HomeWHATWhat Is Section 1255 Property

What Is Section 1255 Property

Title 26 Internal Revenue Code Subtitle A : Income Taxes Chapter 1 : Normal Taxes and Surtaxes Subchapter P : Capital gains and losses


1255(a) General Rule. –

1255(a)(1) Ordinary income. -Except as otherwise provided in this section, if section 126 property is disposed of, the lower of –

1255(a)(1)(A) the applicable percentage of the aggregate payments, with respect to such property, excluded from gross income under section 126, or

1255(a)(1)(B) the excess of –

1255(a)(1)(B)(i) the amount realized (in the case of a sale, exchange, or involuntary conversion), or the fair market value of such section 126 property (in the case of any other disposition), over

1255(a)(1)(B)(ii) the adjusted basis of such property, shall be treated as ordinary income. Such gain shall be recognized notwithstanding any other provision of this subtitle, except that this section shall not apply to the extent such gain is recognized as ordinary income under any other provision of this part.

1255(a)(2) Section 126 property. -For purposes of this section, “section 126 property” means any property acquired, improved, or otherwise modified by the application of payments excluded from gross income under section 126.

1255(a)(3) Applicable percentage. -For purposes of this section, if section 126 property is disposed of less than 10 years after the date of receipt of payments excluded from gross income under section 126 LK:NON: irc-file S126 , the applicable percentage is 100 percent. If section 126 LK:NON: irc-file S126 property is disposed of more than 10 years after such date, the applicable percentage is 100 percent reduced (but not below zero) by 10 percent for each year or part thereof in excess of 10 years such property was held after the date of receipt of the payments.

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1255(b) Special Rules. -Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary –

1255(b)(1) rules similar to the rules applicable under section 1245 shall be applied for purposes of this section, and Code Sec. 1255(b)(2), below, was amended by P.L. 108-27. For sunset provision, see P.L. 108-27, §303, in the amendment notes.

1255(b)(2) for purposes of sections 170(e) and 751(c), amounts treated as ordinary income under this section shall be treated in the same manner as amounts treated as ordinary income under section 1245.

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