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Which Of The Following Demonstrates A Goal Of Muckrakers


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1. The effect of WWI on the US economy was considerable. There are two effects that the war had on the US economy: short term, and long term.

For the short term effect the US economy grew in the buildup to the war and during its prosecution. From 1915 the US made tons of loans to the UK to help them in their war effort. It is not a stretch to say that WWI was the major factor in contributing to the “Roaring 20s” when the US economy boomed.

After the peace the economy dropped temporarily and this is most likely attributable to the stopping of war material production.

The long term effect was that US involvement in the war lead directly to the Great Depression and WWII. The Treaty of Versailles led to a system where the US was cashing in its wartime loans to the UK, which in turn was using the wartime reparations it received from Germany to pay off the US.

This system collapsed when the Germany economy succumbed to hyperinflation and died. That paired with Black Tuesday, which was driven by rampant stock speculation from tons of US citizens flush with cash led to the Great Depression.

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2. On this day in 1926, Ford Motor Company becomes one of the first companies in America to adopt a five-day, 40-hour week for workers in its automotive factories. The policy would be extended to Ford’s office workers the following August.

Henry Ford’s Detroit-based automobile company had broken ground in its labor policies before. In early 1914, against a backdrop of widespread unemployment and increasing labor unrest, Ford announced that it would pay its male factory workers a minimum wage of $5 per eight-hour day, upped from a previous rate of $2.34 for nine hours (the policy was adopted for female workers in 1916).

3. Henry Ford innovated mass-production techniques that became standard, and Ford, General Motors and Chrysler emerged as the “Big Three” auto companies by the 1920s.

4. 1920 United States Census. The Fourteenth United States Census, conducted by the Census Bureau one month from January 5, 1920, determined the resident population of the United States to be 106,021,537, an increase of 15.0 percent over the 92,228,496 persons enumerated during the 1910 Census.

5. The prosperity of the 1920s brought into existence a large and growing middle class. But not all Americans benefited from the good times. As these photos suggest, the developing consumer society of the 1920s often passed rural Americans by.

American farmers had experienced good times during World War I. Demand for their crops were high, and competition from European farmers was low due to the war. After the war, however, demand for American crops slowed.

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European farmers returned to their fields and there were no longer massive armies to feed. U.S. farm prices plunged, and American farmers entered a decade of extreme hardship. More farms began to fail. Farmers made less money and their farms declined in value.

6. Union wages by occupation and city, 1920-1929

Jump directly to years: 1920-1921, 1922-1923, 1924-1925, 1926-1927, 1928, and 1929-1930. Detailed occupations are listed alphabetically under industries, such as bakery trades, building trades, chauffeurs/teamsters/drivers, laundry workers, linemen, publishing, street railways, etc.

Many unexpected occupations were unionized, for example musicians, hatters, actors, barbers, turkish bath attendants, artists and enbalmers. The wage tables continue for more than a hundred pages, listing many occupations within these industries.

Be sure to scroll forward or try the “Find” tool, which looks like a magnifying glass just above the page frame.


9. A woman of 1920 would be surprised to know that she would be remembered as a “new woman.” Many changes would enter her life in the next ten years. Significant changes for women took place in politics, the home, the workplace, and in education.

Many women believed that it was their right and duty to take a serious part in politics. They recognized, too, that political decisions affected their daily lives. When passed in 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment gave women the right to vote.

10. The female consumer came into prominence in a period when American society made women’s nature and appropriate roles a subject of intense debate. After all, women were increasingly visible in higher education, the professions, and the workplace.

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They had won the right to vote, participated in urban reform, and volunteered for war relief work. Some scientists questioned the very existence of sex differences. In an era in which traditional roles were challenged from many quarters, the mass-market’s model of the woman consumer tended to reinforce the gender divide.


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