HomeWHENWhen Do Male Cats Start Mating

When Do Male Cats Start Mating

Cat breeding is actually not recommended for the majority of cat owners. Spaying and neutering cats helps control the cat population and can also decrease the cats’ risk for diseases and behavioral problems. Owners considering keeping their cats for breeding, however, may want to know the age at which male cats can breed.

When Male Cats Become Sexually Aroused

Male cats as young as a few months may begin to show signs of sexual interest, but are unlikely to father kittens just yet. Unneutered males younger than six months old may be interested in unspayed females in heat and may sniff a female’s genital area. These young males may cry when a female is in heat nearby and they are unable to access her. They may also mount other kittens and cats (both male and female), although they are unlikely to be able to fertilize just yet. They may begin spraying urine about in order to advertise their interest in a female in heat.

The Male Cat Breeding Age

The male cat will be able to father kittens at between six and eight months of age. During this time, his behavior will become more aggressive and he will become more attracted to unspayed females in heat in the area. This male cat will be in the prime of his fertility for many years to come. As he ages and becomes a senior citizen cat at about seven years of age and older, he may become less interested in reproduction, but he will still retain some of his ability to father kittens.

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Not Neutering the Cat

Owners who are interested in cat breeding may choose to not neuter their male cats. However, owners who have no interest in breeding their cats should neuter their cats without exception, preferably before the cat reaches the breeding age at six months. Male cats that are unneutered and are never allowed to mate will simply be more aggressive and more likely to urinate around the home in order to advertise their sexual availability. There is no benefit in letting a cat remained unneutered without having breeding in mind.

Allowing the Cat to Breed and Then Neutering

Owners wondering about the male cat breeding age may be considering letting their tomcats breed once or twice and then neutering them after they’ve fathered some kittens. However, there are a number of reasons why cat owners should consider neutering their male cats from the start.

In male cats more than in females, neutering at an early age can have significant behavioral and even physical impact on the development of the cat. Owners who neuter their male cats before they reach breeding age often have more affectionate and sweet-tempered cats, as unneutered males may be aggressive and territorial. Unneutered males will also be more likely to roam and mark their territory by spraying urine. Male cats that are neutered at a young age will also physically look different, developing into cats that are less muscular and that have less rounded faces.

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