HomeWHYWhy Is My Dog So Jumpy All Of A Sudden

Why Is My Dog So Jumpy All Of A Sudden

Fear or Phobia

Phobias are not just for people. Dogs that have experienced something negative in their past may develop a phobia to certain things such as walking through a certain door or getting into a car. When your dog faces their phobia, you will notice they will become jittery and want to get away from the thing causing their anxiety. Dogs that have had a fearful experience will also act jittery. This behavior may only occur when they are in a fearful situation or it can be so severe that they are jittery all the time. This is when you need a professional to come alongside you and help your dog overcome their fear or phobia.

Negative Past Experiences

This could technically be categorized under fear; however, if your dog is jittery from negative past experiences, it may not always be from fear. Obviously, dogs that have been mistreated either physically or emotionally will be fearful and jittery. Dogs that are jittery from past experiences that have caused them to not develop a strong sense of confidence will need positive reassurance and training to help them overcome their jittery behavior.

Negative past experiences can include some form of trauma. Be sure to know what triggers your dog’s jittery behavior and provide strong leadership when confronting that trigger. Always be a strong leader for your dog and keep the situation upbeat and happy so they can learn that you will keep them safe when confronting something that reminds them of a past experience.

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Lack of Socialization

Socialization is necessary for your dog to be a well adjusted and confident dog. Puppies need socialization with people and other dogs for them to learn what acceptable behavior is and what is unacceptable. Your dog’s breeder has an obligation to provide your puppy with proper socialization beginning from birth. Puppies should be handled daily by the breeder so they learn to recognize the human scent and to trust. Once your puppy comes to your home, the obligation of proper socialization then falls to you. Dogs that do not receive proper socialization by 14 weeks of age will most likely be jittery around new people and dogs.

Separation Anxiety

Dog owners will become extremely frustrated when their dog becomes anxious or jittery. It is especially frustrating when your dog becomes clingy and shows signs of suffering from separation anxiety. This can be mild to severe, depending on your dog’s dependency on you and how you handle the situation. Most dogs will benefit from working with a professional dog trainer to overcome their anxiety, especially separation anxiety.

Illness or Pain

When your dog is ill or suffering from pain it is difficult for them to tell you what is wrong. If you suspect your dog is sick or in pain take a few minutes to examine your dog and watch their behavior. If they are not normally jittery, make an appointment with your veterinarian. You know your dog better than anyone else, if their jittery behavior is out of character, there is a good chance that they are either ill or in pain and in need of medical assistance.

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