When Does Geese Lay Eggs

Our busiest time of year is quickly approaching, and in our industry, we call it “Nesting Season.” What exactly is Nesting Season you ask? Nesting Season is when, adult paired Canada Geese start to build their individual nests and lay their clutches. The Canada Goose will mate for life. Over the past two decades, we have noticed the Canada Goose starting to pair up and build their nests as early as late December. The severity of the winter weather plays the biggest factor on when the Canada Geese begin to pair and build their nests.

Mild winters bring the nesting season on sooner than cold and snowy ones. In a typical year, Canada Geese will begin to pair up and start building their nests in late February/Early March.

The female Canada Goose will lay between 4 – 9 eggs per clutch per year. Laying an egg or two every day once the nest is built and it is determined safe. The gestation period for a Canada Goose egg is typically 28 – 30 days on average. The mother Canada Goose will not leave the nest while the eggs are incubating.

Canada Geese will typically return to their same nesting site each year following a successful clutch. The chosen nesting sites are typically located around and near a body of water. The total number of Canada Goose nests in a certain geographic area will vary depending on how aggressive the geese are and how many other pairs they allow to nest in the same vicinity. The male goose will stand guard a short distance from the nest to protect the female and the eggs. They male can become very aggressive and will attack anyone or anything they view as a threat.

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Once the eggs hatch, the parents protect them until the day they can fly which is typically late July/Early August. The parents will also lose their flight feathers in May/June which keeps them grounded to protect the goslings. This natural process is called “molting.”

Here at Geese Chasers, we are full-service company that not only can prevent geese from building their nests humanely, but we can also assist in egg addling and nest removal with the proper permits in place. Give us a call today at 866.98.GEESE or complete this contact form for all your Canada Goose needs.

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