Why Is My Thermostat Blank

Blank Thermostat in Sacremento, CA

It is no longer a secret that “smart” programmable thermostats are one of the best inclusions in every home. These devices save you money, provide consistent temperatures, optimize your HVAC system, and save time spent when adjusting your home’s temperature. However, these benefits may become a mirage when the thermostat goes blank.

Read on to learn why your thermostat may have a blank screen and what to do to fix the problem. In many cases, it may just be a slight issue that you can solve without any technical prowess.

Common Troubleshooting Tips for a Blank Smart Thermostat

1. Double-check to Ensure the Thermostat Is On

This may seem too obvious to mention, but your thermostat may simply be turned off. Someone may have turned the device off without you knowing, especially if you have curious kids in your house. So, before you move on to other steps, check the settings button or switch to ensure that it is turned on.

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2. Inspect the Thermostat Batteries

Depending on your thermostat model, some of its functions may depend on batteries. Typically, thermostats use two AA batteries, and we specifically recommend using lithium batteries with a lifespan of five years. If you have had your thermostat for a while and it has stopped working, you may need to change the batteries.

It’s a good idea to test your thermostat batteries every year to ensure they still have a charge. Thermostats that are improperly powered can’t send signals to your heating and cooling system and will display a blank screen.

3. Take a Look at the Screen Display Brightness Level

There are some thermostats that allow you to adjust their brightness levels. A thermostat may seem blank when the brightness is simply set very low. There are other thermostats that auto-dim their screen during the day or when there is too much light shining on them. Be sure to check the display’s brightness levels once you find the thermostat blank to rule out this as the cause.

4. Check for a Circuit Breaker Trip

Most thermostats are connected to the main electrical system of a home. If a circuit breaker trips, it shuts off the power supply and causes the screen to go blank.

There are various causes for a circuit breaker to trip, including when a homeowner runs multiple appliances at the same time. A recent power surge in the house will also cause a tripped circuit breaker. If you find that this is the problem, the thermostat screen should go back on once you flip the affected breaker.

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5. Check for a Tripped High-Limit Switch

Most furnaces have a safety mechanism referred to as a high-limit switch or a temperature-limit switch. This mechanism is designed to shut the furnace down if the burner temperature exceeds a safe range. If your thermostat goes blank after running a furnace cycle, this may be the cause.

Typically, the furnace will kick back on once the temperature returns to a normal range. However, you may want to schedule an appointment with a heating technician to inspect the cause of the issue.

6. Do Some Screen Cleaning

During the offseason, your smart thermostat may have been sitting idle, leading to dust accumulation on its display screen. If you see a lot of dust build up, remove the thermostat cover. Wiping down the screen can help to restore function.

7. Look for Wiring Problems

Newly installed thermostats are likely to face wiring problems if installed by amateurs. This problem may prevent the thermostat from receiving power, leading to a blank thermostat screen. We recommend seeking the services of an HVAC expert to handle any wiring-related problems.

8. Make Sure the HVAC Access Door Isn’t Open

Your HVAC system has an access door that gives heating and air technicians access to internal parts when carrying out maintenance or essential repairs. For safety reasons, this door should be closed during operation.

In fact, many HVAC systems will not operate if the door is open. Many thermostats are also designed to shut off when the access door is open. So, definitely check on the HVAC access door, especially if you’ve ruled out other issues.

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9. Check for a Blown Fuse

A blown-out fuse is another common problem that makes thermostat screens blank. Many thermostats have fuses to protect the device in case of an electrical issue. To check for a blown fuse, open the front panel. Once you’re inside, look for a clear cylinder with metal ends and a metal filament running through the center.

A new fuse should fix your broken filament. If the fuse continues to blow after replacement, reach out to an HVAC technician to find the source of the problem.

10. Consider Replacing Your Thermostat

If your thermostat is still blank after troubleshooting, it may be time for a replacement. Most thermostats will last 10 years or more. However, you should expect to need a replacement eventually. Today, smart thermostats can be quite interesting.

Investing in a new smart thermostat can give you better control of your heating and cooling. This can equate to savings on your monthly energy bills. Finding the right thermostat for your home can certainly pay off in the long run.

Reach Out for Professional Help Today

At Gallagher’s Plumbing, Heating and Air, we can help you troubleshoot a blank thermostat and install a new device if needed. Our team offers a full range of HVAC services in Sacramento and the entire Northern Valley area. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment.

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