutions and a love stone, connected with the heart chakra. It is believed the pink gemstones heal emotional trauma and remove negative associations. Physically, Opal is believed to heal eye-related issues and boost the immune system.

Price: Highly variable, from $10 to $6,000 per carat.


Pearl Gemstones

Image Source: The Pearl Source

Color: The classic pearl is naturally white, but the gems of the sea occur in every shade imaginable, ranging from ivory to gold, pink, blue, purple, silver, peach and almost black (Tahitian Pearls). The natural pink Pearls found on the market are natural cultured Freshwater Pearls. From soft shades of peach to blush, gold-overtone rose and undertones of beige, pink Pearls present a large variety in coloring.

Characteristics and Uses: Pearls are considered gems, but not stones. They have organic origins and they form inside different species of freshwater and saltwater mollusks. Widely used in jewelry, the June birthstone is a popular choice for necklaces, pendants, rings, different types of pearl bracelets, and various types of earrings, from classic studs to drop styles. In addition, these gems are the traditional gift for the 30th anniversary.

Benefits: Pink and peach pearls are associated with purity and innocence, but also energy and romance. Some legends say that pink Pearls also carry protective, yet very specific powers. It is believed that the rose-colored gems of the seas come with the ability of protecting humans from sharks. But more than any other type of shade, pink Pearls have many connections with spirituality and the idea of a mystical awakening. Believed to stimulate the heart chakra, they are thought to open the heart of the wearer to new feelings and emotions.

Price: $5 – $700 per carat, depending on their origin, shape, luster, color and surface.


Poudretteite Gemstones

Image Source: Wikiwand

Color: The colors of Poudretteite range from colorless to very vibrant pink or purple-pink. The more Manganese in its structure, the more intense its shade of pink.

Characteristics and Uses: Poudretteite comes with a hardness of 5 and its pink gemstones are rarely used in jewelry pieces. It is one of the most valuable gemstones in the world and valued for its one of a kind glow. Its extreme rareness makes it valuable and not widely available on the market. The pink crystal is mostly used as a collector’s piece.

Benefits: Poudretteite has been an aid in healing mental illness for centuries. The pink crystal has talismanic properties and radiates a unique type of energy that is believed to have healing powers over mind, body and soul.

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Price: Due to its rarity, Poudretteite is around $3,000 per carat.


Pezzottaite Gemstones

Image Source: Gemfrance

Color: Pezzottaite is one of the pink gemstones that does not present other shades. All its tones are pink, ranging from light to raspberry-hued.

Characteristics and Uses: Pezzonite is considered an exotic gemstone and quite rare, which makes it a great collector’s piece. It is durable and safe to wear, but most pink gemstones are very small, under 1 carat. Most pink gemstones of Pezzottaite can be found on the market as cabochons.

Benefits: Pezzottaite is part of the Beryl family. As a Beryl, the pink gemstones help in boosting courage, facilitating calmness of the mind and reducing over-stimulation. Crystal healers use Beryl gemstones as an aid for nervous system issues, as well as a detoxifier and immunity booster.

Price: The prices start at $100 per carat up to $600 per carat or above.


Rhodochrosite Gemstones

Image Source: Tushita Heaven

Color: Rhodochrosite comes in a limited range of shades, mostly pink and red. The pink gemstones present ombre or marble-like streaks on their surface that feature shades like white, ivory, grey and orange.

Characteristics and Uses: Rhodochrosite is a popular crystal among collectors. Despite the fact that it is a soft stone (scoring 3.5-4), the pink gemstones are used in jewelry pieces. Most Rhodochrosite on the market can be found as beads and cabochons, and sometimes as faceted gems.

Benefits: Considered one of the strongest love stones, Rhodochrosite is responsible for opening the heart, stimulating feelings of love and directing metaphysical energy.

Price: Between $200 – $350 per carat.


Rhodolite Gemstones

Image Source: Multicolour

Color: Rhodolite is typically pink and red, with cooler undertones (violet-purple).

Characteristics and Uses: Rhodolite is part of the Garnet family, but only the gemstones with violet undertones are considered Rhodolite. These pink gemstones are often mistaken for Rubies, although they feature more violet tones. The shiny pink gemstones are used in all types of jewelry and present a hardness of 7 to 7.5.

Benefits: Rhodolite is considered a symbol of passion, seduction and lust. Reinvigorating, energizing and confident, these pink gemstones are used to manifest love and going after what one’s heart desires. Rhodolite also has cleansing properties and it is believed to reinvigorate all chakras.

Price: From $50 per carat for the darker stones to $200 per carat for pink gemstones.


Rhodonite Gemstones

Image Source: Conscious Items

Color: Rhodonite is a pink mineral that often presents black markings. Other shades include rose red, brownish-red and yellow.

Characteristics and Uses: Rhodonite includes Iron, Calcium and Magnesium in its composition, which determine its coloring. The mineral is notoriously difficult to cut, which is why its main use is as a crystal collector’s piece (especially the transparent specimens).

Benefits: Rhodonite is connected with the heart chakra, like most pink gemstones, and is believed to allow emotional healing. Physically, it is believed that the pink gemstones of Rhodonite are useful in combating allergies.

Price: Starting from $13 per carat up to $300 per carat.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz Gemstones

Image Source: Aiir Professional

Color: The color of Rose Quartz varies from very pale pink (almost white) to darker shades of pink and rose red.

Characteristics and Uses: Widely used in jewelry, Rose Quartz is also used in the creation of decorative pieces, utility items, sculptures and beauty products. It is recommended to wear the pink gemstones close to the heart as pendants.

Benefits: Rose Quartz is symbolic of love, peace and healing emotional wounds. As one of the most popular crystals used when going through breakups or divorce, Rose Quartz brings self-love and gentleness while helping the wearer heal heartaches.

Price: Rose Quartz can usually be found at around $1 – $7 per carat.


Rosolite Gemstones

Image Source: Gemological Collections

Color: Rosolite comes in a gorgeous raspberry pink-red hue. This color has been recently discovered – less than 30 years ago.

Characteristics and Uses: Rosolite is part of the Garnet family and shares its characteristics. However, the shade of Rosolite is lighter than the typical pink or red shades of Garnet. The pink gemstones find their origins in Sierra de Cruces in Mexico.

Benefits: Rosolite is an energizing pink gemstone, believed to be able to enhance energy and vitality. Moreover, crystal healers believe that the Grossular Garnet has a role in restoring trust between people.

Price: Varies significantly, similar to Garnet. A good quality Grossular Garnet is valued at $500 per carat.


Rubellite Gemstone

Image Source: A Bijoux

Color: Rubellite comes in very vivid colors, ranging from pink to red and fuchsia, plus purplish-red and deep purple.

Characteristics and Uses: Rubellite is part of the Tourmaline family. Only the most intensely colored stones with high saturation are considered Rubellites. Ideal for jewelry, these red and pink gemstones are durable and can be worn every day.

Benefits: All gemstones that come in intense warm shades are symbolic of passion. Believed to increase stamina, Rubellite is loaded with energetic powers and connected with the heart chakra. It is believed that the power of these vibrant pink gemstones increases when paired with Black Star Sapphire.

Price: Usually between $200 – $700 per carat.


Sapphire Gemstones

Image Source: The Natural Sapphire Company

Color: Cherished and well known for its blue variety, Sapphire actually comes in an impressive range of shades – all except red. Pink Sapphires are highly prized and popular, secondary only to blue, while purple, green and orange also make sought-after choices. The pink gemstones present different overtones: orange, purple or light rose.

Characteristics and Uses: There are many industries that use Sapphire besides the jewelry industry. This precious gemstone is used in the creation of watches (including Apple Watch), as well as scientific instruments, premium windows and electronic wafers. Sapphire is the third hardest mineral, after Diamond and Moissanite and it presents a hardness of 9, which is why pink Sapphire engagement rings are becoming very popular. Pink Sapphires are considered rare, but large quantities have been recently discovered in Madagascar.

Benefits: Like many other pink gemstones, pink Sapphires are connected with the idea of love, helping those looking for a partner. Sapphires are associated with the Sun, which represents its powers of making one shine brighter or ooze confidence. Sapphires are also known as stones of prosperity, brining serenity and wellness.

Price: The price for Sapphires can vastly range, depending on quality, from $25 per carat, to over $11,000 per carat.


Scapolite Gemstones

Image Source: KSC Crystals

Color: The typical color of Scapolite is a caramel-yellow shade, but colors like pink, brown, purple and orange are also available.

Characteristics and Uses: Some rocks present small inclusions that create a silky luster inside which reflects light, similar to a cat’s eye. Scapolite is a relatively softer stone (hardness 5-6), which is why it is not used as a ring stone, but can be found in pendants and chic earrings. The rock also makes a great collector’s piece.

Benefits: Scapolite is a great meditation stone that facilitates getting rid of unwanted, negative thoughts and anxieties.

Price: The price ranges between $20 – $35 per carat.


Smithsonite Gemstones

Image Source: eBay

Color: Smithsonite comes in translucent variations that present pink, green, yellow and blue hues, but the most common ones are not translucent and come in shades like brown, grey and white. Cobalt is responsible for the pink and purple variations of Smithsonite.

Characteristics and Uses: Smithsonite is very soft, which is why it is not used in jewelry and most ‘Smithsonite’ pieces on the market are simulated. Valued for its unique look as well as rarity, the stone is a popular collector’s piece.

Benefits: In crystal healing, Smithsonite has a role in childbirth, as well as in reproduction, by facilitating fertility. Moreover, it is believed that the stone can reduce stress and tension, both physical and mental.

Price: Large collector’s pieces start from $100 and reach thousands, depending on their size and properties.


Spinel Gemstones

Image Source: GIA

Color: Pure Spinels are colorless. The colored varieties include pink, lilac, red, orange, blue, purple and occasionally black.

Characteristics and Uses: Spinel is used in jewelry with great success due to its durability – it measures 8 on Mohs scale of hardness. Most Spinel crystals collected today are very small, under 2 carats. Its name comes from the Latin word ‘spina’, which means spines, in reference to the rock’s pointy formations.

Benefits: Believed to be ‘polished by the spirits’, Spinel crystals are strongly connected with the root chakra. The crystals are used to boost stamina and vitality, as well as physical and mental energy. Most red stones are symbolic of passion and love and Spinel is no exception, representing longevity and devotion.

Price: The price varies significantly, from $50 – $10000 based on color uniqueness.


Spodumene Gemstones

Image Source: Catawiki

Color: Spodumene can occur in an assortment of shades, ranging from colorless to white, pink, grey, purple, light blue, green and yellow, depending on the impurities in its structure.

Characteristics and Uses: Spodumene is a great source of lithium and, at the same time, a popular collector’s gem. Besides its uses in the jewelry industry, Spodumene is used in a variety of other industries in the creation of glass, steel, medicine and ceramics.

Benefits: The pink and purple variety of Spodumene, also called Kunzite, are used for balancing emotions and energizing the wearer. Moreover, the pink gemstones are considered a good aid in protecting one’s heart. The green varieties called Hiddenite are ideal crystals for new beginnings.

Price: The pink gemstones of Spodumene are affordable, while green Spodumene is the most valuable and it can be worth as much as $1000 per carat.

Star Garnet

Star Garnet Gemstones

Image Source: eBay

Color: Star Garnets are typically red or pink gemstones that also come in shades of purple and raspberry or brownish-red.

Characteristics and Uses: These gems present a four or six-rayed star when viewed from above – a phenomenon called asterism, which adds a note of enigma and whimsy to the crystal. They are very rare and so far, they have been found only in two places in the world: India and USA. They are durable gemstones, often found in jewelry pieces.

Benefits: Star Garnet is associated with creativity and curiosity, functioning as an activator when in need of a boost. It is also considered a great crystal when in need of becoming more confident and a promoter of trying new things.

Price: Star Garnets are worth $10 to $125 a carat.

Star Rose Quartz

Star Quartz Gemstones

Image Source: Crystalarium

Color: As one of the most recognizable pink gemstones on the market, Rose Quartz, as well as Star Rose Quartz, impresses with its pale, soft shade of pink. Its famous shade is believed to be the result of Titanium impurities.

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Characteristics and Uses: Star Rose Quartz presents asterism on its surface, as a six-rayed star appears when viewed from above. Mostly used as a pendant in jewelry, Star Rose Quartz makes a great and unique collector’s piece.

Benefits: Star Rose Quartz brings light energy to the wearer, which has purifying properties – especially when it comes to one’s love life. Most pink gems are associated with the concept of love and Star Rose Quartz is believed to be efficient in cleansing past traumas.

Price: Like Rose Quartz, Star Rose Quartz is inexpensive at an average of $4 per carat.

Star Ruby

Star Ruby Gemstones

Image Source: Amazon

Color: Typically red or pink gemstones, Star Rubies can also be orange, purple or brownish-red. The exact shade depends on the amount of iron and chromium found in their composition.

Characteristics and Uses: Star Rubies are a rare type of Rubies that also present asterism: a six-rayed star that shines on the surface of the gems. Star Rubies come with outstanding hardness (9), which makes them ideal in the creation of elegant jewelry that is worn every day. The opaque varieties of Star Ruby are used for carvings.

Benefits: Star Rubies seem to have potent powers when it comes to aiding mood and sleep disorders. Believed to restore balance and a sense of calm, Star Rubies are great shielding crystals that have been associated with protective powers since the oldest times.

Price: Between $2,000 – $10,000 per carat and more (up to $50,000 per carat for premium quality).

Star Sapphire

Star Sapphire Gemstones

Image Source: Ceylon Gemstones

Color: Star Sapphire are typically pink gemstones, but other colors like blue and black can also occur.

Characteristics and Uses: Like Star Rubies, Star Sapphire present lustrous stars when viewed from above. Collectors value the Star Sapphires that present translucency, as the most common varieties are opaque. Recently, Star Sapphires have been popular choices for unique engagement rings, especially their blue versions.

Benefits: Since the oldest times, Star Sapphires have been used as talismans of protection by adventurers and travelers. They are often called ‘stones of destiny’ and their star represents concepts of hope and faith.

Price: An average price would be around $1000 per carat, but much higher for premium quality.

Strawberry Quartz

Strawberry Quartz Gemstones

Image Source: GemSelect

Color: The typical color of Strawberry Quartz is clear or pale pink with red flakes.

Characteristics and Uses: Strawberry Quartz is rare and valued for its unique appearance resembling the sweet & sour fruit. The gems are used in all types of jewelry, as the crystal has a hardness of 7, which is durable. The crystals are also a collector’s piece, as well as used in the creation of small decorative items.

Benefits: Strawberry Quartz is considered a powerful energizer and a great aid for reaching a state of happiness and joy. The hematite crystals found in Strawberry Quartz also indicate that the crystal is a great stone for grounding.

Price: Usually around $10 per carat.


Tanzanite Gemstones

Image Source: The Russian Stone

Color: Tanzanite colors range from vibrant cobalt blue and vivid purple to paler shades like lilac and pink, with the most valuable being intense blue. Tanzanite is trichroic, which means that it radiates three different shades from each axe: blue, violet and red.

Characteristics and Uses: Tanzanite is used in jewelry, especially in bracelets, necklaces and earrings. The stone is not as used in rings, due to the fact that the gems for rings require a higher hardness than 7, since they are prone to damage. Tanzanite is a variety of the mineral Zoisite. Its typical blue and violet colors are caused by Vanadium in its structure. Tanzanite is quite expensive as it is quite rare – rarer than diamonds, in fact.

Benefits: Tanzanite is connected with the throat chakra as well as the third eye chakra and crown chakra. Believed to help in communicating with higher dimensions, Tanzanite promote awareness and consciousness while stimulating intuition.

Price: Around $400 per carat.

Tiger’s Eye

Tigers Eye Gemstones

Image Source: Luxunious

Color: Most Tiger’s Eye can be found in shades of yellow, blue and red-brown. The red shades can sometimes have pink overtones, usually darker tones. Most pink Tiger’s Eye found on the market are dyed.

Characteristics and Uses: Tiger’s Eye gems present appealing ombre effects in various shades, with the most typical being warm brown. It is an opaque stone with a unique silky luster and a hardness that measures 7 on Mohs scale. Due to its durability, Tiger’s Eye is often used in jewelry and ornate carvings.

Benefits: Tiger’s Eye has been long considered a good luck stone, also believed to have protective powers. Egyptians believed the stone was an ‘all-seeing eye’ and used it in the creation of their statues while believing it enhanced clarity and awareness. Also associated with the tiger, the stone is also symbolic of strength and courage.

Price: Around $3 per carat.


Topaz Gemstones

Image Source: Indiamart

Color: Topaz has an impressive color range, which includes all shades. Colorless topaz can be found extensively and is often treated to look blue. The rarest kind of Topaz is Imperial Topaz, which has a reddish tone with pink or orange undertones and sometimes sherry pink. Less than 1% of all Topaz comes in these warm pinkish shades.

Characteristics and Uses: Widely used in jewelry of all kinds, Topaz is durable and strong (it measures 8 on the hardness scale). Pink Topaz was originally discovered in Russia in the 19th century – but only the Czar and his family were allowed to wear the royal pink gemstones. Colored Topaz is often treated. As most Topaz comes in a pale blue color, but the demand for other shades is high, the stone is often heated and irradiated in order to alter its shade.

Benefits: In ancient Greece, Topaz was worn in order to increase strength in times of trouble. It is also believed that when worn as a necklace or pendant, the gemstone can keep sadness at bay. Known as a crystal representing love and prosperity, Topaz has soothing effects on the body and mind. At the same time, it is an aid in directing energy where it’s needed.

Price: The price can be as low as $10 per carat, but high quality and color Topaz gemstones start from $1000 – $3500 per carat.


Tourmaline Gemstones

Image Source: Crystal Light Centrum

Color: Tourmalines come in every color of the rainbow. The dark Tourmalines are usually very rich in Iron, while the Magnesium ones determine their yellow or brown shades. The rest of the color spectrum include significant quantities of Lithium.

Characteristics and Uses: Tourmaline is widely used in jewelry making, with the red and the green varieties being the most popular choices. The mineral is also used in small sculptures and decorative items used in the home. The birthstones of October are also a top favorite for mineral specimen collectors.

Benefits: Believed to boost creativity, Tourmaline has been used as a talisman in a wide range of creative professions, from writers to composers to spiritual guides. Tourmaline comes with an impressive range of physical benefits as well, These include detoxification, improving circulation and helping eliminate toxic metals.

Price: The price range is usually around $400 to $1,000 a carat for high quality gems.

Watermelon Tourmaline

Watermelon Tourmaline Gemstones

Image Source: Mindat

Color: As its name suggests, Watermelon Tourmaline comes in the combo of pink and green. A single crystal can include up to 15 different shades of green and pink. The way these shades are displayed makes the crystal very similar to the look of a watermelon.

Characteristics and Uses: With a hardness of up to 7.5, Watermelon Tourmaline is a great choice for jewelers. While all types of jewelry can be found on the market, most pieces are statement necklaces and pendants, since these pink gemstones are associated with the heart chakra.

Benefits: Believed to remove all obstructions found in the heart, Watermelon Tourmaline is a potent crystal that comes with a wide range of benefits, both mental and physical. It is believed it speeds up recovery and lessens pain, as well as preventing negative feelings and thoughts that have the power to damage relationships.

Price: Ranging from $75 – $750 per carat.


Zircon Gemstones

Image Source: The Gem Tree

Color: The color palette of Zircon includes shades like pink, blue, yellow, green, red and reddish brown. The pink variety is very rare and can be found exclusively in Tanzania. The most common color is dark brown, which is caused by oxide impurities.

Characteristics and Uses: Widely used in jewelry, Zircon is often found adorning brooches, rings, earrings, pendants and bracelets. Worn since ancient times, Zircon is a durable gemstone, measuring 7.5 on the hardness scale, making it ideal for long-lasting jewelry pieces. Its luster is vitreous and occasionally oily and its crystals are short and stubby. Zircon is not rare, as it is found everywhere in the Earth’s crust and it’s one of the oldest known minerals.

Benefits: Zircon is a great meditative stone, that helps the user enhance both physical and mental strength and growth. Moreover, it facilitates balance, as it is associates with all the chakras. In many cultures, Zircon symbolizes chastity, honor, as well as prosperity.

Price: Ranging from $50 – $125 per carat.


Zoisite Gemstones

Image Source: Gemexi

Color: Zoisite comes in pink, as well as purple, green, yellow, orange and grey, plus its pure colorless variety.

Characteristics and Uses: Used in the creation of sculptures, decorative items and tumbled stones, Zoisite is occasionally used in jewelry. Zoisite presents a vitreous luster and crystals that are transparent to translucent. The pink variety of this gem is called Thulite, that takes its name from the legendary German island ‘Thule’. Thulite is normally found in combinations of pink and green and often mistaken for pink Jade.

Benefits: Zoisite is used in crystal healing as an aid for returning to one’s center – or return to the self, while also facilitating relaxation and keeping boredom at bay. Zoisite is ideal for restoring vitality after physical trauma, as well as easing pain when dealing with disease.

Price: Varies greatly from inexpensive to valuable due to big differences in quality.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it: 45 pink gemstones, each with their unique charm and wide range of healing properties and benefits over mind, body and soul – all enticing us with their beauty, glow and enigmatic power. Inspiring legends for centuries and proving their efficacity in healing practices, pink gemstones are some of the most treasured and sought-after jewels today. Which one is your favorite pink gem? Let us know in the comment section below!

Disclaimer: The article above is a collection of information from different sources. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be regarded as health or personal advice.


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