HomeWHENWhen God Sends You An Angel

When God Sends You An Angel

Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.” Exodus 23:20

Many years ago, my mom told me a story of someone she met who had an amazing experience and felt it must have been an angel sent from God that protected him.

This fellow was walking home late one night in an unsafe part of a town. He had been warned it was not a good neighborhood. He was feeling a bit anxious and was praying for God’s protection. Two men approached him and talked briefly with him. They looked just like the sort of folks he wanted to avoid. As he was talking to them, he tried to express no fear, but instead he made an effort to love them the way he thought Jesus would have loved them. At first he thought they were going to rob him, but after a short conversation, they went their separate ways.

He had felt God’s presence and was no longer afraid. He got home without any problems.

The next day, he heard a police report that two men had been arrested for theft in the very part of town he had been the previous night. And the description fit perfectly the men he had seen and talked to. He was grateful for the safety and protection he experienced, but then he began to wonder why they hadn’t robbed him. He felt it must have been the result of his prayer that night.

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But his curiosity wouldn’t let him leave it at that. Somehow, he got permission to visit the jail where these two men were in custody. He explained what had happened the night before and asked to see the two men. They remembered him and the first thing he asked was, “Why didn’t you rob me last night?” They said, “We weren’t about to bother you with that big black dog you had with you.”

But the man did not have a dog and there had been no dog with him. He left the prison in awe of how God had protected him. His conclusion, when he told the story to my mother, was that what appeared as a dog to those two men must have been a modern day angel.

Do you believe this story? I do. Partly because it was my mom who shared it with me. And partly because I’ve heard of so many other situations when something similar happened.

I know this account is third hand. And you are free to think I am full of stuff and nonsense. Maybe I am. But maybe I’m not.

God sends His angels

What if it’s true that God sent an angel in the form of a black dog to protect that man?

What does that mean for you and me? The implications are immense. God still commands His angels to guard and guide us, to protect and provide for us.

I was brought up in a church which taught that God does not speak to us today. We have the Bible and that is all we need. That was many years ago, and I venture to say that this same church may not teach that idea any more. I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

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But I couldn’t accept it then and I do not accept it now. There have been too many times in my life when God has spoken to me, protected me, or guided me. Looking back on these experiences, I ask myself, Did God send angels to me? I didn’t see a creature with wings. I didn’t see a “black dog.” But I have heard messages from God telling me what to do and what not to do, where to go, when to go, who to talk to.

The word in Hebrew and Greek for angel means “messenger.” I have come to believe anytime God sends a message to you, it’s an angel. When you hear the voice of God, it’s an angel that delivers the message.

It could be a beautiful sunrise through which God speaks to you. It might be the way the wind blows in the tree branches. God can speak to you in any way He wants to. And He may speak to you differently than He does to someone else.

It could be a “black dog.” God could send an angel in the form of a person. There is just no formula.

What do angels do?

If you study all the angels in the Bible, you start to see patterns of what they do. They announce the birth of special babies and even tell the parents what to name the child. They protect. They guard. They guide. They prophesy. They give very specific instructions. They comfort. They fight the holy wars against the powers of evil. They praise the mighty glory of God.

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All these things are going on today just as they did in Bible times. God’s angels are just as busy today as they have ever been. In fact, you have probably been visited by angels and didn’t even realize it. Anytime you feel God’s protection or guidance you can be sure God’s angels are on the job. Did you ask God what to name your children and get an answer? Then guess what, it was an angel that delivered the message.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the pulling and pushing of the world’s materialistic and evil ways, but then experienced deliverance by the grace of God? There are those angels at work.

God knows the exact angels you need and sends them to you. You may or may not recognize them as angels right away. But God will speak to you in a language you can understand and His angels will appear in a way you can perceive and accept.

Have you ever been visited by angels? I would love to hear your story. Please share it in the comments below.




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