HomeWHOWho Started Church Of Christ

Who Started Church Of Christ

As we embark on this new series about the Church of Christ, let’s delve into the very essence of what this church stands for, its foundational beliefs, and the unique characteristics that set it apart from other religious institutions.

Let’s begin with the foundation of the Church of Christ. The bedrock of this church is Jesus Christ Himself, as clearly stated in Matthew 16:18, where Jesus says, “Upon this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” This profound declaration by Jesus predates the church’s establishment, which only comes to fruition after His resurrection and ascension, as we witness in Acts chapter 2.

In discussing the Church of Christ, it is crucial to discern its founder. Unlike denominations that can trace their origins to human founders like Wesley, Eddie, Russell, or Smith, the Church of Christ is founded solely by Christ. This is pivotal because a church’s legitimacy hinges on its founder. Is Christ the cornerstone, or is it someone else?

The term “denomination” itself is not biblical. It signifies a division or a part of a whole, often implying a divergence from the original intent. The rise of various denominations, each with unique doctrines and practices, raises a vital question: How can these be aligned with the church Christ founded, especially when teachings diverge?

Moving back in history, let’s reflect on the Reformation. It was a period of reforming existing religious structures, notably the Catholic Church. Protestant denominations emerged during this time. However, the Church of Christ takes a different approach. Instead of reforming, it seeks restoration – returning to the first-century church as depicted in the New Testament. This means worshiping and functioning as the early church did, unaltered by the doctrines and traditions that emerged later.

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The prophecies in the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments, point towards the establishment of Christ’s church. Contrary to the expectations of a physical kingdom like David’s, Christ established a spiritual kingdom, His church. Key passages like Mark 9:1 and Colossians 1:13 affirm this truth, indicating that Christ’s kingdom, the church, was indeed realized in the first century.

The word “church,” derived from the Greek ‘ecclesia,’ means ‘the called out.’ It refers to a gathering of individuals, not a building. This concept is vital to understand. The church is about people called out to follow Christ, not about the physical structures where they meet.

In exploring denominationalism, it’s clear that while many claim Jesus as Savior, their doctrines and practices often differ significantly, raising questions about their alignment with Christ’s teachings. A critical aspect of denominationalism is the belief in salvation without obedience to God, a viewpoint that stands in contrast to the teachings of the New Testament.

As we delve deeper into this series, let’s keep an open mind and heart. Let’s turn to the scriptures to test these teachings, to see if they align with God’s Word. Our goal is to follow Christ as closely as possible, adhering to the teachings and practices of the New Testament church.

I invite you to engage with these teachings, to send in your questions, and to join us for further discussions. Remember, following Jesus and aligning with His teachings is the most significant endeavor we can undertake in our lives. Let us seek guidance, wisdom, and forgiveness from God as we continue this journey together.

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Let’s pray for wisdom, understanding, and the courage to embrace the truth as revealed in God’s Word. I look forward to exploring more about the Church of Christ with you in our upcoming sessions. Thank you for your time and attention. God bless.

Discussion Questions and Answers

1. Who is the founder of Christian Science? Who is the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints? Who is the founder of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society? Who is the founder of the church of Christ?

• Mary Baker Eddy founded Christian Science. Joseph Smith founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Charles Taze Russell is the founder of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Jesus Christ is the founder of the church of Christ.

2. Why is Alexander Campbell not identified as the founder of the church of Christ?

• Campbell was the most influential of a generation of Christians who made up their minds to throw off denominational mantles and attempt to restore the work and worship of the church to its New Testament roots. His efforts did not found that which was 1800 years old but helped to burn away the chaff created by Catholic traditions and sectarian creeds.

3. What event marked the foundation of the church of Christ?

• The church was founded on the day of Pentecost when 3000 souls were converted to Christ and added to the collection of the called out.

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4. How did Christ connect the church and the kingdom in Matthew 16:16-18?

• Christ promised to build His church and give the keys of the kingdom to Peter and the other apostles. The terms seem to be used interchangeably.

5. What prediction was made in Mark 9:1? Did the church come with power (Luke 24:49, Acts 2:1-13)?

• Jesus predicted that some of his audience would not taste death until the kingdom came with power, which it did when the Holy Spirit endowed the apostles with tongues on Pentecost.

6. The coronation of the Messiah to David’s throne is an important part of the kingdom prophecy. How do we know Jesus ascended that throne (Acts 2:29-33)?

• Peter taught that Jesus was resurrected and ascended in answer to David’s own prophecy about his throne.

7. Describe the four kingdoms Daniel foresaw before the kingdom of God could be established (2:36-45).

Try to identify all four kingdoms. 1. golden head Babylonian 2. silver chest and arms Medo-Persian 3. bronze thighs and belly Greek 4. iron legs and iron/clay feet Roman

8. When would the kingdom of God come? Was the church established in this era?

• During the reign of the last great empire, that of the Romans. Yes.


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