HomeWHATWhat Is Tomato Water

What Is Tomato Water

Tomato Water? If you haven’t heard of it, I don’t blame you. But once you try it, you’ll wonder why you’ve gone this long without it.

That is, assuming you like the flavor of fresh tomatoes. Which I do.


You need: a fine mesh (or similar) strainer & a large bowl it can sit on, plus either cheesecloth or a clean flour sack towel. I use cheesecloth for this because I always have it, but a single layer of a flour sack towel works just about the same. You also need a spot in your fridge that the bowl will fit in.

How to Make Tomato Water:

Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of sea salt in there too, for flavor and to help the tomatoes release their juice. Process until you’re somewhere between finely chopped and pulp. Position the strainer over the bowl, line the strainer with the cheesecloth or towel, and pour the tomato mixture in the strainer.

Then put the whole thing in the fridge overnight. Resist the urge to mess with it.

The next day, you’ll have a bowl of lovely Tomato Water. You’ll also have a strainer full of remaining tomato + cucumber solids that are still usable and delicious. I add them to soups, stews, make salsa, or toss them on the stove with some olive oil, garlic & fresh basil for a fabulous quick pasta sauce.

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Carefully pour the water into a glass jar or lidded container, and store covered in the fridge for up to 3 days. The color of the finished product will depend on what variety of tomatoes you use.

Now you’re ready to use it:

My favorite application for Tomato Water is, by far, the Farmers Market cocktail. It’s like a wine-based Bloody Mary, and it might be my favorite libation ever. You can also use the water to make a more traditional Bloody Mary with vodka, use it in vinaigrette + salad dressing for knockout flavor, or use it in place of vegetable stock. You can make Tomato Sorbet. You can even drink it by itself, which is what I often do. Sometimes with a little ice and a squeeze of lemon or a splash of club soda. Sometimes straight – no chaser.

You can double this recipe if you have a bowl + strainer big enough. You can add fresh herbs or peppers or even an onion. It’s your tomato goodness, after all. Once you try it, I’m pretty sure you’ll be making it again.

Photos: Meg van der Kruik

Is Tomato Water the same as Clear Tomato Juice?

Yes, tomato water is also known as “clear tomato juice.” The liquid in tomatoes is actually clear – red tomato juice comes from blending tomato water and pulp together. Clear tomato juice is thinner than red tomato juice, because it only contains the juice from the fruit, not the pulp.

Frequently Asked Questions about Tomato Water:

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