HomeWHYWhy Is Energy Harbor On My Electric Bill

Why Is Energy Harbor On My Electric Bill

All States and Utility Service Territories

Residents or small businesses that reside outside the geographic boundaries of a community or are not present on the list of eligible community accounts provided by the utility are ineligible to participate in a community aggregation program. Cities and villages are almost always excluded from township and county programs.

Customers participating in Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) or Customer Assistance Programs (CAP) are not eligible for community aggregation programs.

To the extent they can be identified, customers who are behind on payments to the utility will be excluded or declined enrollment into community aggregation programs.

Residential and small business accounts shopping with another supplier are not eligible for automatic inclusion in a program but may join at any time provided all other eligibility requirements are met.

Ohio Electric

Residents on a special arrangement with the utility such as net-metering are not eligible for Energy Harbor’s community aggregation programs.

Mercantile accounts with usage greater than 700,000 kWh per year or 100kW monthly demand are not eligible for automatic inclusion in a community aggregation program and instead must provide affirmative consent to join. Mercantile accounts may not always be eligible for the default community aggregation program price and must initiate a Service Request through Energy Harbor’s call center to determine eligibility for the program and the terms and conditions applicable to mercantile participation. Customers on small, medium, or large commercial utility rate codes and usage greater than 700,000 kWh per year or 100 kW monthly demand can always Request a Quote through Energy Harbor’s commercial sales channels without restriction.

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Residents or small businesses who appear on the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio’s (PUCO) Do Not Aggregate list are not included in community aggregation programs but may join the program at any time provided all other eligibility requirements are met.

Illinois Electric

Small businesses with usage greater than 15,000 kWh are not eligible for aggregation but may choose from other competitive and utility supply offerings.

Community solar participants are not eligible for municipal aggregation programs.

Residents on a special arrangement with the utility, such as net-metering, are not automatically included in the program. A net-metering exclusive offer may exist for your community for residents who complete the utility required application and contact Energy Harbor to provide affirmative consent to join an aggregation program.

It may not be advantageous for a net-metering participant to shop with a generation supplier. For more detailed information related to net-metering with a supplier and the application process for Illinois, visit our Net-Metering page.

New Jersey Electric

Select rate classes, like small business or residential real-time accounts, may not be eligible based on community requirements for the program.

Small business accounts and residents on a special arrangement with the utility, such as net-metering, who have not provided affirmative consent are not automatically included in the program.

It may not be advantageous for a net-metering participant to shop with a generation supplier. For more detailed information related to net-metering with a supplier in New Jersey, visit our Net-Metering page.

Ohio Gas

Mercantile or medium to large businesses with usage greater than 5,000 CCF or 500 MCF per year or whooperate three or more service locations are not eligible for community aggregation.

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Please Note: If any account is identified as ineligible based on any of the above reasons after enrollment, even if previously served in a community aggregation program, Energy Harbor will take the necessary action to return the account to the utility for default service upon the next available meter read date.


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