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What Happens When Cps Opens A Case

What to Do If CPS Is Investigating You: Here’s the Important Information You Need to Know

If CPS is investigating you, it’s important to know your rights and what to expect. CPS (child protective services) is a government agency that investigates reports of child abuse or neglect.

CPS has different names in different counties. For example, In Orange County, California, CPS is known as the Social Services Agency-Child and Family Services (SSA-CFS). If CPS comes to your home, they will want to speak with you and your children.

They may also ask to see inside your home. It’s important to remember that you have the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney.

If you have been accused of child abuse or neglect, and CPS is investing you, you must contact an attorney immediately.

CPS Investigation Process

CPS investigations can be very stressful, but understanding your rights and what to expect can help.

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If CPS is investigating you, it is because they’re been contacted by police or other people concerning the well-being of your children. CPS will likely contact you by phone or mail to set up an interview.

CPS interviews are usually conducted at your home but can also be done at CPS offices, schools, or hospitals. CPS will want to speak with you and your children separately. They may also ask to see inside your home.

During the CPS investigation, CPS will gather information from you, your children, and other people who know you and your family.

CPS will also look at any records that may be relevant to the case, such as medical records or school records. CPS will use this information to decide whether or not there is enough evidence to believe that child abuse or neglect has occurred.

If CPS decides that there is enough evidence to believe that child abuse or neglect has occurred, CPS will open a case.

CPS will then provide services to the family to help address the issues that led to the CPS investigation. These services may include counseling, parenting classes, in-home services, or substance abuse treatment.

If CPS decides that there is not enough evidence to believe that child abuse or neglect has occurred, CPS will close the case. However, CPS will provide services to the family if CPS believes there are still risk factors present in the home.

It’s important to remember that you have the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney throughout the CPS investigation process. If you have been accused of child abuse or neglect, you must contact an attorney immediately.

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How Late Can CPS Come to Your House?

CPS can come to your house at any time. CPS does not need a warrant to enter your home. CPS can also interview your children without your permission. CPS can only remove your children from your home if CPS has a court order.

How Can You Find Out if There Is a CPS Case Against You?

If CPS is investigating you, they will likely contact you by phone or mail to set up an interview. CPS interviews are usually conducted at your home but can also be done at CPS offices, schools, or hospitals.

CPS will want to speak with you and your children separately. They may also ask to see inside your home.

What Happens When CPS Opens a Case?

If CPS decides that there is enough evidence to believe that child abuse or neglect has occurred, CPS will open a case. CPS will then provide services to the family to help address the issues that led to the CPS investigation.

These services may include counseling, parenting classes, in-home services, or substance abuse treatment. CPS will also work with the family to create a safety plan to protect the children from further abuse or neglect.

If CPS decides that there is not enough evidence to believe that child abuse or neglect has occurred, CPS will close the case. CPS will provide services to the family if CPS believes there are still risk factors present in the home.

CPS investigations can be very stressful, but understanding your rights and what to expect can help. If you have been accused of child abuse or neglect, and CPS is investigating you, you must contact an attorney immediately. An attorney can help you navigate the CPS investigation process and protect your rights.

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If you have been accused of abuse or neglect, it is crucial to get an attorney as soon as possible.

You deserve to have a lawyer who will help you fight to get your children back. If you are dealing with a juvenile dependency case, child-welfare services case, or CPS case in Orange County, California, or Southern California, you need the juvenile dependency attorneys at ALL Trial Lawyers by your side.

Don’t risk calling the wrong lawyer. If CPS is investigating you, you do not have to deal with them alone.

We know how the juvenile court process in California works. We have handled hundreds of juvenile dependency cases in Orange County, San Diego County, Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County, and Riverside County.

We have an office located near you, and we’re ready to start working on your case.

Call us now to speak to a lawyer and for your free consultation. Call (866) 811-4255.


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