HomeWHOWho Is Buck Sexton Engaged To

Who Is Buck Sexton Engaged To

CLAY: Buck Sexton is now an engaged man. Congratulations, Buck. I believe, based on the photo that I saw, you did it from… Is that your apartment building in New York City, that I have seen?

BUCK: Rooftop.

Carrie said yes pic.twitter.com/R44ufB40p4

— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) July 10, 2022

CLAY: Amazing view up there. What was it like to actually ask? You never proposed before.

BUCK: Nope.

CLAY: You are a 40-year-old man who has never been engaged, never married. What was the experience like, and how quickly has the wedding apparatus shifted into full speed? ‘Cause I’ll tell you, when I got engaged many years ago, the thing that most stunned me about it was how much knowledge women all carry in their head about weddings that I had never given a thought to, how quickly that process was underway soon after I got engaged.

BUCK: I’ll give you a couple things and then I promise we’ll talk about the news for everybody.

CLAY: People want to hear about this.

BUCK: Nah.

CLAY: Yes, they do.

BUCK: So, the one thing I will say is pretty funny. She had absolutely no idea. So, I had met with her dad ’cause I went to North Carolina.

CLAY: Already asked for the hand.

BUCK: I went down to Asheville where her family has a home.

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CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: And obviously Asheville was a memorable experience for many reasons, and I asked for her hand from her father.

CLAY: How do you do that, by the way? How did you end up isoed?

BUCK: I asked them to take me to see a piece of property that they were thinking about —

CLAY: Ahhh. Smart.

BUCK: You know? So, I asked for the hand, and then the plan was to just find a perfect sunset on the rooftop when nobody would be up there.

CLAY: Yep.

BUCK: I went up there. She had no idea. So, I went down…

CLAY: Saturday night? Saturday afternoon?

BUCK: Saturday night. Saturday night. Yeah. It was really nice. Actually, I saw two listeners who were visiting New York City from Chicago on their way to the restaurant. They’re like, “Hey, Buck!” I said, ‘I just got engaged!’ “We listen all the time.” It was great. We had some visitors from Chicago.

CLAY: I saw the picture go out on social media too. You texted Ali who also, by the way, we should mention, engaged like last week, too.

BUCK: I know. Love is in the air on the Clay and Buck show, man.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: Producer Ali is engaged a couple weeks ago; I’m engaged now. So, as for the wedding stuff, I will tell you, man, our basic approach to this — and then we have to start trashing Joe Biden. Our basic approach to this is we’re gonna try to throw a big, fun engagement party in New York City for everybody.

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CLAY: That’s awesome.

BUCK: You’ll be invited, the team. We just to want to throw a big party in New York, and then we’re gonna have an immediate family and best man, best… What do you call it? Not best woman. What do you call it? Maid of honor, whatever.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: But like just very small, at a church, and keep it small.

CLAY: Sooner rather than later? What’s the time frame?

BUCK: Try to get it done in the next six months.

CLAY: In the next six months. Because this is — my understanding — and I’m sure a lot of people out there listening know this — this is the busiest year for weddings on record, I believe. I actually was down when I was at Rosemary Beach one of the times, Buck, I was working out in the gym, and the guy next to me was a big fan, and he owned wedding venues all over the country — West Coast, primarily. And he was talking, working out there in the gym. I was beside him for 15 or 20 minutes on the machine, and he was talking about how busy all of it is. Every day of the week, basically, people are getting married now ’cause so many people couldn’t in 2020-2021 because of covid — and 2022 is supposedly the biggest wedding year ever.

BUCK: So, this is stressing me out a little bit now. (laughing)

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CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: You know, figure all this stuff out. But, yeah. We’re getting married; so there we go.

CLAY: All right. So, let’s go. Well, congratulations. The pictures are up on social media. They should be up on ClayAndBuck.com if they’re not already, if you want to go see Buck proposing to the lovely Carrie.

BUCK: Carrie’s a producer at Fox News, for anyone who’s wondering, so that’s how Carrie and I met. That’s the connection. That’s how we know each other, and that’s how it all got going.

CLAY: That’s awesome. Well, and her dad is a third-generation fighter pilot. So, you thought you were kind of a badass ’cause you’re a CIA analyst, formally.

BUCK: Good to be humble. Good to be humbled.

CLAY: Like I said, congrats. That’s awesome.


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