HomeWHOWhat To Do For Someone Who Saved Your Life

What To Do For Someone Who Saved Your Life

Do you know that saving a life can have long-lasting psychological effects on the person who performed the rescue?

A 2014 study published in the journal BMC Psychiatry found that rescuers may experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the months following the rescue, including intrusive thoughts, hyperarousal, and avoidance behaviour.

So it’s great to want to express true gratitude to someone who saved your life.

This could be a healthcare professional who provided life-saving treatment, a firefighter who rescued you from a burning building, or any other person who intervened in a life-threatening situation.

The question is how to thank someone who saved your life (the right way) without coming across as overbearing or insincere.

Besides, the right way to express your gratitude can vary depending on the circumstances, culture, and relationship you have with the person.

Hence, with this article, I will guide you on how to show appreciation to someone who saves your life without doing too much or too little; just doing it right so your appreciation is well taken.

Do not forget to comment on this post by sharing your story of how your hero saved your life.

When we talk about how to thank someone who saved your life (the right way), we have to first take into consideration some key factors.

They include:


You have to express your gratitude as soon as possible after the incident, while also giving the person enough space and time to process their own emotions and recover from the experience.


When expressing your gratitude, you have to use the right tone, which should be sincere, heartfelt, and respectful.


Depending on the situation and the person’s preferences, you may want to consider offering a gift or a symbolic gesture of appreciation.

This could be anything from a handwritten note to a more elaborate token of gratitude.


You should also consider the level of privacy the person may prefer.

Some individuals may not want public recognition and may prefer a more private expression of gratitude.

If they don’t want any recognition or don’t want to be contacted, respect their wishes.

This shows that you appreciate them and their boundaries.

Cultural Norms

Be aware of cultural norms and expectations, particularly if the person you are thanking comes from a different cultural background.

By taking these factors into account, you can ensure that you express your gratitude in a way that is respectful, appropriate, and meaningful to the person who saved your life.

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So here’s how to thank someone who saved your life (the right way):

Express Your Gratitude Verbally

When someone saves your life, the first thing you should do is express your gratitude verbally.

You can say “thank you” or something more heartfelt like “I owe you my life.”

Also, let the person know exactly how their actions made a difference in your life.

For example, you might say something like, “I am so grateful for what you did. If you hadn’t performed CPR when you did, I wouldn’t be here today.”

Furthermore, express how you feel about what they did.

You might say something like, “I can’t express how grateful I am. You saved my life, and I will never forget what you did for me.”

Write a Heartfelt Letter

In addition to verbal gratitude, writing a heartfelt letter is another way to express your gratitude.

In the letter, you can thank the person for saving your life, and express how grateful you are and how much you appreciate them.

Start with a heartfelt greeting. Then begin the letter by addressing the person by name and expressing your gratitude.

You can start with “To my hero,” or any other greeting that feels appropriate to you.

Moreover, write about how grateful you are for the person’s actions and how they saved your life.

Be specific about what they did and how it affected you. Use descriptive language to paint a picture of the impact they had on your life.

Also, talk about how the person’s actions made you feel.

Did it give you a renewed appreciation for life? Did it inspire you to make changes in your life?

Be honest and vulnerable in your writing.

Share any insights or lessons you learned from the experience. Did it teach you something about yourself or life in general?

This effort can help the person feel like their actions had a lasting impact on you.

Finally, end the letter by thanking the person again for what they did and reiterating how much it means to you.

You can also offer to be there for them if they ever need anything.

Want to see an example?

Here’s an example of a letter of appreciation:

Dear [Name],

I’m writing this letter to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible act of heroism you displayed when you saved my life. Words cannot express how thankful I am for what you did for me.

Your quick thinking and brave actions saved me from what could have been a tragic outcome. Your selflessness and dedication to helping others are truly inspiring, and I feel blessed to have you in my life.

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The experience has given me a new appreciation for life and reminded me of the importance of cherishing every moment. I will never forget what you did for me and will carry it with me always.

Thank you again for everything you did for me. Please know that if you ever need anything, I am here for you.

Sincerely, [Your name]

Offer a Gift

A gift can be a way to express your gratitude, but you must choose the right gift.

The gift should be thoughtful and meaningful, something that the person will appreciate.

Think about what the person likes or enjoys doing.

You can choose a gift that aligns with their hobbies or interests, such as a book by their favourite author, a gift card to their favourite store or restaurant, or tickets to a concert or sporting event.

You can also personalize the gift to show that you put thought and effort into it.

For instance, you can engrave their name on the gift.

This action can make the gift even more special and meaningful.

While it’s essential to show your appreciation, you don’t want to go overboard with the gift.

Thus, consider the relationship you have with the person and what would be appropriate for that level of relationship.

Donate to Charity

Donating to a charity in honour of someone who saved your life is a wonderful way to express your gratitude and pay tribute to their kindness and heroism.

It indicates that you recognize and appreciate their selflessness, and it can also help to make a positive impact in the world.

When choosing a charity to donate to, consider the values and causes that the person who saved your life holds dear.

For example, if they are passionate about environmental conservation, you could donate to a nonprofit organization that focuses on protecting natural habitats or promoting sustainable practices.

If they have a personal connection to a specific disease or medical condition, you could donate to a medical research foundation that is working to find a cure or treatment.

Ensure that the charity you choose is reputable and transparent with how they use donations.

Look for organizations that have a proven track record of making a measurable impact in their area of focus and are accountable to their donors.

When you make your donation, include a message that explains why you are donating in honour of the person who saved your life.

They will appreciate knowing that their actions have made a lasting impact not only on you, but on others as well.

Volunteer Your Time

If the person who saved your life is involved in a particular charity or cause, you can volunteer your time to help them.

This move demonstrates that you appreciate them and are willing to support their cause.

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You can also decide to volunteer in their honour.

To do this, consider a cause or organization that is dear to the person who saved your life.

For instance, if they are passionate about animal welfare, you could volunteer at a local animal shelter or rescue organization.

If they are a supporter of a particular charity or cause, consider volunteering for that organization.

Also, commit to volunteering regularly.

Dedicate your time and energy to the cause or organization, and let them know that you are volunteering in honour of the person who saved your life.

You can also share your volunteer experience with others and encourage them to get involved too.

This can help raise awareness for the cause or organization and inspire others to volunteer their time.

Send Them Flowers

Sending flowers to someone who saved your life is a thoughtful and appropriate way to express your gratitude and appreciation.

Flowers can convey many different messages depending on their type and colour, so ensure to choose the right ones for the occasion.

If you’re unsure which flowers to choose, you could consider the person’s preferences or cultural background.

Otherwise, you could choose flowers that symbolize gratitude and appreciation, such as roses, carnations, or sunflowers.

Yellow roses, in particular, are often associated with gratitude and friendship.

When sending the flowers, include a note or card expressing your thanks and explaining how much their actions meant to you.

Including a note or card will make the gesture even more meaningful and personal.

Keep in Touch

Keeping in touch with the person who saved your life is a great way to show your gratitude.

Connect with the person on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

Creating this connection will help you keep them updated on your life while asking them how they are doing.

Also, schedule a regular phone or video calls to catch up and stay in touch.

If you are both okay with it, plan to meet in person to express your gratitude and catch up.

This will help strengthen your relationship and create a more personal connection.

Other ways to show gratitude the right way to someone who saved your life include offering to be a reference, writing a recommendation, attending their events, hosting a dinner, making a scrapbook, writing a song or poem for them (if you’re creative), cooking their favourite meal, offering to help them or paying it forward.


Expressing gratitude to someone who saved your life is a fundamental way to show appreciation and honour their actions.

There are many ways to show gratitude, including verbal expressions, written letters, gifts, donations, keeping in touch, volunteering, and more.

Choose a method that is personal and meaningful to both you and the person who saved your life.

By showing gratitude, we acknowledge the value of human life and the importance of helping one another.

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