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What Are The Benefits Of Physical Sales Channels

New businesses, both online and brick-and-mortar, crop up every day. In fact, in 2020, around 3.37 million new business applications were filed in the U.S. alone. With the digital revolution in full swing, one question for these new businesses (as well as established ones) persists: is it possible to strike a balance between traditional, physical methods that many small businesses are used to and their digital counterparts?

In the case of sales and marketing, that balance isn’t just possible — it’s something many businesses should strive for. This article will highlight why balancing both digital and physical sales and marketing techniques are important and will discuss ways in which small businesses can combine both to achieve the best possible outcomes.

The Benefits of Digital Sales and Marketing Methodologies

Brick-and-mortar stores that have yet to take to the multitude of digital marketing avenues stand to gain plenty by making forays into social media and other online spaces. For instance, there are more than 2 billion users on Facebook alone — representing a substantial potential audience. Finding the online spaces where prospective customers congregate gives retailers more opportunities to connect with leads and guide them to the store to make purchases.

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Beyond simply connecting you with a wider audience, though, adopting digital sales and marketing techniques comes with a whole host of additional benefits:

  • Digital channels are cost-effective: Digital channels allow small businesses to compete with larger companies for attention without spending as much on TV spots, radio ads, and other traditional forms of promotion.
  • Digital channels are easy to measure: By their very nature, digital methods of getting your name out there come with means of tracking their success, allowing you to figure out what’s working and what isn’t.
  • Digital channels allow for precise targeting: Audience segmentation is made easier by incorporating digital methods of sales and marketing, allowing you to improve conversions by going after the right leads.
  • Digital channels are easily adjustable: While traditional sales and marketing methods can only be altered at the end of a campaign, you can alter what you’re doing on your digital channels instantaneously. This grants far greater responsiveness to changes.

Thus, mixing digital sales and marketing techniques into a small business’s strategy can serve as a much-needed boost that can allow for more leads, more conversions, and ultimately, greater revenues.

The Benefits of Physical Sales and Marketing Methodologies

With all the advantages that digital marketing can bring to small businesses, some would assume that there would be a limited runway for businesses with a strong, web-based marketing game to profit from pairing physical methods with their sales and marketing strategy. However, just like most things in life and business, this is best done in moderation.

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For starters, consider this simple marketing truism: the more exposed a channel becomes, the less noticeable it becomes. This means that purely digital approaches run the risk of becoming stale, and balancing them with physical marketing helps keep both fresh.

It’s not just a matter of keeping noticeable, however. Physical methods present outright advantages that still cannot be supplanted by digital advancements. For instance, physical branding on product packaging aids in making those products unique and helps your brand stand out in the minds of customers. Another way to your brick-and-mortar store more prevalent in customers’ minds is to use digital marketing that’s also physical. You can use digital signs to expand brand awareness throughout your store or to share personalized marketing messages.

Tips for Achieving Sales and Marketing Balance

So, how can your small business balance the digital and the physical? In part, that will depend on some of your circumstances. A brick-and-mortar store trying to create a social media presence, for example, may need different methods than an e-commerce store would to establish a better physical presence. This means creating a thorough social media strategy with the following in mind:

  • Let your goals guide your approaches: Different business objectives will be better supported by different marketing techniques. If you just want to reach a lot of eyes in your local community, your balance may lean toward the broad methods of physical media. Attempts to hit a targeted audience, however, are best done through digital means. Plan your strategies accordingly.
  • Meet your customers where they are: Both the physical and digital marketing spaces are vast. Your audience may only inhabit a small portion of it, so your physical/digital balance will depend on where you’re most likely to find prospects. Be sure to use thorough analysis to determine where you’ll have the most success, then adopt the multi-channel approach you’ll need to gain those leads.
  • Have a way to measure success: If you don’t know when your marketing efforts are working, you won’t be able to tweak the balance between physical and digital methods until it’s optimal. Be sure to set measurable KPIs that will allow you to track success and adapt your approach until it’s working.
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As for specific channels you might want to target as you navigate the line between the physical and the digital, there are, at minimum, seven that you should have your eye on to start:

  • Your website
  • Social media
  • Google Business listing
  • Email campaigns
  • Print ads
  • Direct mail
  • Word-of-mouth

With all of these channels working in tandem, you should be able to maximize the success of your outreach efforts and guide more customers to your business.

In Summation

No matter what kind of small business you’re running, using both the physical and digital sales and marketing means at your disposal will give you the greatest chances of success. Continue experimenting with different ways to combine strategies, and be sure to keep pursuing potential leads wherever they might exist.


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