HomeWHATWhat To Wear To A Pole Dancing Class

What To Wear To A Pole Dancing Class

If you’ve just booked a place on your first pole dance class, you’re probably equally excited and nervous! I had so many questions before my first pole class, one of the biggest being what to wear!

For pole dance classes you will need to wear shorts so that you can use the skin on your legs to grip the pole. You should also wear a top that you are comfortable exercising in. Most of all, wear what you feel most confident in!

While everything you read about pole dancing will tell you to wear as little as possible, this can be quite daunting for your first class!

Take jogging bottoms and trainers with you, as you are likely to do a warm-up and want to avoid being chilly before you begin.

Take shorts with you. Shorts will allow you to use the skin on your legs to help you to grip on to the pole.

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Of course, you can wear whatever you like to your pole dance classes. However, shorts are better, but they don’t need to be super short.

It’s important to feel comfortable in what you are wearing.

You’ll probably find that as you become more experienced in the world of pole dance, your idea of what constitutes “too short” changes a little!

what to wear for pole dancing class

More Tips for Your First Pole Dance Class…

Whether you’ve been pole dancing for one week or ten years, you’ll always remember how nervous you were for your first pole class.

I remember it like it was yesterday!

While nothing can prepare you for what your first spin around the pole will feel like, we can help you get through those pole studio doors in the first place 🙂

Here are a few things you might want to think about before your first pole dance class, to really give you that confidence to burst into the pole studio with lots of energy and enthusiasm.

Research The Pole Studio

It is important to make sure that you are going to the best class to suit you.

Try and do your research on pole studios in your area. Instagram is great for this!

Find out how to get there, where to park etc… Be as prepared for that side of things as you can – you don’t want to get lost on your first day, or find you can’t park anywhere.

Most pole studios offer taster sessions which are very important.

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If you like the studio and instructor you could end up going there for years, so it’s important to get it right.

Take a Friend to Pole Dance Class!

There’s nothing like bringing a friend along for motivation and support.

It’s great to have someone there supporting and laughing with you to really ease the pressure and stress of trying a new move.

If you’re learning together you’ll both be in the same situation and so will help and push each other to get better on the pole.

What to Take to Your First Pole Dance Class

As well as a change of clothes, bring plenty of water. It is a great idea to also take a pen and notebook with you.

Your instructor may give you hand-outs but it can be nice to make your own notes as well. You can write down moves you want to try out in your next class so you don’t forget.

One Thing That’s Very Important…

Make sure you DO NOT have any moisturiser or lotion on, as this will make you slip on the pole and you’ll feel a lot less confident and secure.

It can really ruin your whole pole class as it will be difficult to grip with any part of your body and you will feel like giving up – which is obviously not good at all.

Nobody likes a slippery pole!

Get Ready For The Pole Bruises

You may as well accept the fact that if you’re going to pole dance, you’re going to get a few bruises… I mean “pole kisses”!

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The great news is that the more often you practise and the better you get, the bruises will get fewer and further between.

Even people who have been pole dancing for years still get bruises when they try new moves – the body just needs time to get used to it.

Ask Lots of Questions

One of the best ways to learn is to ask questions.

Those who don’t ask, don’t get. With a lot of pole dance moves, there are certain tricks such as looking in a specific place or pulling/pushing with your arms.

These tips can really mean the difference between getting the move there and then or struggling for weeks on end. Your instructor is there to help you learn, so think of them as a pole dance resource.

Enjoy Yourself

There is nothing worse than paying for something that you don’t enjoy. Learning to pole dance is meant to be fun rather than a hassle.

It is important to remember that your instructor was once new to pole dance and although they may be able to show you lots and lots of moves, they were once new to pole dance too, and also struggled with beginner pole moves.

Why not think of it as motivation? If your instructor is that good, you will be too!

Immerse Yourself In The World Of Pole Dance

Now you know what to wear for your first pole dancing class, what to take to the studio, and what to expect when you’re there, you’ll have SO much fun!

Turn up and really give pole dancing your all.

Make friends with the people in your class, research moves on the internet, watch or go to competitions. There are so many pole dancers out there, so get busy and find them! 🙂


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