HomeWHATWhat Is Freeuse Porn

What Is Freeuse Porn

A while ago I got into a disagreement with Mason about the freeuse kink. She said:

“”Free use” is an attempt by young women to gain relationship security in a culture that valorizes sexual novelty, i.e. their continuous disposal by men, as sexual liberation”

In my studies of fetishes – from surveys of motivations to lengthy one-on-one interviews with people with obscure kinks, this seems blatantly untrue to me. It’s notoriously hard to pin down any sort of regular psychological motivation for a fetish, in the same way it’s hard to pin down a psychological motivation for why men like titties.

(You can read the full exchange here, which ended up decaying and then we blocked each other.)

But anyway – what’s the results? We both made our guesses, agreed on the wording of the questions. I made two prediction markets (though I added three questions):

To restate the context: my Big Kink Survey was a massive survey that went viral, and currently is sitting at 617,000 responses. It’s got great SEO, and is passively linked in a bunch of places with organic traffic, so I can add in additional questions and wait to get the data. Most of the people answering this are young (average age ~22), female (70%), liberal, and western. It’s the “young women online who like taking buzzfeed surveys with results they share with their friends” demographic.

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The Results

So far 930 women have answered that they’re into freeuse (and many more said they weren’t) since I added in the Mason-approved additional three questions.

Question 1: Hookups

“In general, casual sexual hookups have been a ____ experience for me”, with the answer options of “really bad” (-2) to “really good” (2).

Mason predicts women into freeuse have worse experience with hookups; I predict there won’t be a meaningful difference.

So basically: Women who said they were into freeuse, said they had better experiences with hookups. It’s not a huge difference, only 0.27 (out of a 5-point scale), but seems meaningful. Cohen’s d is .231, likelihood ratio 3.98×10^−8.

Question 2: Relationships

“I usually don’t leave relationships unless there’s a very serious violation”, with the answer options of “Strongly disagree” (-2) to “Strongly agree” (2).

Mason predicts women with freeuse kink will agree with this statement more. I predict there’s no meaningful difference.

Women who are into freeuse, are very slightly less likely to stay in relationships unless there’s a serious violation. This difference is really small – cohen’s d = -.091, likelihood ratio 0.0678. It’s similar enough I’d consider it not really a meaningful difference.

Question 3: Breakups

“In general, when my romantic relationships end, who initiates the breakup?”, with answer options of “The other person does” (-1) to “I do” (1)”

Mason predicts women with freeuse kinks are left more often than they leave. I predict there’s no meaningful difference.

Women who aren’t into freeuse, are very slightly more likely report the other person initiates the breakup (vs themselves). This difference again, though, is super small – cohen’s d is 0.067, LR is 0.2554, which I’d consider not a meaningful difference.

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In summary

I think the data supports my claim here; I predicted “no meaningful change” and was correct 2/3 of the times (though I admit the threshold for meaningful is vague and I didn’t select a threshold beforehand).

The time my prediction was incorrect, I was incorrect in the direction opposite to Mason’s prediction; women with a freeuse kink report a better time with hookups. In hindsight this maybe seems pretty obvious; if you’re sexually aroused by casual, no-strings-attached sex, you’re probably gonna enjoy hookups more.

Out of all the women in my dataset, 18%, nearly 1/5 women, reported interest in a freeuse kink.

I calculated d and LR with chatgpt’s help; I’m happy to share raw data if anyone would like to doublecheck my numbers. Will have the data shared in my raw data page once I get the time to upload it.


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