HomeHOWHow Much Does It Cost To Make A Boxing Glove

How Much Does It Cost To Make A Boxing Glove

In this short article we will cover the price of boxing gloves. We will deal with the subject by breaking down the cost we pay for gloves into different aspects:

  • The materials used
  • Labor Cost
  • The qualities of the product
  • The brand

In fact, very often we are asked why our gloves have this cost, for some too high, for others definitely too low for a made-in-Italy product. For this reason, we have decided to put in writing why our products, even if they are produced in Italy, have these prices and to clarify even the lowest, medium and excellent quality products.

The materials used:

As described in the article “So which boxing gloves to choose?” the gloves can be of different external materials, with different padding, and with an extremely different processing method.As is to be expected, the more expensive external materials such as cowhide or high-quality microfibre are very expensive per m2. Obviously, this is reflected in greater durability and resistance to cuts and abrasions. On the contrary, gloves, and equipment in buffalo leather or PU have a much lower cost, less resistance and elasticity.

More difficult to judge the quality of the internal foams. In fact, being of many varieties and not being able to know exactly what is inside your gloves, you rely on the “brand”. However, let’s try to make a rundown of the foams in the article “Padding differences in boxing gloves”.However, it must be emphasized that very often in medium quality (or medium, medium-high price) gloves there are the same foams present in low quality ones. Therefore, you must be well informed before choosing which equipment to use for your workouts in the gym.

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Labor CostPerhaps the cost that most affects the price of the glove together with the “brand”. Gloves, headgear and all boxing equipment, produced in series or in an artisanal way, must be manufactured by workers (mass-produced) or by craftsmen.These, depending on the experience, care during work and the location in which it operates, significantly changes the impact on the cost of the product.Items for combat sports are usually produced in Asia, but there are (few) manufacturers also in Mexico, the United States and Europe (for further information see “where boxing gloves are produced”).Obviously, in countries where labor costs more (USA, UK, Japan and Italy), even in the face of greater care in the production process, greater precision in creating products and, it seems strange to say it for a job, love that goes into sewing.On the other hand, in countries where producers charge less (Pakistan and India), a quantity strategy is often applied, in the face of greater errors, gloves not always produced in a standardized manner and numerous defects and imperfections.

The actual qualities of the productAnother factor that affects the cost of boxing gloves is their quality. In fact, boxing equipment with the best qualities, such as protection of the hands, wrists, durability, study of materials, aesthetics, etc. is the result of research by the manufacturers, who studied the problems and needs of training create a perfect product for certain needs.Gloves, helmets and all other extremely generic boxing products not created for a specific purpose are usually low or medium cost equipment with a very low quality performance.To create a good product it takes a strong knowledge of what is needed in sparring, or doing the sack, or even the mistakes that can be made and that generate more or less serious injuries.In short, to create a good product you need to know the sport and the needs of the users.This care and research is also reflected in the price, as to choose the right materials, the right modeling, and shape a perfect product, you need time, study and, of course, money.

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The brand

The last factor, which often influences the latest purchasing decisions and which, at times, causes a low quality product to be evaluated incorrectly, or which causes equipment to be attributed with characteristics that are not present, is the brand.In fact, the brand usually, if well known, unwittingly leads to trusting the product more. A very famous glove has to be better than others, right?Very often not.

It is necessary to analyze the characteristics of the glove, wear it and trust more experienced people, who have usually already tried many brands and who will be able to indicate the right product for their training, even if less known or famous. The price may partly reflect the characteristics of the boxing glove, but the brand is not necessarily a sign of quality!

• In conclusionWe as producers of boxing equipment, from boxers to boxers, recommend evaluating the equipment for what it is, starting from the external materials, the clarity in describing the foams and internal materials, the method of construction of the glove, and other products. We also recommend trusting those who really use the equipment every day and who “work” with their fists, such as professionals and coaches.For this reason, Boxia Italia always uses the best materials, always describes in the best way how we build our products and we collaborate with some of the best athletes and coaches in Italy, Europe, and the world, to improve more and more and to test our products, guaranteeing the quality and durability necessary for all athletes who want an elite product.

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