HomeWHYWhy Is My Boyfriend So Hot

Why Is My Boyfriend So Hot

It was at my friend’s 30th when Jonathan* walked into the room, and he was probably the most extraordinary-looking man I’d seen in my life.

I hadn’t had a boyfriend since I was a teenager and I was just used to being single. I wouldn’t describe myself as ‘ugly’, but I know I’m quite plain to look at. I’ve never been one to do much about my appearance. To be honest, I’m happiest when I’ve got my hair pulled back in a ponytail and the only time I ever wear makeup is for work — and, even then, it’s just some mascara and lip gloss.

So Jonathan turned up, always the most handsome man in the room, and he only had eyes for me.

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‘Jonathan was probably the most extraordinary-looking man I’d seen in my life.’ (iStock)

I couldn’t believe it when he came over to introduce himself and, at the end of the night he asked for my phone number. Never in a million years did I really think he would call me, but he did.

That was six years ago. Now we have two gorgeous kids and he is more gorgeous than ever, but it’s not always easy being with such a good-looking man. I’m very aware he constantly has women flirting with him. He’s never given me a reason to feel jealous at all; I know how much he loves me.

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One thing that does upset me, though, is when people think he would cheat on me just because I don’t look like a supermodel. Don’t people realise love involves more than just physical attraction?

At one of his work functions, I overheard two women talking about Jonathan. I was standing just in front of them, and they clearly had no idea I was his partner. I heard one say, “He’s so hot” and the other said, “Is his girlfriend here? I’ve heard she’s fugly!”

‘He’s never given me a reason to feel jealous at all; I know how much he loves me.’ (iStock)

I was so upset I went to Jonathan and told him what they had said about me. He said he’d address the issue at work the following week; I don’t know if he ever did, but it was really upsetting.

I’ve also heard people talk about us in this way: “Jonathan and Caroline*. Jonathan’s the pretty one.”

Do I ever worry he’s going to leave me for one of the pretty girls at work? No, I don’t waste time with rubbish like that. First, I know how much he loves me and also, if he did, what am I going to do? If he ever wanted to leave, I couldn’t stop him.

While people don’t usually tell me to my face what they really think, I can tell by the way they say, “he’s yours?” that what they’re really mean is, “How did you get him?!”


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