HomeHOWHow To Hold Glove Box In Place

How To Hold Glove Box In Place

The following is a guest post about how to organize your glove box from regular contributor, Kalyn at Creative Savings.

How to Organize Your Glove Box at I

I’m not a huge fan of cleaning {I still clean, I just don’t like it!}, but Spring is the time of year when I dive into the nitty gritty of my car, vacuum, organize, and give it a general tidy up session.

Plus, having a clean car helps you avoid the mad dash of throwing everything into your trunk when you realize you have to give someone a ride…although, I’ve definitely done that a time or two!

Despite how often I try to keep mine clean, it seems as though cars were destined for clutter. The cup holders, side compartments, seat pockets, big trunks, and of course, that little glove box can be filled to the brim within days, simply because I’m too lazy to gather everything up that needs to be thrown away.

But tackling an entire vehicle can be really overwhelming, so if you’re short on time, choose just one of the above areas to focus on. My task this season? Organize the glove box.

How to Organize Your Glove Box at I

My glove box can quickly turn into a nightmare. I usually have it stuffed with restaurant and store coupons, manuals for cars I didn’t even own anymore, and let’s not even talk about expired insurance cards! It’s definitely not the most convenient place to find my registration were I to ever get pulled over…ahem.

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Organize Your Glove Box

1. Clean

Pull every single item out of the glove box and clean up the dust and crumbs that somehow found their way inside. If it’s vinyl or plastic, just a simple solution of dish soap and water will do. Mine had a sort of velvet interior, so I just used a lint brush to gather what had collected.

How to Organize Your Glove Box at I

2. Sort

Go through all the papers you pulled out and throw away anything you don’t need anymore.

  • Shred expired insurance cards, especially if they have personal information on them
  • Weed out car manuals you don’t need anymore.
  • Throw away expired coupons, and set the ones that are still good aside. If you’re looking for a better way to organize coupons, you may want to reference my post on The Quick Start Guide to Coupon Organization.
  • Get rid of anything else that doesn’t belong!

3. Organize

As you place items back into the glove box, work on making them a lot easier to access.

  • Place insurance cards and registration into plastic sleeves.
  • Bookmark pages in your manual that you refer to often so you don’t have to always search for them. I marked How to Set My Clock, and How to Reset the Tire Pressure Light, since those are instructions I usually need most!
  • Have dedicated sides for papers and other items.

How to Organize Your Glove Box at I

4. Add new items strategically

This is not an excuse for more clutter, but rather a way to give your glove box purpose.

For instance, I have been meaning to create a mini first aid kit for our car, and this task finally convinced me to do it. I found a small cosmetic bag that I wasn’t using, and put a few Band-Aids, ointment, gauze, tweezers, mini scissors, and emergency phone numbers in there.

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How to Organize Your Glove Box at I

I also like to store extra napkins from fast food restaurants to wipe up spills if needed, and placed our Food Passport {ideas for restaurants to eat in our area} in there as well.

This project only took about 15-20 minutes, and it’s so exciting to actually know {and can find!} all the important things I need in my car. From now on, anytime I’m tempted to stuff something else in my glove box, here are the questions I’m prepared to ask:

  1. Should this be thrown away?
  2. Do I really need to keep this in the car?
  3. What can I take out in order to fit this inside?

Whew. That should definitely help.

How to Organize Your Glove Box at I

Now that my glove box looks so clean, pretty, and organized, it might just inspire me to tackle the rest of the car. Notice, I said might. I wouldn’t want to get too carried away!

What do you keep in your glove box?

How to Organize Your Glove Box

Kalyn Brooke is a full-time writer and blogger at CreativeSavingsBlog.com, where she gives a fresh perspective on frugal living, and the kick-in-the-pants you need to create a budget from scratch. She lives in beautiful Southwest Florida with her news-photographer husband and the most adorable bunny you’ve ever seen. She loves making to-do lists, reading good books, eating chocolate peanut butter ice cream, and pursuing big dreams….all carefully planned out, of course.


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