Why Do Orgasims Feel So Good

If you ask 17 women “What does an orgasm feel like?” you’ll get 17 slightly different answers. Just like every body is different, every orgasm is different, but they all have one thing in common: They feel good. Whether from partnered sex or masturbation, there are few things that hit the spot as much as achieving orgasm.

But they can be just as mysterious as they are pleasurable. For instance, did you know that there’s a difference between climaxing and coming? (One describes the moment of peak pleasure while the other covers the entire build-up and come-down).

What Is an Orgasm?

It can be tough to define orgasm in a single sentence. The feeling can be completely different person to person, but there is a similar physical process happening each time you experience one. “The brain and central nervous system are responsible for sexual responses like orgasm,” says Heather Corinna, author of S.E.X.: The All-You-Need-To-Know Progressive Sexuality Guide to Get You Through High School and College and founder of sex education site Scarleteen. “During sexual pleasure, all the nerve endings of your body (including your genitals, all linked to your nervous system) are in concert and communication with your brain, and vice-versa.”

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Orgasms release feel-good hormones (yay, endorphins!) that wave through your body leaving behind a number of sensations: sleepiness, relaxation, and/or joy. The American Psychological Association defines an orgasm as “the climax of sexual stimulation or activity, when the peak of pleasure is achieved.” During this climax, tension is released throughout the body and contractions happen across the reproductive organs, anal sphincter, and perineal muscles. Bodies with vaginas will feel contractions along the vaginal wall, while bodies with penises will often ejaculate. People of all genders can experience orgasms, and they don’t only occur during sexual stimulation—there are a number of ways to have an orgasm.

What Does an Orgasm Feel Like?

The way orgasms feel varies from person to person.

To better tackle the question of “what does an orgasm for a woman feel like?” we asked 17 people for their own take. Here’s what they had to say.

“Screaming for joy. Feeling everything and nothing at the same time.”

“Like tangling up a bunch of Christmas lights inside you and then blowing a fuse.”

“The stars emoji mixed with the explosion emoji.”

“I think the best thing about an orgasm is that you can’t really be thinking about anything else besides your own pleasure. It’s all-consuming and euphoric.”

“In romantic terms: Uninhibited release of control, of self-consciousness, of everything.”

“If you were to ask me to physically describe the feeling: It’s like a really wonderful and powerful sneeze in your vagina. The kind of sneeze that you can sense building up for a while, and then it happens and is just the most satisfying sneeze and you hope you have to sneeze again.”

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“You know when Sailor Moon floats up into the air as a beam of light shines through her body and she transforms into a superhero? That.”

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